Star-source Legend

Chapter 838: Kill all (medium)



As if feeling threatened, the look of the three-headed dog in the **** unexpectedly revealed a trace of fear, but as the overlord monster in the legendary hell, it still has its own dignity.

At this moment, there was a roar, and immediately after, the three heads of the three-headed dog of **** directly ejected a group of light emitting a dark atmosphere at the same time, and shot towards the gluttonous beast.

At the same time, the three-headed dog of **** followed closely behind, and directly rushed towards the gluttonous beast.

However, the gluttonous beast, even one of the best among the beasts, cannot be provoked by the three-headed dog of **** even if it is just a spiritual power incarnation.

The two sides are not above the same level at all.

At this moment, watching the three-headed dog of **** actually attacked itself, it was already a gluttonous beast with a certain consciousness, as if the general was provoked by the soldiers, it seemed very angry.

Suddenly, a powerful coercion erupted from his whole body at this moment, making the surrounding space seem unbearable at this moment, as if the deity of gluttonous food came to face, even, in this coercion Below, the three-headed dog from the **** that rushed towards the gluttonous glutton suddenly stagnated, and a trace of fear was also leaked out of its six eyes.

However, it is too late.

At this moment, after yelling, the gluttonous glutton also opened his blood basin.

Its mouth is much larger than its body.

A huge irresistible suction burst out, and the three-headed light group of the three-headed **** dog and the three-headed **** dog directly swallowed into the big mouth.

Even Mingzi, who was not far away, moved his body uncontrollably towards the big mouth of the gluttonous beast.

If Morris hadn't reacted quickly and broke out in time, he would have been swallowed directly by Zhang Fan's condensed gluttonous beast.

Even so, Morris was greatly affected by the disappearance of the Hell Three-Headed Dog.

After all, although the condensed three-headed dog of **** has a certain consciousness, in fact, it still needs to be controlled by his own spiritual mind.

After being swallowed, it can be said that even the spiritual ideas that affect the three-headed dog of **** are also directly swallowed.

For a moment, Morris's aura seemed to be much weaker, because Zhang Fan couldn't see Morris' look because of the mask, but presumably the situation was not much better.


At this time, Zhang Fan also gave a soft drink. Suddenly, the gluttonous beast of spiritual power was directly transformed into rich spiritual power and gathered towards Zhang Fan again. Even, because of the absorption of the three-headed dog of hell, this The amount of spiritual power surpassed what Zhang Fan had just consumed.

The gluttonous beast and Zhang Fan’s "Xuantian Devouring Soul" have one thing in common, that is, as long as it is swallowed, any side effects will be directly eliminated. It can be said that at this moment, this huge spiritual power It can be absorbed.

With the continuous transformation, Zhang Fan's own strength has been improved a bit, which is very unexpected to Zhang Fan. After all, he has been useless for a long time. In the past, even if it was to resolve other people's attacks, it was Not so obvious.

Obviously, with the tremendous improvement of its strength, the power of the gluttonous blow is getting stronger and stronger, and even the characteristics are gradually completely transformed to the real gluttonous.

This can be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

"Hehe, you have always attacked, and then it's my turn."

Zhang Fan also looked up at this time, looked at Morris and said.


Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan's figure moved, and he rushed towards Morris. In an instant, Zhang Fan directly crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and came to Morris, with the power of floating light and shadows, even Morris just noticed When the crisis came, Zhang Fan's attack had already come to the front, making him look surprised.

At this time, he also truly understood how terrifying Zhang Fan's speed was, at least, it had reached four times the speed of sound, or even higher.

At this moment, when he arrived in front of Morris, the spear in Zhang Fan's hand was also unreservedly pierced out of his heart.

The powerful force makes the space seem to be completely penetrated under Zhang Fan's war spear.


With his strong reaction ability, Morris also slammed his sickle in time to block Zhang Fan's war spear.

However, Zhang Fan's attack was not that simple.

It can be said that although there is no visible change on the outside, Zhang Fan's blow, in fact, directly exploded 100% of his own strength.

Up to now, even the three powerhouses of the late Conferred King Realm could not guess Zhang Fan's strength, and had reached the mid- King Conferred Realm.


In an instant, as a huge, irresistible force came from his hands, and finally acted on his body, Morris' figure was thrown away directly under the blow of Zhang Fan.

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