Star-source Legend

Chapter 624: Jianchi (Part 1)

As for the others, hearing Chu Tianya's introduction at the moment, they were also very shocked.

For a long time, they felt that A9-level weapons were the most powerful weapons on the planet. Unexpectedly, there were "spiritual weapons". Today Chu Tianya's demonstration also made them understand the power of "spiritual weapons". .

Of course, this is the same as the heritage treasures in their respective sacred places, they all have great power, many may be passed down, and some are excavated from ancient ruins.

Moreover, there are some powerful super-technologies, super spaceships that far exceed modern technology (it is incomplete), including mechas that can only be mastered by some powerful forces, which are enough for ordinary people to have the power of the king, even higher. The horror of existence.

The earth has long been a planet that has developed into a fusion of science and technology and ancient weapons, and neither of them is indispensable.

Perhaps, A9-level weapons have other weapons and equipment. These are not the limit. There are higher levels on them, but they themselves don't know it.

At this time, the loneliest person was actually Athos. One person walked at the end, including the so-called "Alliance" Guardian Alliance people who were far away from him.

There is no way, who allowed him to kill so many people in other holy places alone, and the disciples of the Guardian League also got hints secretly, so now, their attitude towards the Temple of Light is much more indifferent.

Assos didn't care about this. In his eyes, there was no difference between one person and a hundred people. As long as his strength continued to grow, the so-called threat would no longer exist.

It is estimated that Zhang Fan and Saoya pose a certain threat to him. The others are not worth mentioning.

However, he didn't know why, he felt a powerful oppressive force from Hong Lie's body. This feeling seemed to have been familiar, as if he had felt it in the heritage of their Temple of Light, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

You know, what he got was the inheritance of Bright Angel, one of the strongest inheritances of the Temple of Light, and there were only so few that could make him feel threatened.

Thinking of this, Athos was taken aback for a moment, watching Hong Lie's eyes flashed with light.

And Hong Lie, at this moment, as if he felt Athos’s gaze, he turned around. After seeing Athos, his expression also leaked a simple smile, but Athos was from this smile. , Felt a killing intent, this killing intent, without reservation, without concealment.

Other people around naturally noticed this situation at this time, but they were not surprised. Hong Lie was like this, so why not?

Had it not been for the rules, it is estimated that Athos would have been directly overwhelmed by everyone now.

"Let's go, our sword pavilion is at the top. Of course, that is just for the world to see. The real sword pavilion is in a special relic space just like yours."

Chu Tianya also spoke at this time.

Afterwards, everyone went to the sword pavilion under the leadership of Chu Tianya.

Along the way, everyone did not deliberately speed up, but like normal tourists, they climbed up a little bit at the same time, and they would take time to look around in the middle. After all, they usually rarely see this kind of comparison. Fairy scenes.

In the surrounding high altitudes, from time to time, some weaker flying monsters quickly pass by in groups.

Of course, just in this area, there are still a large number of powerful monsters outside the control of the sword pavilion, and even king-level monsters.

Among them, there are many who are comparable to the late Conferred King Realm, and even the existence of the peak power of the Conferred King Realm, which is very scary.

If it weren't for the presence of the sword pavilion, the power of Zhongcheng's gathering place would definitely not be able to withstand the attack of so many powerful monsters.

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