Star-source Legend

Chapter 659: Hong Lie vs. Liu Hong (middle)

And when Hong Lie's voice fell, Liu Hong didn't dare to be careless, and the spiritual power in his body completely rushed out of his body.

Immediately afterwards, he directly blasted Hong Lie with a punch that seemed to be gentle.

Suddenly, the terrifying spiritual power directly converged in front of you, and accompanied by a series of three golden light marks, a huge round golden wheel like the sun emerged directly, rotating towards the powerful impact. Away.

"Liu Hong's "Sun Sutra" seems to have achieved impressive results. This trick "Sun Golden Wheel" can have three gold seals. The power of this blow has reached at least two million. Jin, you deserve to be Old Liu's son, this talent is really amazing."

At this moment, Furukawa also spoke to Liu Yun on the left, his expression full of admiration.

Hearing Furukawa's praise, Liu Yun was naturally very happy in his heart, but his face was extremely humble: "It's pretty good, it's still a bit worse than mine."

Hearing this, Furukawa and the other people around were shaking with unstoppable faces, very speechless.

This guy is not afraid that the wind will flash his tongue. They grew up together, how can they know how talented they were?

If it is true, it is a lot worse than Liu Hong.


In an instant, Liu Hong's and Hong Lie's attacks collided together. Suddenly, a terrifying force exploded directly, and a circle of power light waves directly spread to the surroundings.

At this moment, the ground of the entire ring was shaking.

As for many people under the ring, at this moment, a layer of spiritual power was also condensed to resist this wave of fluctuations.

Even so, many disciples with relatively low strength felt a little strenuous under the aftermath of this strength.

In the end, the fist light and the golden wheel both canceled each other out and disappeared. The blow by both sides was considered a tie.

"Haha, refreshing, come again."

Seeing it turned out to be a tie, Hong Lie also laughed at this moment, with a very surprised expression in his expression, and then said.

Immediately afterwards, Hong Lie's whole body burst out a powerful breath again, and then, the spiritual power in his body was completely covered by the glove in his hand, even the entire right hand. His arms are completely covered. Moreover, behind Hong Lie, a huge phantom also appeared.


In an instant, Hong Lie shouted directly, and in an instant, his right fist slammed directly at Liu Hong.

Suddenly, a fist of spiritual power that seemed to have been enlarged many times appeared directly in front of Hong Lie, and from this fist, there was a special aura that made everyone look unhappy. shock. This force, vast and majestic, the moment it appeared, the surrounding space was trembling. In front of this breath, many people seemed to feel like a **** standing in front of them. Can't afford any idea of ​​resistance.

"Hong Lie is actually already able to use the power of the Titan bloodline? How is this possible?"

Below the ring, Kassadin stood up directly, looking at Hong Lie above the ring with an incredible expression.

As for Liu Yuan and the others, they all seemed very surprised at this moment. After all, even though the horrible breath just now disappeared in a flash, it could make them all feel a little suffocated, which can be imagined as terrifying.

At this time, Liu Hong's breath also exploded to the extreme. At this moment, the whole person was like a God of War who had stepped out of a raging fire. He stepped out one step, and then his fists burst out suddenly.

Suddenly, a round of white light, like a huge sun, directly carried the hot breath and bombarded towards the huge spiritual power that Hong Lie condensed.

He also felt the breath of Hong Lie just now, and naturally he did not dare to be careless.

At this moment, what he displayed was the Shocking Book of the Sun Palace, one of the tricks in the Sun Sutra, named "The First Rising Sun".

This move was very powerful, and it was also a powerful attack that Liu Hong had never mastered. The reason why he was able to bombard successfully was also because he was stimulated by the terrifying aura before.

It can be said that after issuing this trick, the spiritual power in Liu Hong's body has already been completely exhausted, and success or failure depends on this.

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