Star-source Legend

Chapter 495: Qianlong Military Academy (Part 2)

They researched and invented all the most advanced military equipment. It is with these equipment that even an ordinary person can sometimes fight against powerful monsters.

There are even some powerful mechas that, after wearing them, can even reach the confinement state. This is what Zhang Fan admires most.

"It's noon at this time. The students should be in the dining room. Let me take you to the reception room of the military academy. I have sent a message just now to tell Hu Zhi to go to the reception room. Go early."

Hong Feng said immediately at this time, and then led Zhang Fan to the reception room of Qianlong Military Academy.

"That is Hongfeng, the lord of Star City, right?"

"Yeah, speaking of it, except for the first time I met when I was enrolled in school, I saw it for the second time today. What makes me most curious is who is the young man next to him?"

"I don't know, but being able to follow Hong Feng to our military academy is obviously extraordinary."

Along the way, Zhang Fan also saw many Qianlong cadets passing by in camouflage uniforms and looked at him curiously.

Of course, no students came up to say hello, they could only whisper to each other in low voices. There was no way. Hong Feng had always felt very serious. These students were also nervous and fearful.

After a while, under the leadership of Hong Feng, Zhang Fan came to a three-story building. On the right side of the gate, there was a vertical rectangular sign hanging clearly saying "Qianlong Military Academy Reception" Seven characters.

Entering the first floor of the reception area, under the leadership of the staff, Hong Feng also brought Zhang Fan to a reception room.

The size of the reception room is about 70 or 80 square meters. Although the layout is relatively simple, it is very neat.

"Sit down, Afan, this is the tradition here. Unlike other places, in the military academy, you don't care much about the external things. It's good to be able to basically meet the requirements of life.

Compared with the military districts stationed in the wilderness, the environment here is already very good. "

At this time, Hong Feng and Zhang Fan also spoke, and then sat on the sofa.

Hearing what Hong Feng said, Zhang Fan also nodded.


After a while, the door bell in the reception room also rang, and Zhang Fan's expression brightened, he immediately got up, rushed over quickly, and couldn't wait to open the door.

Suddenly, a familiar and strong figure appeared in front of Zhang Fan, it was Hu Zhi. Compared to three years ago, Hu Zhi is now much taller, with a height of about 1.9 meters, a military green camouflage uniform, and a special military temperament.

On the face, compared to three years ago, he has become much more mature and determined.

"Azhi, long time no see."

For a moment, Zhang Fan's eyes were slightly red, and he looked very excited, and his tone even trembled.

"Yeah, Afan, knowing that you have come to the military academy, I rushed over without stopping. For three years, you fellow didn't come to see me, thinking you forgot my brother."

Hu Zhi was also extremely excited at the moment.

In an instant, the two people embraced vigorously.

"Hehe, you two little guys haven't seen each other for so long, there must be a lot of things to talk about, A Fan, you and Hu Zhi slowly reminisce, and I will meet some old friends."

At this time, Hong Feng's voice came over.

"Huh? City Lord?"

At this time, Hu Zhi also saw Hong Feng and looked very surprised. He immediately saluted Hong Feng directly and respectfully.

"Hehe, you don't need to be restrained here, then you talk slowly and see you later."

Nodded, Hong Feng also smiled, then turned and left the reception room.

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