Star-source Legend

Chapter 483: The latest situation of the Wolf Warriors team (part 2)

"Let's go, Brother Li, go in and talk about it. I haven't seen everyone for three years. I really miss it very much."

Zhang Fan also said with a smile.

"Hmm, well, come in quickly."

Li Xiaofeng also hurriedly nodded and said.

"Haha, Afan, your kid is finally back. There is no news for three years, so we all really miss it."

As soon as Zhang Fan entered, Da Zhuang, who was sitting on the sofa, laughed and got up directly to Zhang Fan's front, very happy.

"Well, yes, I have become a young man, look, Afan now has a beard, haha."

At this time, Gao Hu also said with a smile.

"Brother Big Zhuang, Brother Ermao, Brother Gao, Sister Ruotong, Brother Slim, have not seen you for a long time. For the past three years, I have missed you very much. No, I will contact Brother Li as soon as I get back."

Looking at the people in front of him, Zhang Fan didn't have the strangeness of not seeing each other for a long time, but felt more cordial. These are very important people in his life.

Zhang Fan also walked over at this moment, giving everyone a big hug.

"Hurry up, Afan, tell us how you spent the past three years. I know that Gulan Academy is very strict. There, I even have to fight with monsters every day. new challenge."

Liu Ruotong was also holding Zhang Fan's hand at this time, looking curious.

With a smile, Zhang Fan told everyone about his situation in Gulan Academy. Of course, there are some secrets that cannot be revealed.

"Huh, it really deserves to be an existence comparable to the Holy Land. Any student who comes out is enough to crush us, all of them are geniuses."

After Zhang Fan finished speaking, everyone was surprised.

According to Zhang Fan, there are many students who have entered the Martial Spirit Realm, and many of them are at the peak of the Martial Spirit Realm, especially their combat power, which is very terrifying, even if some of them are strong in the Martial Spirit Realm. Those who are not opponents.

"Come on, Xiaolong, call Uncle."

Just when it was an occasion, a very cute little boy came over and Li Xiaofeng directly picked him up and pointed to Zhang Fan and said.

"Hello uncle, my name is Xiaolong."

Hearing what Li Xiaofeng said, the little boy looked at Zhang Fan suddenly and shouted, and he didn't recognize him at all.

"Haha, this is Brother Li's child, really cute, come on, uncle hug."

Looking at the little boy in front of him, Zhang Fan also looked very happy, opened his hand directly and hugged the little dragon in his arms.

"Come on, Xiaolong, this is a gift from Uncle. See if you like it or not. It's delicious."

At this moment, when Zhang Fan moved his hand, a blue bottle of genetic medicine appeared in his hand.

"Like, I want to drink, I want to drink."

Looking at the gene potion in Zhang Fan's hand, a bright light flashed through Xiaolong's big eyes, and he reached out to grab it.

"My God, Afan, this gift of yours is too shocking to us. Isn't this a nourishment medicine? It is said that after drinking it, it can improve the body and increase the physical fitness. Many children of large families have drunk this since childhood. At least it is more than 5 million earth coins."

Seeing the medicine Zhang Fan took out, Da Zhuang also exclaimed at the moment.

"Hehe, I have heard about Xiaolong's situation. At this point, Brother Li, I have to talk about you. For such a serious matter at the beginning, you actually kept it from all of us. Fortunately, Xiaolong has nothing to do.

Even if the congenital symptoms are successfully treated, there will still be some side effects, which also makes Xiaolong's physical fitness incomparable with other children.

Therefore, to improve this, nutritional medicine is essential. He is now the treasure of our team, and there must be no problems. "

Zhang Fan also said with a smile at this time.

Just now, he immediately felt some of Xiaolong's situation through his mental thoughts. The overall feeling was weakness, and the nutritional medicine was a very good, gentle and rapid way to increase physical fitness.

Basically, as long as you take three or four bottles, you can directly restore Xiaolong to normal, even more than many children of the same age.

If it can be combined with other medicines for a long time, Xiaolong's future achievements can at least surpass Li Xiaofeng.

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