Star-source Legend

Chapter 639: The Entry of Swordsmanship (Part 1)

"Yes, Zhang Fan's current strength has actually already reached the peak of the Wupu realm. It's just that because he is about to participate in this exchange competition, he has always suppressed his realm with all his strength.

His foundation is already very solid. After all, the gravity room of Gulan Academy has a very obvious effect on stimulating its own potential.

Of course, our sword pavilion's will test array also has a good effect. "

Hearing what Old Qin said, Jian Yun also said at this time.

"Of course, after Zhang Fan reaches the realm of martial soul, no matter what choice he makes, we don't have to limit it. As long as he has the position of the sword pavilion in his heart, it is enough.

What we have to do now is to strive for Zhang Fan to have a sense of belonging to the sword pavilion, so that he can adapt as soon as possible. After all, he has now become the young master. Strictly speaking, the entire sword pavilion belongs to him and must obey him. Command, I think, he will not go to other forces.

Moreover, according to what you said, Zhang Fan himself would even be in danger at any time, especially this time we gave him the status of Young Master. While making other holy places jealous, we will also find a way to assassinate Zhang Fan.

Especially the Hades, it is estimated that Zhang Fan has been noticed very early, and after Zhang Fan's identity as the Young Master of the Jiange is revealed, what means will he use to keep the Hades.

Therefore, remember to order to send the two elders of our sword pavilion in the late king stage to station directly in the place where Zhang Fan's parents live, secretly protect Zhang Fan's parents and relatives, and directly remove hidden dangers to the greatest extent.

After Zhang Fan has really grown up, the hostile forces should give up. "

Old Qin also looked at Jian Yun and said directly.

"Okay, brother, I'll make arrangements when I'm finished."

Jian Yun nodded and said.

"By the way, this time why did I see that there are so few disciples from all sides who came to our sword pavilion to participate in the ranking battle, shouldn't there be sixty people? Could it be that they were all damaged in that ruin space?

At this time, Old Qin also immediately looked at Jian Yun and asked.

"Yes, brother. This time, of the 60 disciples from all walks of life who entered inside, only 27 successfully walked out.

Half of the disciples who died were killed by the **** son Athos of the Temple of Light, while the rest were killed by monsters.

Of course, this time, the loss of the Temple of Light was the heaviest. Only Athos came back alive, and all the other disciples died in it.

Among them, there is the son of Ares, the Lord of the Wars Temple under the Temple of Light, and the only apprentice of Diana, the Lord of the Hunting Temple.

On our side, the super genius of Warmen, the son of the Great Elder of Warmen, also died inside, with no bones left.

It can be said that this competition was very cruel. It is also the biggest loss in recent years.

To be honest, I personally don't understand until now, what is the purpose of such a competition. After all, the dead disciples are our most talented disciples, and the cultivation of any one is very difficult.

This time, the other holy sites will also plan to discuss and cancel this written test directly, otherwise, it will be meaningless to consume, and command to let the Underworld and the Underground Alliance watch a joke.

Compared with the initial competition, with the hostility of the Temple of Light to our China, it has already evolved into a fight between the disciples of the East and the West. "

Hearing what his senior brother asked, Jian Yun also said directly at the moment, and there was a trace of pain on his face. After all, this time, Jiange also had five of the best disciples who died in it.

"Yeah, what you said makes sense. I will discuss this matter with Nalandi in secret and cancel it directly.

What I didn’t expect was that the Temple of Brightness had such hatred for the sacred land on our side of China, and immediately began to kill without hesitation. It seems that Temple of Brightness has felt that its strength is strong enough for these years, thinking about being the sixth major The leader of the holy land, even thinking of becoming the true master of the earth.

This is even more disgusting than Hades. "

Old Qin also nodded at this time, his expression also a little angry.

"This is also because Rowell of the Temple of Light achieved a breakthrough, so the Temple of Light appeared unscrupulous, and, on the Guardian Alliance, Bruce also made a breakthrough.

Counting this way, there are two existences in the Temple of Light that exceed the Conferred King Realm, and the combined combat power of the Bright Twin Stars also exceeds the Conferred King Realm, so there are three existences that exceed the Conferred King Realm.

As for the Guardian Alliance, plus the original one, there are now two existences beyond the Sealed King Realm.

The two sides are united together, and on the face of it, they already have more strength than ours. "

At this time, Jian Yun also spoke directly to his senior brother, his expression also a bit bitter.

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