Star-source Legend

Chapter 851: Unexpected news (on)

"Morris' death can only be blamed on his poor strength, especially when he didn't fully understand Zhang Fan's strength, he took the initiative. That can only be regarded as very unwise, and he deserves to die. .

When you’re done, you’ll pass on the news that Zhang Fan has reached the mid-term of the Conquest of Kings. If they are not sure, don’t go out and die. Especially after this time, Zhang Fan may choose to retreat directly. The next time he comes out, it’s likely , Directly will break through to the later stage of the Conferred King Realm, and even directly enter the level of the earth wandering immortal.

Well, the previous rule is completely cancelled. Regarding the candidate for Mingzi, I need to re-establish the following rules. After all, their cultivation is not easy.

As for Elder Ming, I will personally negotiate with him. Nowadays, it is not time for us to go to war in Hades, unless he does not want to enter the universe and does not want to have a longer life.

I believe that First Ming is always a sane person, otherwise, if they haven't taken action for so many years, maybe they have forgotten the previous things.

Zhang Fan cannot be blamed for what happened this time. After all, Morris took the initiative to find Zhang Fan, especially when he had not fully investigated Zhang Fan's strength.

Such an impulsive character, even if his strength is strong, he can't become the underworld of the underworld.

Our Hades has now reached the most critical moment, and it cannot be because of this matter that it affects our plans.

Accumulating strength and entering the universe is the most important thing.

By the way, how are you in contact with the Underground Alliance? What did Yuan He say about my proposal? "

Hearing what Edward said, Yan Ping was silent for a while and said in a low voice.

Of course, Morris's death was actually a bit angry in his heart, but now, Hades still has more important things to do, and a preparation for Hades's death cannot be compared with this matter.

Besides, this was also a preliminary agreement between him and Nalandi. Since Morris made the shot, he must have rushed to kill Zhang Fan.

Since Morris wanted to kill others, he could only be blamed for his own weakness if he died in the hands of others.

"This guy Yuan He is very smooth and didn't agree to our request. In my opinion, big brother, it is very difficult to incorporate the Underground Alliance into our Hades.

Although we have agreed to give Yuan He the position of the third palace lord, and its power is not inferior to me, the underground alliance was established by him alone, and he alone has led the underground alliance for so many years. Once you join In our Hades, he doesn't have such high authority, and it is impossible for him to agree to someone else.

In my opinion, let’s just find a chance to kill Yuan He. When the time comes, we will directly use force to completely annex the underground alliance. Anyway, what we need is the wealth and advanced technology of the underground alliance, since he has been stubborn. Ling, then don't blame us for not giving him face. "

Hearing what Yan Ping asked, Edward also answered directly.

"This matter, don't worry too much for the time being. After all, if we think about it in another way, if we are an underground alliance, do you think it is so easy to agree to the request?

Especially, as a strong man who wanders the earth, he has his own dignity, and he owns the power. Compared with the leadership of others, what do you think would be the choice if you were to be you?

Next, find time to get in touch with him more to improve the relationship between each other. Of course, I only give him three years. Within three years, if he still disagrees, then don't blame us for being ruthless.

Also, if you tell me to go down, other preparations, no one, don't want to provoke Zhang Fan again. Maybe, if we want to enter the universe, we need Zhang Fan's help in the future.

As for Mingzi's candidate, let's go ahead. Within five years, whoever can reach the later stage of the Conferred King Realm, then I will directly enshrine him.

If they reach the late stage of the Conferred King Realm at the same time, then compare each other, and the stronger ones will become Mingzi. Also, if the first Ming Lao wants to mobilize any power, remember to contact me as soon as possible.

Now, when our Hades is not ready to take action, the result of a big fight is not something our Hades can bear.

At least, Nalandi and Xu Yuan from the Martial Arts Guild are not so easy to deal with. "

Nodded, Palace Lord Yan Ping of the Hades also looked at Edward and directly ordered.

"Well, I understand Big Brother, I will pass on the order in a while. As for the first Ming elder, I will leave it to you. If you want to come, if you make a move, he will definitely not dare to move.

Over the years, many people feel that the combined strength of the three old men is enough to rival the two of us.

However, what they don't know is that even if you are the only one who takes the shot, it is enough to fight against them, or even defeat them.

It's also time to take action and let them know who has the final say in the underworld. This is especially important for your previous plans, big brother. "

Nodded, Edward also said directly.

"Hmm, go back. If there is anything, I will let someone call you."

Yan Ping said.

"Then brother, I will leave first."

After speaking, Edward left the room where Yan Ping was.

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