Star-source Legend

Chapter 831: The collision of pure power (part 1)

And when Nalandi and Xu Yuan heard that Hong Lie had just made a breakthrough, they were planning to challenge Zhang Fan with full confidence. They looked at each other, and they all leaked a funny look.

Perhaps many people still don't know that Zhang Fan has now also been promoted to the middle stage of the Conquest Realm. This was also discovered by chance on the road when they were looking for Zhang Fan to come to Gulan Academy.

However, when Zhang Fan first entered the Conferred King Realm, he had already reached the initial peak of the Conferred King Realm. By the mid-term, it was quite normal for a talented person like Zhang Fan.

However, the two of them have some expectations.

After all, the power of the Titans’ bloodline is what they have seen, and perhaps they will have different surprises.

"Hehe, let's go, there is a challenge room over there, in which, apart from the use of mental power, everything else will not be restricted, so you two can fight as much as you like."

Nalandi also pointed to a room at this time and said.

After that, Hong Lie and Zhang Fan walked towards the room.

The others are sitting in their original positions. In this position, there is a huge screen, and the battle scene between two people will be directly projected on it in real time as the challenge room opens.

"You said, this time, who loses and who wins?"

At this time, Liu Yun also looked expectantly at everyone and asked.

"I think it's still Afan. After all, Afan's talent is obvious to all, especially his combat power is extremely powerful, including Afan's power, which is the most powerful I have ever seen. Hong Lie's own blood has already been activated before. Halfway through, but pure power, even if Afan suppresses the realm, he is not an opponent.

Moreover, Afan is now the peak of the initial stage of the Conferred King Realm, and it is only a step away from the mid-stage of the Conferred King Realm. Relying on his own combat power to surpass the supreme level, it is enough to make up for the gap in between. "

Liu Hui also said at this time that he was very confident of Zhang Fan.

"I am optimistic about Hong Lie this time. After all, before the bloodline was activated, Hong Lie's strength was not much different than Athos's. Now, with all activated, that power will definitely be terrifying.

Especially when his own realm is higher than Afan, perhaps, this time, there will be unexpected results. "

Murong Tian also said his own judgment at this moment.

"Hey, how about it, I'll know in a while."

Nodded, Liu Yun also said with a smile.

At this time, both Zhang Fan and Hong Lie had already put on induction helmets and came to the arena in a challenge space.

"Hong Lie, this time, I don't care about winning or losing, but I'm very curious to what extent your current strength has improved. So, why don't we have a pure power collision for a while?

As for the weapons, don't use them. "

On the ring, Zhang Fan also looked at Hong Lie and said.

"Haha, okay, but, Afan, I am in the middle of the Confinement Realm now, and if my spiritual power bursts out, the increase in strength will definitely be stronger than you.

So, you have to be careful in a while. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Hong Lie also laughed and said.

To be honest, if the use of weapons is allowed and the battle is free, Hong Lie has no certainty to defeat Zhang Fan. However, if it is only a head-on collision, competing against the power he can exert, Hong Lie is full of confidence today.

"If that's the case, then choose the wasteland, the terrain is flatter, and the battle is relatively good."

Hearing what Hong Lie said, Zhang Fan also directly chose the wasteland scene at this moment.

As the mountain shook for a while, the challenge space changed in an instant, and it became an endless wasteland.

And Zhang Fan and Hong Lie also appeared directly at this moment.

"The battle begins."

At this time, an electronic sound resounded over the huge wasteland.

Let Zhang Fan and Hong Lie also stand up.



At this moment, the two of them exploded with their own powerful aura for the first time, covering each other, causing the surrounding space to tremble, including on the ground, at this moment, there was also a tremor.

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