Star-source Legend

Chapter 695: Get news (in)

"Hey, originally, the Wolf Hunting Squad had always hunted monsters in a relatively small gathering place very close to the Third Military Region.

Although, with your reminder, you should also be aware that it is too difficult for these hunting squads that have been fighting for a long time in the wilderness to let them idle.

This time, everyone also wanted to go to the wilderness to have fun.

However, on their way back, they had already been set ambush, if it hadn't been for Xu Lao who had left them a magic talisman, it might have been annihilated.

But this time, it was not someone else who did them, it was the Lei family's thunder war.

Because of Liu Ruyan's relationship, Lei Zhan hated you deeply, so, however, he couldn't help you, but he hit your friend with his idea. No one thought of this. "

Yuntian sighed and said to Zhang Fan.


At the same time, Zhang Fan's whole body suddenly burst into a breath, which surprised everyone.

At this moment, Zhang Fan’s eyes have become blood red, and within his body, "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Jue" is also running crazily at this moment. The aura around all around is crazily converging towards Zhang Fan. .

"Don't disturb him, Afan is making a breakthrough."

At this time, Yuntian also looked worried when seeing Zhang Fan's state, and was planning to do something, but it was also stopped by Qin Lao in time.

"But if this goes on, if you are not careful, Afan is very likely to become confused."

Yuntian was also worried at the moment.

"His current state is obviously stimulated. In addition, he is always on the verge of breaking through at any time. Therefore, just now, his own strength could not be suppressed, and he directly began to make breakthroughs.

Such a breakthrough, in terms of Afan's accumulation, is not very difficult. If you stop him now, you will suffer more damage instead.

Everything, wait for Afan to break through. What we need to do is to save him when his state is not right.

Now, let's step aside temporarily. "

Qin Lao said immediately, and then everyone retreated to a hundred meters away from Zhang Fan.

At this moment, Zhang Fan had nothing else in his heart, only one thought, that is, to make himself stronger as quickly as possible.

Just now, after knowing that it was Lei Zhan who shot the thin man and Er Mao, Zhang Fan's heart was full of anger while he was guilty.

And being stimulated by this kind of stimulation, the "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Jue" in the body also started to run directly, and it was the current breakthrough.

The meridians in Zhang Fan’s body are constantly strengthening under the strong spiritual power at this moment, especially the most obvious change is Zhang Fan’s spiritual pool. At this moment, the entire spiritual pool is shrouded in a burst of colorful mist. Let people see the situation clearly.

Outside, Mr. Qin and the others could clearly feel that Zhang Fan’s breath, as they climbed a little bit, the breath that is now exuding is no longer inferior to the ordinary martial arts realm, and once they completely break through After that, Zhang Fan's own strength did not know how far it would rise.

call out! call out! call out!

At this moment, suddenly, from the hands of Qin Lao, a ray of light flashed, and in a short moment, it was possible to see that the colorful crystals also formed a circle around Zhang Fan.

Immediately afterwards, from the hands of Old Qin, a ray of aura shot out, and in an instant, the whole body of these crystals burst out with dazzling light, accompanied by a very strong aura of spiritual power.

Now that Zhang Fan is on the verge of a breakthrough, with Zhang Fan's level of accumulation, then the spiritual power Zhang Fan needs will definitely be far more than the normal Martial Spirit Realm peak martial artist needs to break through.

Moreover, at this moment, the whole body of Zhang Fan was directly constructed by Old Qin to form a mask, so that the spiritual power released by the spirit crystal could be prevented from spreading into the surrounding air.

For an instant, it seemed as if you had been thirsty for a long time. From Zhang Fan's whole body, a huge suction force was generated. In an instant, a burst of rich spiritual energy was directly inhaled by Zhang Fan into his body, continuously transforming into pure Spiritual power spread to the surroundings of the body.

Subsequently, a mysterious colorful mist also appeared in Zhang Fan's dantian.

After half an hour, great changes have taken place in Zhang Fan's body, especially in the dantian. At this moment, a rectangular crystal appeared in the center, which looked like a reduced version of the spiritual pond.

However, from above this rectangular crystal, there was a strong wave of waves.

And under Zhang Fan's own internal gaze, he also discovered that within this rectangular crystal, there actually exists an independent space.

This space is about three or four cubic meters in size. At this moment, on the ground of this space, there are already a lot of spiritual liquids beginning to appear, although it is only a very low level, but it is also compared with the previous spiritual pool. The spirit fluid has increased more than ten times.

If the spiritual liquid in the previous spiritual pool was equivalent to a stream, then the spiritual pool that formed an independent space is already equivalent to a lake.

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