Star-source Legend

Chapter 656: Liu Yun was seriously injured (middle)

For a time, the guns and swords met, sparks were like rain, and the continuous attacks continued to hit, and the powerful and fierce aura spread in all directions. The dazzling gun and sword lights gathered together, and there were bursts of harsh thunder.

However, not knowing why, Zhang Fan in the audience frowned when he saw this scene.

Because he could see that Liu Yun did not have any reservations at this moment, but Athos's expression did not change at all, and he was always counterattacking passively.


Another collision came out. At this moment, Liu Yun also grasped the force of the counter-shock erupted between the two collisions and retreated to the rear.

As for Athos, he was holding the golden sword and staying in place at this time, without any movement.

However, at this time, Athos’s body burst into a powerful breath for an instant, and then, a surging spiritual power covered it like a tide, and in an instant, it completely covered his entire body. Shrouded.


But at this time, Liu Yun's figure directly shot out again, and the spear in his hand had risen to the limit at this moment. In the blink of an eye, he came to the front of Athos, and then, pierced out with all his strength.

However, the light mask that Athos condensed all over his body seemed to have elasticity. With the sharp point of the spear in Liu Yun's hand, it was impossible to pierce it.


But at this moment, Liu Yun's expression saw a mocking smile leaking from Athos's face.

Immediately afterwards, his face became cold and he uttered a word directly in his mouth.


In an instant, the golden mask around his body shattered in an instant, and terrifying power swept all over.

And Liu Yun, because he was close, was directly bounced out under this huge force.



At this time, the golden long sword in Athos's hand directly slashed more than a dozen swords against Liu Yun in the air.

Suddenly, a golden sword light measuring more than ten meters in size, like a sea wave of fury, shot towards Liu Yun.

The fierce aura was released from this huge sword light, and the surrounding space seemed to be unbearable and would be torn apart directly, and the ring above the ground was also under this fierce aura at this moment. There are cracks, one can imagine the horror of Athos's attack.

In the blink of an eye, this sword light came to Liu Yun's approach, leaving Liu Yun with little reaction time at all.

Especially when he couldn't borrow force in midair, when he saw this sword light, Liu Yun could only turn the spear in his hand quickly and with all his strength, trying to form a defense with the shadow of the spear.

In addition, the spiritual power in the body was released directly and unreservedly at this moment, forming a spiritual power mask around the body.


In an instant, the golden sword light from Athos directly covered Liu Yun.

The terrifying power exploded, directly acting on Liu Yun's body.

Then I saw that the long spear in Liu Yun's hand was directly shaken out, and Liu Yun was at the center of this power at the moment. In the blink of an eye, the spiritual mask around his body was directly broken open. Come.


Unable to help a mouthful of blood sprayed out directly, Liu Yun fell to the ground, and finally fell heavily on the ring.

At this moment, Liu Yun's face was pale, and the whole person seemed to be seriously ill. At the same time, there was a huge scratch on his combat uniform at this moment, which was obviously unable to resist the powerful sword light of Athos.

You know, this is a combat uniform that reaches the A8 level. It was directly torn apart, which surprised many people.


Immediately afterwards, the long sword in Athosti's hand came to Liu Yun's front in an instant, and then he kicked it directly at Liu Yun's body without mercy.


As a mouthful of blood spewed out again, immediately, Liu Yun's whole body was thrown away directly under Athos's foot, and he immediately fell into a coma.

And then, Athos didn't stop, the golden big sword in his hand was directly at Liu Yun in the midair again at this moment.

Suddenly, a terrifying sword light shot out from his golden sword, and chased Liu Yun who was flying out.

All this happened between the electric light and flint.

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