Star-source Legend

Chapter 865: Exit (on)

Even the Lord of the Temple of War Ares is not necessarily Athena's opponent, because Athena also has a nickname, the goddess of war.

This is also the only powerful existence in the Temple of Light that can occupy two divine positions by one person. Even if Kassadin sometimes develops some strategies, he needs to consult Athena.

"Well, since Athena said so, it's time for our Temple of Light to take action, and let the world understand that as long as our Temple of Light is in the place, it is bright.

At that time, we will be able to find a suitable reason at will, and perfuse the past. For example, the two Supreme Dharma guardians of the Temple of Light and the others are all seriously injured and have just recovered some, etc., and further transfer the contradiction to the warrior. The guild.

Many people have seen Xu Yuan's shot before, and I believe they will understand us.

Now, the Lord of the Twelve Halls obeyed the orders, and you immediately took your troops and went to your respective areas of responsibility to help the human warriors resist the attacks of the monsters.

Great guardian, you directly take our guardian group and the light guard to the coastal area to resist the attack of sea monsters.

Remember, take all our most powerful weapons, and be sure to slow down the offensive of the sea monsters.

The remaining people, led by me, went to the most severe areas of each form to fight against the monsters.

As for the geniuses of the younger generation in the Temple of Light, let them go to areas one by one to exert their strength.

Later, I will personally request the two Supreme Dharma protectors to go to various areas to support at any time.

This time, our Temple of Light, directly pouring out of the nest, when we leave, the Radiant Angel Magic Circle cannot be closed, so as not to be sneaked in by someone with a heart.

This time, I want the world to understand the power and kindness of our Temple of Light. "

Nodding his head, Kassadin also got up directly and ordered directly to everyone below.

"Yes, the Lord."

Suddenly, everyone got up and said in unison.

Afterwards, they left the conference hall one by one and returned to the various areas under their responsibility to resist the monsters.

In just one day, under the full power of the Temple of Light, the situation on the West side was directly and completely stabilized, including the sea, which was sufficient to support it. Many people in the West found it incredible and took the initiative one by one. Request forgiveness from the Temple of Light.

With the shot of the Temple of Light, it can be said that its prestige has once again risen to an incredible level, and many people in other holy places also lament the shamelessness of the Temple of Light.

However, this is also the consistent style of the Temple of Light. Every time, I shot at the most critical time, and then said that I was wearing a light and other words. This is naturally not very effective for other areas, but, In the entire West, the vast majority of people are believers in the Temple of Light. It can be said that each one is devastated and desperate for the Temple of Light.

It was also because of this shot that all the previous inactions of the Temple of Light were completely passed on by human beings. I have to say that the Temple of Light was too good at choosing an opportunity.

Of course, in any case, the shot of the Temple of Light also reduced the pressure in other places to a certain extent.


At the same time, in the Jian Pavilion, the training room belonging to the pavilion where Zhang Fan lives, a huge light cocoon is also suspended in the air at this moment, and a powerful breath is constantly radiating away, making the space around Directly solidify.


At this moment, all of a sudden, a powerful breath burst out immediately, and then, I saw that this group of light cocoons, directly visible cracks appeared, and they were getting bigger and bigger. , In the end, directly left completely, and immediately afterwards, a figure of a female fell directly on the ground.

This figure has white skin like jade, and its well-proportioned figure looks full of power. Its face looks like a man walking out of the painting. In addition to being very handsome, it has a unique attraction. The force is constantly radiating out.

Her long black hair is also directly scattered behind her head at the moment, which looks relatively elegant.

The thing that makes people unable to look away most is the person's eyes. At this moment, they seem to be showing a colorful light, with a sacredness in the depth, making people unable to bear any thoughts of resistance.

This person is not someone else, it is Zhang Fan. Just now, he officially completely integrated the Star Source Fragments and went directly out.


He waved his arm gently, and there was an explosion-like roar in the air.

"This time, the improvement is really unexpected. The peak level of the earth wandering immortals was reached in such a short time. The effect of the star source fragments is really powerful."

At this moment, Zhang Fan's expression also leaked a satisfied smile.

"Haha, thanks to you, my current soul power has been directly restored to the peak of the Star Lord realm, and some of my memories have also been restored. However, I still don't know my previous identity, but I In these memories, there are a lot of insights about each realm. I believe it will be of great help to your future improvement."

At this moment, Xing Lao's voice also came out directly, which seemed very relieved.

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