Star-source Legend

Chapter 618: Powerful Hades (Part 2)

The reason why he is still cultivating and attracting each genius into the underworld is to prepare for the future.

When the underworld can enter the cosmic starry sky, all it needs is the most powerful force, and a super genius like Zhang Fan will be able to grow into a powerful person who cannot be ignored in a short time, especially at the beginning. The first palace lord has watched Zhang Fan’s video of the battle exchange at Qianlong Military Academy and other information he has learned.

I directly said that in less than ten years, Zhang Fan would have power beyond the Conferred King Realm.

In less than twenty years, Zhang Fan might even become the real first person on earth. Naturally, such a genius must be in his own hands.

Moreover, the students of Gulan Academy need to choose to graduate after their own strength reaches the realm of Wuhun. No matter where they go, Gulan Academy will not interfere.

Naturally, Zhang Fan is the easiest to be wooed. In recent years, many people who graduated from Gulan Academy have also joined the Hades more or less, some actively choose, and others are talented and directly controlled.

In short, in terms of the number of geniuses, the underworld is the most.

Especially the strength of many geniuses is not inferior to Zhang Fan.

"Well, I also very much agree with your ideas, so let's wait and see for the time being, guardian, you secretly remember to convey the news to the people on Huaxia, and let them find time to contact Zhang Fan if they have the opportunity.

As long as Zhang Fan is willing to join the Hades, we will directly give him the status of Hades. "

At this time, the second palace lord Edward also said aloud.

Hearing what Edward said, the hearts of many protectors were also shocked at this moment.

The identity of "Mingzi" can be said to be second only to the first and second palace lord in the underworld, and he is also the heir to the bright side.

And the first palace lord was the previous "Hunderchild" of the Underworld. Until now, the underworld has not really selected the "Underworld" after the first Palace lord.

Now, as long as Zhang Fan joins, he is directly given this status. One can imagine how important Zhang Fan is in the eyes of the first palace lord.

Of course, there is still a more powerful force hidden in the Hades, this is only the first and second palace masters can be qualified to understand.

That is, many people don't know where some powerful people in the former first and second palace lord relics have gone.

It has been nearly two hundred years since the establishment of the Hades, and with the power of the powerful king, it is still possible to live for several hundred years.

These ancient existences are the real power of the underworld, and only the two palace masters of the underworld can understand.

Just like every holy land, there is no existence beyond the Conferred King Realm on the bright side, but in fact, every holy land has its own background.

Including some powerful families, there are a lot of powerful kings.

These talents will only appear when their respective families or forces are alive and dead. Most of the time, they are in retreat for further breakthroughs.

Only by continuous cultivation and improvement can one live longer.

"Well, if there is nothing to do, you can do your own duties. When there are tasks, I will be anxious for you."

At this time, Edward also looked at the twelve guardians and spoke.

Immediately afterwards, the black light all over his body flashed and disappeared from the main position in an instant.

"Send to the second palace lord."

At this time, many guardians also knelt on one knee directly on the ground and said in unison.

Immediately afterwards, everyone left the black hall directly.

Soon, everything fell into silence again.

Everyone did not expect that under the ground in such a desolate area, there would be a very powerful stronghold in the underworld.

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