Star-source Legend

Chapter 809: Earth situation (on)

"Speaking of which, although your breakthrough this time was extremely thrilling, with the help of Afan, it was still a success in the end. In the past seven years, the form on the earth can only be described in four words, that is-not optimistic. .

Even in the sea, two powerful monsters that were at least the Star-Lord realm were found. In the past three years, the coastal gathering places in all regions of our humanity have suffered sea damage.

Perhaps, before long, the monsters in the sea will directly attack.

However, for now, our own contradictions as a human being are still unresolved.

Especially the Temple of Light, it feels a bit more hateful than the Hades. I always think about making troubles. Hong Lie, you should know that if you want the fastest improvement of your own strength, you need to use the Temple of Light. That titan blood, but the Temple of Light must let Hong Lie join them, otherwise, even any conditions would not be agreed.

Even they secretly shot, wanting to kill Hong Lie.

For this reason, I also personally went to the Temple of Light. However, their brilliant angel array is very powerful. Even with my strength, it takes a long time to break, and at that time, my own consumption It's certainly not small, and it can't help the Temple of Light.

Their inheritance is relatively long, and there may be some methods we don't know.

However, Hong Lie always wants to activate his bloodline at any time, so the Titan Divine Blood is inevitable.

And this time, your breakthrough is to solve the urgent need.

I wondered, can you arrange a powerful field around the Temple of Light in advance, so that it can be regarded as a threat to them. "

After entering the room, Nalandi's expression also became a little serious, looked at Xu Yuan, and said.

"I'm still confident that this can be done, but there are more materials that need to be prepared. Of course, compared with Hong Lie's bloodline activation, it is not worth mentioning.

If the Temple of Light is unwilling to hand it over, let them see my method. After so many years, I think they may have forgotten the previous lesson.

However, there was even a monster of the Star-Lord realm in the sea, which I didn't expect.

Monsters of this level, if they are shot, it is absolutely catastrophic. Fortunately, their base camp is in the sea and will not enter the land temporarily. Otherwise, humans will be really dangerous. "

Hearing what Nalandi said, Old Xu also frowned, feeling that things were a bit tricky.

"Yeah, any matter, once it involves the level of the Star Noble Realm, it is not a simple matter. Unfortunately, internal fighting is natural. At such a critical moment, there is the inaction of the Temple of Light, and the underground alliance stays out of the matter. There is also the threat of Hades, so to speak, internal and external troubles.

Of course, you don’t have to think so badly. Just take turns to do these things one by one. Based on my observations of A Fan over the years, it may not be long before A Fan will be able to break through to the level of the earthly wandering immortals, and even possess the power of the Star Noble realm.

At that time, our pressure will be much smaller. "

Nalandi also looked heavy at the moment.

At this point, the stronger the strength, the more he felt a tremendous pressure.

Especially Nalandi, who is the patron saint in people's minds, is under pressure that ordinary people can't imagine.

As for the monster, once it launches a full attack, he definitely needs to be in the forefront.

"Yeah, I firmly believe what you said, President, and I didn't expect that a special feeling at the beginning turned out to be true. A Fan's talent is not only me, but even beyond the expectations of many people. .

Especially now that he has become the young master of the sword pavilion, it can be said that there are not many on earth that can threaten Dao Afan.

As long as his strength is promoted to the later stage of the Conferred King Realm, relying on the ability of the spiritual teacher, I think, basically there are not many opponents. "

Hearing what Nalandi said, Mr. Xu also nodded and said directly.

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