Star-source Legend

Chapter 472: Plain practice life (Part 1)

"You still don’t want to be too anxious to break into the trial tower. Get used to your sudden strength these days. It’s best to go to the test room to check your own data in all aspects. After you have a certain degree of confidence, try to break into the trial tower. Not later." Zhang Fan said immediately: "Let's go, I guess everyone is also very curious, tell them this good news, give them a good excitement."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Hong Lie smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, the two left the training room.

After going out, the sharp contrast of the intensity of the aura was reflected, and the two of them had to feel the importance of the training room for them.

"Afan, what were you doing just now? So mysterious."

Zhang Fan and Hong Lie had just gone downstairs. Liu Yun, who was sitting on the sofa, looked over at this moment and asked curiously.

"Hey, since you are so curious, let you feel it."

Hong Lie also came close to Liu Yun at this time, and immediately afterwards, a powerful breath also exploded directly.

"Let me go, you actually broke through to the middle of the Martial Soul Realm? How long has it been, just say, did Afan give you some panacea?"

In an instant, Liu Yun's eyes widened directly.

"Haha, this is a secret, I won't tell you."

Hong Lie laughed, pretending to be mysterious.

"Nothing, I just saw that he was not far from the breakthrough, so I gave him the dragon blood from the purple golden dragon python that the teachers killed before."

Zhang Fan didn't hide it either, and said directly.

"My God, there is such an effect? ​​What about dragon blood? Is there any more, I want to drink a big pot."

Liu Yun also said exaggeratedly at this time.

"Do you think that dragon blood is Chinese cabbage? The huge figure of purple gold dragon python is more than 40 meters, and only a few drops, a large pot, can be found for you at any time, it is just ordinary blood. Do you want it?"

Glancing at Liu Yun, Zhang Fan also said directly, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Just kidding, I'm just kidding, hehe."

Liu Yun also waved his hand hurriedly, somewhat scornful.

"Okay, everyone should go to rest early. Hong Lie is able to directly break through because he has built a solid foundation. Your current foundation is still much worse. When the time comes, when your foundation is about the same, I will give you one The bottle is comparable to the genetic medicine of dragon blood."

Zhang Fan also said to everyone at this moment.

"Haha, really? I'm going to practice now. This kind of medicine requires a minimum of 1,000 points, but it's not a big deal for you, Afan."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liu Yun's eyes lit up, and then he rushed directly to the training room on the second floor, leaving everyone speechless.

Afterwards, everyone returned to their room.

And Zhang Fan, after returning to the room, went to sleep immediately.

Before, when guarding Hong Lie, Zhang Fan was also affected to a certain extent, especially the mental coercion that he didn't pay attention to at the beginning, but Zhang Fan has not recovered until now, and the whole person's spirit is very exhausted. .

After Zhang Fan woke up, it was already midnight, and Zhang Fan slept for thirteen or four hours.

"Huh, the feeling of sleeping is different."

Zhang Fan also looked at the ceiling at this time and muttered to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan got up, then turned on the computer and logged in to the Gulan private network.

Suddenly, a line of information was revealed.

Name: Zhang Fan

Sex: Male

Identity: Student of Gulan College

Combat power: top

Trial tower level: 5.3

Student Number: 8701

Points: 36475

"With more than 30,000 points, I should be able to buy a lot of genetic medicine. Except for the necessary points, buying 30 medicines should not be a big problem. I believe it should be enough to make me break through to the later stage of the Martial Spirit Realm. ."

Thinking of the medicine he wanted to buy, and looking at his own points, Zhang Fan made the decision in the first place.

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