Star-source Legend

Chapter 683: Support arrived (part 1)


In just an instant, the thin man and Er Mao rushed to the front of Lei Zhan and the five men in black who were already close together again.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force broke out directly, and instantly, it immediately enveloped Lei Zhan and the five men in black.

A powerful force erupted, and even after a certain distance, Li Xiaofeng and Gao Hu were still blown out.

As for the five men in black, they were already gone at this moment, and disappeared directly into the whole world with their thin men.

As for Lei Zhan, he was seriously injured in an instant. If it hadn't been for him to wake up in time and immediately condense a protective mask with all his strength, it is estimated that he would be wiped out under this force.

"Do not!"


"Er Mao..."

At this time, Li Xiaofeng and Gao Hu who flew out couldn't help shouting with grief and disbelief.

They can't figure out why two people use this method.

However, the situation of the two of them is not very optimistic at the moment. After falling on the ground, the situation within the body is even worse.

However, fortunately, in the outbreak just now, the thin and the Ermao are trying their best to control their own strength, otherwise, even if they are separated by a certain distance, the two people are likely to become useless in an instant, or even die directly.

At this moment, both of them looked angry at Lei Zhan who had just got up not far away.

As for Lei Zhan, there is not much power in his body at this moment. Looking at the hateful eyes of Li Xiaofeng and Gao Hu not far away, his complexion also changed, and he directly endured the pain in his body and turned towards the other. Flee in the direction.

Today, he doesn't know much about Li Xiaofeng and Gao Hu's situation, but before, the two of them took a bottle of genetic medicine. These were all in the attention of Lei Zhan.

At this moment, he was already seriously injured, and his own strength was only at the initial peak of the Wupu realm, and there was a certain gap between Li Xiaofeng and Gao Hu.

Although not reconciled, but for the sake of his own life, he can only choose to escape.

As for the incident that he took action against the Wolf Warriors team and spread to Zhang Fan, he didn't care at all. As long as he returned to the battle gate, Zhang Fan would have nothing to do with him.

However, thinking that this time he was caught in such a situation for an instant, and that all the subordinates he brought died in this ambush, Lei Zhan felt a pain in his heart.

From his point of view, Shouzi and Ermao had no power at all, and under the carelessness, he did not expect that the two would choose to reverse the meridians and directly explode without life.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, leaving Lei Zhan caught off guard.

Seeing Lei Zhan directly chose to escape, although Li Xiaofeng and Gao Hu were unwilling, they could only give up.

Because, the two of them now don't have any power, if they both chase over, if they are also directly killed by the thunder war, then the thin man still has two hairs, and he will die in vain.

At this moment, the two people supported each other and walked with heavy steps to the position where Ermao and Thinzi had chosen to blew up just now.

His face was full of pain, especially Li Xiaofeng, he regretted now.

I regret why I brought the Wolf Warriors squad to the wilderness. Is it true that I am a person who can't be free?

Although the proposal this time was made by Da Zhuang, if he himself disagreed, everyone would naturally not come to the wilderness.

In that case, Er Mao still had a thin man, so he wouldn't die here directly, and even the body would not be able to remain.

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