Star-source Legend

Chapter 475: Vacation (on)

In Gulan Academy, the four seasons are like spring, and there is no change.

However, in such a fulfilling practice, Zhang Fan and the others have arranged every day, not for anything else, just because Zhang Fan had reminded everyone of the super training camp before.

Suddenly, without Zhang Fan's supervision, even Gu Qian and Chu Ying, who had always been lazy, were doing crazy training and improvement every day.

Others are also like chicken blood, wishing to spend their daily sleep time for cultivation.

Unconsciously, two years of plain and fulfilling student life is over.

Now, Zhang Fan and the others have been in the academy for three years, and they have truly become the old fritters in the eyes of new students.

In the past two years, Zhang Fan and the others’ promotion has caused shocks in the academy again and again. Now, each of them has been promoted to the peak of the mid-term Martial Spirit Realm, and Zhang Fan’s strength at this time has already reached Wu The late peak state of the soul world.

On the strength ranking list, Zhang Fan also came to the 23rd position. As for the real strength, because there is no one-on-one battle, many people are not clear.

However, the most shocking thing is that Zhang Fan's trial tower level has reached 6.4.

This means that Zhang Fan has passed the level 1 difficulty test of the sixth floor of the trial tower.

In three years, I have been promoted to this level, regardless of whether it is a newcomer or a past veteran, in addition to envy and shock, each one is more admired.

And Zhang Fan has truly become the most admired object among many new students.

Especially after Zhang Fan made his training plan public, the overall strength of Gulan College’s new students has increased a lot faster than before. Even many veteran students have to admit that they will join according to Zhang Fan’s schedule. Something that suits you will at least double the effect.

Because of this, Furukawa directly rewarded Zhang Fan for free to use any place in the academy to practice training until he graduated, because he had made too much contribution to the academy.

For this, others are not jealous.

As for Hong Lie and others, under Zhang Fan's supervision, the strength of each one has also increased rapidly.

Hong Lie's trial tower level has reached 5.7. When he passed the trial tower, Hong Lie caused no less shock than Zhang Fan.

Liu Yun's trial tower levels are 4.7, Murong Tian 4.7, Liu Hui 4.6, Gu Qian 4.6, Peng Jun and Chu Ying's trial tower levels are 4.4 and 4.2 respectively.

Their achievements have completely caught up with the veteran students who came to Gulan Academy for more than five or six years, and truly set a new record.

Everyone, because of this, was awarded an extra 5000 points.

Of course, each of them has already reached 20,000 to 30,000 points. After all, with the improvement of strength, the efficiency of hunting monsters has naturally improved a lot, and the points earned are also increasing.

As for Zhang Fan, in fact, his points are now similar to those of others, because every time he gets points, Zhang Fan is the first to buy genetic medicines that are helpful to his own strength, and even buy a large number of precious elixir, each plant Both are more than 500 years old.

This is also preparing for the second level of "Xuantian Devouring Spirits", eating spirits. After all, as his strength gets higher and higher, if he wants to improve quickly, the things that need to be swallowed will naturally become more advanced.

What excites Zhang Fan most is that now the three-year period has expired and he is ready to take a vacation. Thinking of his relatives and friends, Zhang Fan misses it very much.

In order to go home, Zhang Fan also bought a lot of gifts in advance, as well as genetic potions and corresponding equipment weapons used to enhance his strength.

These are all prepared for Hu Zhi and the members of the Wolf Warriors team, and his parents have medicines prepared by the medicine mother-in-law herself. After taking them, it can enhance the vitality of human cells and increase the life span.

His parents are ordinary people. If he could live longer, Zhang Fan would naturally be a hundred willing.

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