Star-source Legend

Chapter 685: Support arrived (below)

Although Yuntian was very surprised when the Wolf Warriors team came to the wilderness, he knew that the Wolf Warriors team's position in Zhang Fan's mind would be unacceptable if someone had an accident.

At this moment, Yuntian's speed had already exploded to the extreme, without reservation.

Three minutes later, Yun Tian saw Li Xiaofeng and Gao Hu from high in the sky, and he hurried over immediately.

"Why are there only two of you? Does a thin man have two hairs?"

In an instant, Yun Tian directly came to Li Xiaofeng and Gao Hu who were slowly advancing.

However, Yun Tian did not find the figure of Thin Man and Ermao, so he asked directly.

"I have seen Director Yun, Ermao and the thin man, in order to make the two of us evacuate, we directly chose to reverse the meridian, blew my body, and died with the enemy."

Li Xiaofeng and Gao Hu breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Yuntian appear. At this moment, Li Xiaofeng also said sadly when he heard Yuntian's question.

"What? They blew themselves up? Who did you meet?"

Hearing what Li Xiaofeng said, Yuntian's expression changed, he couldn't help asking, his heart was full of anger.

"It's a disciple of Zhanmen, called Lei Zhan. He is also the grandson of Lei Long, the head of the Lei Family in Star City. This time, we were seriously injured because of his sneak attack.

If it hadn't been for the magic talisman Xu Lao gave us before, it is estimated that under their first sneak attack, all of us would be unable to resist, and even the news would not be revealed.

Afterwards, we asked Da Zhuang and Ruo Tong to go back for help, while the two of us, with the thin and Er Mao, found a place and hid them.

But at that time, one of Er Mao's leg had completely disappeared, and half of the thin man's shoulder, including his arm, also disappeared directly under the previous sneak attack.

Both people have no ability to resist.

In the end, we were intercepted by Lei Zhan with five of Lei's men.

All of these five people have reached the late stage of the Martial Spirit Realm in strength, and the two of us did not recover because of our physical injuries, and ultimately we were unable to resist.

At this time, the thin man still has two hairs, and he directly chose to blew himself up, creating a chance for us to escape.

The five Lei family's subordinates were immediately wiped out, and Lei Zhan was also seriously injured. At this moment, I don't know where he fled. "

Looking at Yuntian, Li Xiaofeng also said directly.

"The disciple of the war door, the grandson of Thunder Dragon? He actually shot at you? Is it possible that he thinks that in his own capacity, he can completely ignore A Fan?

However, why does this person want to attack you? Is it possible that Afan offended him? "

Hearing what Li Xiaofeng said, Yun Tian's whole body also burst out with a powerful breath, which seemed very angry.

However, he really didn't think of the opportunity for Lei Zhan to start. He didn't know much about what happened between Lei Zhan and Zhang Fan. He just knew that in high school, the two were in conflict.

"It's because of Liu Ruyan. In high school, Liu Ruyan walked with Zhang Fan, and Lei Zhan had always targeted Zhang Fan because of this.

However, after some things, I am not very clear. Come to think of it, Lei Zhan must have transferred the hatred to Afan because he couldn't get Liu Ruyan.

He knows the relationship between us and Afan. If we all die in his hands, then Afan will definitely not be able to bear the result and it will be very painful. "

Li Xiaofeng also said directly at this moment.

"Damn it, because a woman is so frantic. However, he is now an inner disciple of the War Sect, and the Lei family also has a considerable status in Star City, so he can't move him temporarily.

However, I remember that Afan persuaded you before and told you not to go to the wilderness easily. After all, Afan's talent has already aroused the interest of many people, and it is more of fear.

It is very likely that in order to win over Zhang Fan, they will give their ideas to you. A Fan has no weakness, the only weakness is that he pays too much attention to feelings.

Once you fall into the hands of the other party, then, for you, Afan is likely to choose to give in. I have no doubt about this. "

Hearing what Li Xiaofeng said, a sharp light flashed through Yuntian's expression, obviously with a killing intent.

However, the identity of Lei Zhan is not that simple.

What made Yun Tian most puzzled was why Li Xiaofeng and others went to the wilderness.

"Hey, I am to blame for this. As you know, as a hunting squad, the hunting squad has always been a part of our lives.

Before, because of Afan’s reminder, we had never entered the wilderness, but we couldn’t control ourselves in our hearts. Then, I wanted to let everyone come to the wilderness and release our inner depression. .

The places we went this time were all relatively small gathering places, and they were not far from the Third Military Region. With our strength, as long as we were careful, nothing should happen.

However, I didn't expect that Lei Zhan had already regarded us as a target and set an ambush in advance. "

Li Xiaofeng also looked guilty at this moment. After all, the death of the two of them could not be separated from his decision.

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