Star-source Legend

Chapter 651: Liu Hui vs. Soya (Part 1)

At this moment, Peng Jun actually came to Sivir's side and pulled him up.

"Sorry, my strength is a little bit stronger. I just confiscated my hand for a while. This is a bottle of healing potion. After you take it, the injury will soon recover."

Looking at Sivir, Peng Jun scratched his head in embarrassment at this time, then took out a bottle of genetic medicine from his pocket and gave it to Sivir.

Zhang Fan and the others were a little stunned by watching.

They had given Furukawa their niches a long time ago, but he didn't expect that Peng Jun was still carrying genetic medicine.

Of course, this is not cheating.

"This kid doesn't look that stupid, I went, there is still this kind of operation, it is really good at comparing it to picking up girls."

At this moment, Liu Hui couldn't help but speak.

"You keep your voice down, don't speak everyone treats you as dumb."

Upon hearing what Liu Hui said, Chu Ying turned around and stared at Liu Hui, then said crisply.

"Uh, am I not telling the truth?"

Seeing Chu Ying staring at herself, Liu Hui also muttered to herself.

"Thank you."

Seeing that Peng Jun actually took out a bottle of genetic medicine to himself, Sivir was also taken aback, then his face blushed, and he put away Peng Jun's genetic medicine, but did not choose to refuse.

After that, he turned around and returned to the Guardian League, where he was.

And Peng Jun also leaked a smirk at this time, and then he flashed back and returned to his position.

He didn't think much just now, but he felt that his shot was a little heavy. After all, the other party was a girl. He didn't expect Sivir to accept his genetic medicine.

This makes Peng Jun also look a little excited at the moment.

"You kid, it's okay. You should be courteous in front of so many of us. The most important thing is that Sivir accepted your healing potion. It seems there is a chance."

As soon as Peng Jun sat down, Liu Hui gave Peng Jun a smirk.

"Hey, I didn't think too much, after all, I didn't do anything lightly just now."

Peng Jun also leaked a simple smile at this moment.

"Okay, you are up next, remember, don't give up directly, let others see Saoya's ability anyway."

At this moment, Zhang Fan also turned his head and said softly to Liu Hui.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liu Hui also looked straight. Originally, he did intend to surrender directly. After all, neither he nor Liu Yun were Saoya's opponents.

Of course, they didn't do their best at that time, it was a temptation.

And now, since Zhang Fan intends to look at Saoya's abilities, he can no longer have reservations, of course, there is still no chance of winning.

"Next, the disciples of No. 3 and No. 4 will compete."

At this time, Shangguan Yun also spoke.

"I'm going, Afan, if I get hurt, you have to make up for me."

After talking to Zhang Fan, Liu Hui went directly to the ring.

At the same time, Saoya also jumped slightly at the moment, and stood right next to Liu Hui, and then blinked at Liu Hui with big eyes, which was regarded as a greeting.

No way, the alliance between the Guardian Alliance and Gulan Academy cannot be known to the Temple of Light for the time being, so although the two recognizes they know each other, they cannot be too obvious.

"Okay, the test begins."

At this time, Shangguan Yun also spoke.


In an instant, Liu Hui's body burst out with a powerful aura, and the spiritual power in his body was also frantically converging towards the sword in his hand.

At the same time, directly came to Saoya's front very quickly.

The strength of the martial artist of the spiritual teacher is relatively weak, so if the martial artist can get close, it will increase a lot of chances of winning.

At close range, the throwing knife of the spiritual master cannot threaten the warrior at all.

Of course, except for the mysterious skills.

call out! call out! call out!

Seeing Liu Hui rushing directly towards him, Saoya smiled slightly, and then, suddenly slammed the ground on the platform, and then the whole person directly rose into the sky. At the same time, a flying knife was directly The streamers that turned into streams shot towards Liu Hui.

At the same time, his mind power weapon was directly suspended under his feet at this moment, dragging it directly into the air.

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