Star-source Legend

Chapter 674: Angry Kassadin (Part 2)

"Okay, very good, it seems that you disagree? However, you have made decisions for Hong Lie like this. Have you ever thought about his feelings?"

Hearing what Furukawa said, Kassadin also looked very angry, stood up and couldn't help but say.


At this moment, the door of a room also opened and Hong Lie walked out.

"Hello, Lord Kassadin, thank you for taking me so much. However, I personally don't want to join your Temple of Light, not only now, but in the future, I will definitely not join the Temple of Light.

Even if you won't control me, do you think the two Supreme Guardians of the Temple of Light above you, and others, will follow your arrangements?

Even the master of your temple of light, there are some things that the master can't do.

Moreover, I don't want to go to a new environment. There are my brothers and sisters, and the elders I respect. Each of them treats me very well.

If I join you in the Temple of Light, even if they agree, I won't be able to pass my own level. It will only appear that I am a white-eyed wolf.

Moreover, I am able to have the current strength, not all from the blood of the Titans, but because of the help of Afan, the dean and the care of all the elders of the Gulan Academy.

As for how much strength you can have after activation, you don't need to worry about it. In the future, I will only be in my own hands, and it will never be possible for others to make decisions for me.

This is my idea. "

Hong Lie also looked at Kassadin and directly expressed his thoughts, which made Furukawa feel very pleased.

There was a smile on Zhang Fan's face.

Because they are brothers and the most important partners for each other.

"Do you really think so? Hong Lie, as long as you are willing to join the Temple of Light, I promise you will not limit your freedom, and even other people I will convince them that if you want to control you, then from my corpse Stepping on, this, I swear by God.

After you join the Temple of Light, I will directly designate you as the first son of the Temple of Light, above Athos. I will try my best to satisfy any resources you need, and I will equip you with a guard of the son of God. , The strength of each member has reached the crowning state.

how about it? "

At this time, Kassadin also looked directly at Hong Lie and said, after finishing speaking, he looked at Hong Lie eagerly.

And other people, hearing this condition, already don't know how to say it. It can be said that this condition will not be rejected by any other person, including Zhang Fan himself, is a little moved.

Ten subordinates of the Conferred King Realm, my God, Kassadin really took great pains to let Hong Lie join the Temple of Light.

And Hong Lie, when he heard the conditions put forward by Kassadin, he was shocked in his heart. He did not expect that he would have such an important position in Kassadin's eyes.

"Hong Lie, don't worry, you think about it, no matter what decision you make, we will not stop you."

At this moment, Furukawa also spoke.

For nothing else, just for the words of Kassadin just now, God swears.

This kind of oath is the most important oath of the Temple of Light to exceed its own spirit. Once violated, it is said that it will be punished by the gods. It is very strange. Of course, it also shows the power of this oath.

"Yes, Hong Lie, even after your strength reaches the Conferred King Realm, I will directly pass on the position of the Palace Master to you."

Kassadin also said immediately, his expression also looked very nervous. This is the biggest condition he can put forward at the moment. In his opinion, no one has the courage to refuse this condition.

"Hall Master, to be honest, the conditions you put forward really made me very excited, but I'm sorry, I still plan to stay on Huaxia's side."

Hong Lie also said directly at this time.

This decision seems to be very difficult to outsiders, but for the relatively simple Hong Lie, it is a very easy decision to make. As he thinks, there is nothing more happy than being able to stay together with Zhang Fan. Something up.

Moreover, although Kassadin's conditions sound attractive, once he enters the Temple of Light, the specific situation is not known. As for his own blood, he believed that Gulan Academy would definitely have a solution, otherwise, he would not simply refuse it at first.

"Hehe, it seems that I was really wasting my tongue. Now that you have made this decision, I hope you will not regret it in the future.

I just want to say that if you want to reach a higher level, you can only join the Temple of Light, where there is the best for you.

Goodbye. "

Hearing that Hong Lie still chose to refuse, Kassadin felt very angry in his heart. Then he laughed at himself and said.

Immediately after, he took a deep look at Hong Lie, and left the pavilion where Zhang Fan and the others were located, and Apollo followed closely behind.

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