Star-source Legend

Chapter 728: Generous rewards (part one)

And hearing what Furukawa said, Zhang Fan also fell into silence.

Regarding these, he himself was like a mirror. Even before, Old Xing had told him, but Zhang Fan himself had never really thought about it.

It was like the Wolf Squad. He gave so many precious resources to them free of charge. In his opinion, this was regarded as his help to the Wolf Squad.

However, once or twice is okay, the number of times is more, what will the people of the Wolf Warriors think in their hearts, will they form dependence, and feel that they don’t have to pay much at all, that is, they can get wealth that others can’t get for several lifetimes. These are not clear to Zhang Fan.

However, in Zhang Fan's own mind, there is a scale. His help, in the eyes of others, is very great, but for himself, it is just a simple effort and will not affect anything.

If you get along with others with a vigilant heart all day long, you will be too tired, and such a life will lose its meaning.

And those who can be recognized by Zhang Fan are very close to each other.

Just like Hong Lie and the others, with their own talent and strength, including Gu Qian's family background, will they lack resources?

In addition to his strong strength and talent, other aspects may not even compare to others.

And their getting along is also the guard against each other from the very beginning, and slowly finally live together, becoming the most important good friends relying on each other.

However, sometimes I don’t tell others about particularly concealed things, such as my fusion of Star Source Fragments, and the existence of Xing Lao, including his own practice, martial arts, these most basic, Zhang Fan will never Will tell others.

In addition to these, the others, when everyone's individual strength reaches a certain level, he will know it.

"President, Grandpa Gu, I understand the meaning in your words, but in my opinion, if you get along with others with a vigilant heart every day, it will be too tiring.

Martial artist, at any time, I feel I have to live a little more smartly. I will naturally hide some secrets about myself, including important information, which should be concealed, but some information, when I choose to share it with others , I also feel that these news, even if I don't tell them, sooner or later they will know.

Instead of hiding things like this, it's better to take the initiative to confess.

People with twisted hearts naturally exist, but I am more willing to believe that my sincerity can still be rewarded. This is where I keep moving forward in my mind. If I change easily, I am not me.

Of course, I will always keep your reminders in mind. At least, what I can guarantee is that if others don't let me say, I can do it without telling anyone, unless they have the means to get it by themselves. "

Zhang Fan also looked up at this time, looking at Furukawa and Nalandi seriously.

"Haha, President, I told you right? This is Afan's own character. He is rather stubborn, but he is very stubborn and stubborn. He can have such a strong talent and strength. What we said, he himself How is it not clear?"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Furukawa also leaked an expression like this at this time, looking at Nalandi with a smile and said.

"It is true. Then there is no need to say more about this. He himself has his own criteria for judging. At least, the people he has made, I don't think he will betray him because of his interests, because it is not necessary, or, Nor does it have that strength.

Let's talk about the things in the future. After all, Afan is still young. In the future, he will experience more things and he will naturally understand. "

Nalandi also nodded at this moment and said.

"Don't talk about it, Afan, this time, you successfully passed the ninth floor of the trial tower. This is considered to have broken the record of Gulan Academy. Even, in the future, you may not be able There is a talent more powerful than you.

Therefore, in addition to the most basic point rewards, I am here to call the shots and directly give you 300,000 points. Originally, I planned to only give you 100,000 points. However, compared with your help to Gulan Academy , Even, your grandfather Xu's recovery is all because of you, these points are what you deserve.

You don't have to refuse. You are going to enter the military department this time. Depending on your personality, you will definitely not stay in a particularly comfortable place. The China First Military Region, which is close to the Hundred Beast Demon Region, is your first choice.

Entering inside with your status and status will definitely allow you to lead a team and be responsible for the guarding of an area. If you want to stabilize the military spirit, many people may be a little unconvinced at your age. Then, directly give them good Equipment is a good choice.

In the First Military Region, many new leaders will give their soldiers a meeting ceremony.

You previously purchased a thousand sets of various combat uniforms from our Gulan Academy, and even some relatively powerful thermal weapons. I think that's because of this.

Of course, I give you so many points, and I also want you to redeem enough training resources to improve yourself.

More than half a million points, plus your reward for exceeding the supreme level of combat power, is already close to 600,000 points. The resources in exchange can be said to be enough for you to cultivate to the Conferred King Realm. "

Looking at Zhang Fan, Nalandi also said directly, making Zhang Fan also very surprised.

After all, the reward of 300,000 points at once, at least, proved the importance of Zhang Fan in Nalandi's eyes.

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