Star-source Legend

Chapter 672: The communication challenge is over (below)

"Yeah, Ah Fan made sense. I was thinking about telling you about this situation with the Dean before. After all, if it is an understanding of the Titan's bloodline, we really cannot compare to the Temple of Light. After all, Their last Palace Master was the owner of the Titan Bloodline."

At this time, Liang Yu also spoke.

"Yeah, this is also the point I am more entangled with. Hong Lie's Titan bloodline will gradually increase and even activate actively as his strength improves.

However, this is not the most perfect activation. As far as I know, there is a Titan Divine Blood in the Temple of Light. If Hong Lie can consume this Divine Blood, then he can activate his bloodline to the greatest extent. And, the strength will increase even more.

And the Temple of Light, it is estimated that it wants to use this feature to make conditions with us.

The current situation is that the Temple of Light cannot be reassuring. If Hong Lie joins the Temple of Light, I always feel that they will definitely control Hong Lie by all means. This kind of control is not a control in action. It is the control of the soul.

In the Temple of Light, there are also the existence of spiritual masters, and they can also leave some means in Hong Lie's body, which is not good.

Therefore, my decision is that even if Hong Lie cannot fully activate his own blood, I cannot let him fall into the hands of the Temple of Light, otherwise, Hong Lie in the future may become even unknown to us. Even hostile to us.

I have no doubt about this. "

Furukawa also expressed his plan at this time.

"However, the importance of the Titan bloodline to the Temple of Light is self-evident. It is even possible for Kassadin to provoke a struggle between the two parties because of Hong Lie. That guy is more persistent than anyone.

Nowadays, the single-round strength, unless the Martial Artists Guild directly issued the Martial Artist Summoning Order, otherwise, relying on our Gulan Academy, plus the sword pavilion, is not an opponent of the Temple of Light.

After all, they had one more combat power than the Conferred King Realm.

As for the Sun Palace and the War Gate, although the relationship is good, it is presumably not going to fight for this.

This is currently the most troublesome thing. "

Long Yun also spoke at this time.

Hearing what Long Yun said, everyone felt a bit tricky. Once this matter is not handled well, I don't know how many people will die because of Hong Lie.

"Well, let's take one step at a time, but anyway, it is impossible for Hong Lie to give it to them. Even if they can guarantee it, I will not believe it.

If you want to fight, then fight, I want to see if they have the courage. "

Furukawa said little by little at this moment.

As the party concerned, Hong Lie didn't know what to say at this moment. Although he was touched in his heart, if he did not hesitate to cause a dispute between the two parties, he would not be willing to see it.

Of course, his heart didn't care about what kind of blood, and he didn't want to go to the Temple of Light. He himself had sworn to revenge Xu Qingfeng and Wu Zheng.

"President Furukawa, Casa Dint is here to visit, can you come in?"

At this moment, suddenly, a voice came from outside the attic where Zhang Fan and the others belonged, making everyone's complexion changed.

"The one who should come is still to come, but no matter what, the visitor is a guest. I have to see what Kassadin plans to do. Afan, you all should go back to your room first. Let the three of us meet. they."

Furukawa was also serious at this time.

"President, don't forget, I will soon be the young master of the sword pavilion. I want my brothers to join the Temple of Light. They have to pass my level. Let me stay with you."

Zhang Fan shook his head at this time, then looked at Furukawa and they said.

"Yeah, okay, Hong Lie, you all go back to your room first."

Nodding, Furukawa also looked at Hong Lie and said.

"The visitor is a guest, Kassadin, come in."

Seeing Hong Lie and the others return to the room, Furukawa also said loudly.

Afterwards, Kassadin walked in directly, with him, only Apollo. As for Ares, he should be with Athos. After all, Athos was injured this time, and even more so. A trace of origin was hurt.

"Two, sit down. I don't know what's the matter with you coming over this time?"

Looking at Kassadin and Apollo, Furukawa also asked knowingly.

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