Star-source Legend

Chapter 662: Hong Lie vs. Chu Tianya (middle)

And Saoya, although his own martial artist is only the peak of the middle stage of the Martial Soul Realm, his real attack power is at least 5 million catties if he cooperates with the upper Nianli weapon, which is already the strength of the late Martial Arts realm.

Even Zhang Fan is not aware that Saoya himself can control several flying knives that reach the extreme peak at the same time.

Once there are more than five, Hong Lie is definitely not something Hong Lie can resist. In addition to the mysterious skills that Saoya has mastered, Hong Lie now has no chance, and it is just a waste of effort to go up.

"Well, since Afan, you said that, it definitely makes sense."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liu Hui naturally stopped talking.

He also felt that Hong Lie's strength surpassed him by a lot, maybe there was a certain chance, but now that he heard what Zhang Fan said, he realized that Saoya was even stronger than he thought.

Naturally, I have to give up.

"Okay, if that's the case, the top three have been determined, namely Zhang Fan, Saoya and Athos. Now, Hong Lie and Tianya are going to take a written test to determine the fourth and fifth place."

Shangguan Yun also spoke at this moment.

Afterwards, Chu Tianya and Hong Lie came to the ring together.

Although Hong Lie defeated Liu Hong before, Chu Tianya felt a little surprised, but he was also very confident of himself. As a super genius of Jiange, Chu Tianya ranked second only to Zhang Fan and ranked above the China Youth League. In eleventh place, even surpassed Leng Changqing.

From this, we can see the power of Chu Tianya.

Regarding this, even Assos recognized it very much. In the ruins space, Assos was unable to help the world in a short time.

"If I can't hold it for a while, you remember to be merciful. In the past two days, I have inquired about a lot of your things with Liu Hong. To be honest, I want to win you, but I am really not sure."

After going up, Hong Lie leaked a simple smile at Chu Tianya, and then spoke.

"Hehe, then you should give up, so that we can also relax."

Chu Tianya was also smiling, and said jokingly.

"Yes, if you are willing to give me the fourth place reward, I will give up. That's a lot more pill and genetic medicine."

Hong Lie also said directly.

"Then what's the point of my winning, stop talking nonsense, let's get started, to be honest, I am very looking forward to fighting with you, unexpectedly, Liu Hong is unable to defeat you, it is really beyond my expectation. "

Chu Tianya also felt a little speechless, and then said.

"Well, then I'm not welcome."


Immediately afterwards, Hong Lie's body suddenly exploded with a powerful aura, and a flash of body came directly to the front of Chu Tianya, and at the same time, he directly hit Chu Tianya's chest with a punch.

The powerful fighting spirit spread, and all of them gathered on the Hong Lie's fist wind, and the air under this striker seemed to burst, very terrifying.

In this regard, Chu Tianya naturally did not dare to take it hard, and immediately flashed his body, and the whole person's body was moved laterally. At the same time, his hands were already covered by spiritual power, and the blue clouds were shining directly. It stabbed at the waist from a tricky angle.

The sharp aura permeated, making Hong Lie feel like his face was cut by a sharp blade, very real.


Suddenly, a move of his left hand directly blocked Chu Tianya's blow.

However, this was just the beginning. Compared with Chu Tianya, Hong Lie had no advantage in other aspects except in strength.

At this time, Chu Tianya seemed to be fused with the long sword in his hand, like a long snake, constantly surrounding Hong Lie, attacking from this direction, extremely fast.

Although Chu Tianya's attacks had affected Hong Lie's body several times, they were all blocked by Hong Lie's combat uniform.

Of course, Hong Lie still felt some pain.

At this time, Hong Lie also understood that he couldn't entangle Chu Tianya anymore. He didn't have any advantage in speed, and he had to find a way to change this situation.


Suddenly, a powerful breath broke out from Hong Lie's body again, and immediately after that, Hong Lie quickly spun on the spot. In just an instant, a tornado was formed on the spot.

And Chu Tianya's attacks were all blocked at this moment.

At this time, although Hong Lie had been spinning fast, he had been observing the situation of Chu Tianya, trying to find opportunities.


It was also at this time that Hong Lie's body that had been turning had a sudden stop, and immediately afterwards, he kicked out Chu Tianya's waist.

This is also an obvious flaw he has been observing and discovering Chu Tianya just now.

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