Star-source Legend

Chapter 802: The crisis is lifted and a smooth breakthrough (in)

"Yeah, you can take it with confidence, here I am watching, it is very safe and will not distract you.

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Nalandi also nodded and said.

Immediately afterwards, he directly closed the door of the room, and directly arranged an enchantment, and then directly sat cross-legged on a futon in the room.

As for Zhang Fan, he walked in front of Old Xu at this time and looked up and down.

"Old Xing, I'll have to trouble you for a while."

Zhang Fan also said to Old Star in his mind.

"Hehe, nothing. The reason why he is so difficult to break through is also because of the breath of some of my soul fire.

In fact, I had anticipated this a long time ago, but his own understanding of the spirit is still much worse than in the universe, which has led to such an embarrassing situation that he is not up to it.

For a while, I will directly let a bit of my mind power into your spiritual power, enough to directly enter the spiritual consciousness deep in his soul. When that happens, you only need to rely on the mysterious skills I taught you. It is able to suppress some of its violent spiritual consciousness. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Old Xing smiled and said directly.

Hearing what Xing Lao said, Zhang Fan was also relieved. With the help of Xing Lao, his grandfather Xu will surely be able to turn the danger into a breeze, and his mental level abilities may also undergo some changes.

"Okay, then I'll just start."

Zhang Fan also took a deep breath at this moment, and said to Old Xing.


Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan directly released all his mental powers and shrouded Xu Lao. At the same time, Xing Lao among the fragments of Xingyuan, at this time also directly let his own spiritual thoughts into Zhang Fan. Among his mental power, the powerful soul pressure was immediately released, making Nalandi look shocked.

Although this coercion only disappeared in a flash, the real sense of suffocation made Nalandi unable to bear any resistance.

In addition, Nalandi also felt very shocked by the strength of Zhang Fan’s mental power, because Zhang Fan’s mental power at this time was so powerful that no one in the Martial Arts Guild could compare, even the previous ones. The spiritual teacher in the early days of the Conferred King Realm was far beyond comparison.

This also means that Zhang Fan has now made a successful breakthrough to the kingship state.

This really made Nalandi feel very shocked.

It has only been three years since Zhang Fan left the Gulan Academy, and after three years, Zhang Fan has directly entered the Conferred King Realm from the early stage of the Martial Spirit Realm. This kind of talent, this kind The speed of cultivation, I have to say, simply refreshed Nalandi's cognition.

Now, Nalandi even believes that it may not be long before Zhang Fan’s strength is enough to catch up or even surpass him. In that case, China’s pressure will be much less, and monsters, a problem that humans have been unable to solve, Perhaps because of Zhang Fan's existence, he will really be wiped out.

According to his guess, Zhang Fan's current strength as a warrior alone is comparable to the early days of the Conferred King Realm, and if all his power bursts out, it can be comparable to the power of the powerful in the late Conferred King Realm.

As for the ability of his spiritual teacher, perhaps, on the entire earth, apart from the witch of the Guardian Alliance and the palace lord of the Hades, there are really no few that can threaten Dao Zhang Fan.

After all, he knew the power of Zhang Fan's spiritual teacher, especially the coercion just now. Normal spiritual teacher is absolutely irresistible, just like ordinary people see the emperor.

In this case, Xu Yuan's situation may really stabilize.

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