Star-source Legend

Chapter 863: The war between monsters and humans (in)

"Hey, I can't come if I can't come. If I can't come anymore, the First Military Region is probably not far away from the fall. Of course, I am not here mainly for combat, but intend to help the First Military Region build a defense.

I have not fully recovered from my injuries because of fighting against monsters in the sea before. I can exert my strength to no more than seven layers. I came here with the intention to help the First Military Region build a comprehensive defense field. I believe It should be able to delay a certain period of time.

When the field does not work, the injuries of those of us will almost recover. It is not without the strength of a battle, at least, it can still be supported until Afan exits.

Now Afan’s retreat has reached the most critical moment. However, it takes at least a year to break through. Therefore, in any case, we have to fight for one year. As long as Afan breaks through, then he The strength is absolutely above me.

Don't forget his current identity, that is the young master of the sword pavilion, and the man in the sword pavilion, in terms of strength, is the most powerful besides the spiritual teacher, not to mention that Afan himself is the spiritual teacher.

If he can use "The Return of Ten Thousand Swords", even if he can only use the first few layers, the strength is beyond our imagination. "

When asked by Zhong Chengyun, Xu Yuan also sighed and said directly.

"You mean, Afan only needs one year to make a breakthrough?"

Hearing what Xu Yuan said, Zhong Chengyun also seemed very excited and asked directly.

"Yes, at most one year, Afan will be able to make a breakthrough. This is the approximate time he passed to us before the retreat, so what we need to do is to persist for a year.

I think, no matter how endangered the human situation, in a year's time, the problem shouldn't be big, right? "

Nodded, Xu Yuan also said directly.

"One year's time, of course, is no problem. Of course, the premise is that the Titan Great Ape does not make a move, otherwise, it is not necessarily the case. The monsters in the Star-Lord realm are much stronger than the humans in the Star-Lord realm. You should be very clear.

Therefore, what can be done at present is to mobilize all the strength to resist until Afan exits. I also hope that God can give us humans a chance to breathe. "

Zhong Chengyun also replied immediately.

"Yeah, let's look at God's will. These are some materials I need to arrange the venue. You should have someone prepare it for me as soon as possible. It should not be too late. Finishing the arrangement as soon as possible can also relieve a lot of pressure."

Nodded, Xu Yuan also directly took out a list and gave it to Zhong Chengyun, which was all written with various materials he needed to set up the field.

The number is very large, and the accumulation of the Martial Artists Guild is not unavailable, but the accumulation of the military is much richer than the Martial Artists Guild.

He himself had already prepared the most scarce materials, and the rest would naturally be prepared by the military.

"Well, these things can be provided by the military department. Looking at these materials, they are relatively common. If you want to come, the rest are relatively scarce. You have already prepared yourself. I won't say much. If it is not enough If so, there should be some reserves on the logistics side of the First Military Region, you take all of them.

I hope you can arrange an absolutely powerful field. In terms of materials, the military can provide it. "

Looking at the list in hand, Zhong Chengyun also said gratefully.

"Hehe, I won’t be polite when it’s time to use it. For the time being, it’s enough to have these. Nowadays, all parts of the country are caught in a very urgent situation. The materials are used as little as possible. Now, there is no need to divide so carefully, all human beings need to unite together.

Nowadays, even Hades does not restrict mandala flowers, and directly provides them to various places.

It can be said that if the group of guys in the Temple of Light had not been able to block out, the current form would not be so endangered. "

Seeing Zhong Chengyun's expression, Xu Yuan also said with a smile.

"Hmph, Temple of Light, they are no longer worthy of the title of Holy Land. When this crisis is over, I think they will have good fruits."

Hearing Xu Yuan mentioning the Temple of Light, Zhong Chengyun also looked cold and said in a deep voice.

After that, Xu Yuan went directly to the various areas of the First Military Region, relying on his own speed advantage, quietly arranging the next areas.

Because the defense area of ​​the First Military Region is very wide, it took a full week to complete the deployment.

"Huh, it's finally finished, and it's because this is our Huaxia's scope. I have a very keen sense of the aura here, otherwise, it would be enough for a month.

Next, just look at me, all the monsters that are attacking now, I want to keep them all. "

At the same time, Xu Yuan, who has finished the layout, is standing at a commanding height on the wall at this moment, and said to Zhong Chengyun and others next to him.

"Haha, then I have to have a good experience, to be honest, for so many years, except when I first met you, I have seen this method, including the previous video. Now, it is the third time, it is really very look forward to."

Hearing what Xu Yuan said, Zhong Chengyun also said with a smile.

"Hehe, Xiao Xu's ability naturally does not need to be said. The two old guys are also planning to open their eyes. The power of the Feng Shui master was also seen when we were young, but now, we can truly have the ability of a Feng Shui master. With such a superb use, you will be Xiao Xu alone."

Song Letian on the side also touched his beard at this moment, and said gently.

"You first order to let everyone retreat behind the road fence as quickly as possible."

At this time, Xu Yuan also directly said to Zhong Chengyun.

Afterwards, Zhong Chengyun, Mu Jianfeng and the others directly issued orders. In an instant, all the warriors in each area who were fighting the monsters retreated.

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