Star-source Legend

Chapter 881: Global Shock (Part 2)

"Well, then, Grandpa Xu, I will take it first, and after I sort them all together, I will give you some of the elixir or elixirs that can help you.

You are my most trusted elder, so don't be polite with me. "

Hearing what Xu Yuan said, Zhang Fan had no choice but to give up, and then immediately received everything in front of him into his star source debris space.

"Xiaojin, after I wait for me, I will refine these things into powerful pills that are helpful to your strength. After I solve the two big guys in the sea, I will pass it to you to increase or change your body freely. Small martial arts, and I will personally create a weapon powerful enough for you to use.

These things are just piled up here by you at will, and the medicinal properties are volatilized. I don't think you know how to swallow them. There are some elixir, but they are very toxic.

Otherwise, if you take it all, your strength is definitely much stronger than it is now. "

Zhang Fan also spoke directly to the Titan Great Ape at this time.

"Thank you master."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, the Titan Great Ape also nodded, his expression very excited.

However, he was very smart and did not reveal what Zhang Fan told him just now. He knew that being able to refine pills is definitely a very powerful ability. Since Zhang Fan chose to speak to him, he obviously didn't want to let any People know.

"In addition to these, the one thing I want to discuss with Xiaojin is that I hope you will continue to attack the First Military Region.

Of course, it is enough to activate monsters with terrifying fecundity. In this case, the first military area will not be idle, and the monsters in your place can be maintained at a relatively stable number. Otherwise, if there are too many, it is estimated that it will be too. Will consume too many resources. "

Zhang Fan also changed his voice at this time and said directly to the Titan Great Ape.

"Um, yes, then I will continue to let those commanding level subordinates organize attacks again and again.

It can also be considered that those monsters with weak strength but too many numbers can maintain a certain number, otherwise, if things go on like this, if they wreak havoc at will, it will take up too many resources. "

Nodded, the Titan Great Ape also agreed to Zhang Fan's proposal.

"Haha, Xiaojin, did you reach any agreement with the two big guys in the sea before? Otherwise, with your strength, why don't you attack the First Military Region earlier, instead just start the full attack after more than a year? "

Zhang Fan also immediately asked at this time.

"Yes, Master. I have communicated with those two big guys before, but they can't speak openly, and because of their own health, they rely too much on the sea, even if they can enter the land, they can't Survive for a long time.

I can be regarded as a snake. They promised to help me contain many human forces on the mainland, and I was responsible for destroying the first military region and attacking each gathering place with all my strength.

If mankind can be completely annihilated, then the land belongs to me, and the sea is the two of them.

Of course, it's not that I am bragging. Although the strength of the two of them is stronger than mine, I have the confidence to surpass them in fifty or even a hundred years. When that happens, the whole world will belong to me. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, the Titan Great Ape also nodded and said directly.

"You guy has a good calculation, but I don't know the two guys in the sea very well. After I have dealt with the threats on the land, I will meet them.

In terms of resources, there are definitely more in the sea than on the land. If you want to come, their collection is definitely much richer. "

Hearing the Titan Great Ape's thoughts at the time, Zhang Fan also said directly.

However, now the Titan Great Ape has been subdued by him, and the previous things are forgotten. If you think about it in another way, maybe he will think about destroying mankind just like the Titan Great Ape.

"Then, you just wait for my notice. We will leave first. Before I give you notice, let your men not attack the First Military District for the time being.

When the sea monsters attack, I need your help. "

Zhang Fan also directly ordered the Titan Great Ape at this time.

"Yes, Master, I know."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, the cleverness of the Titan Great Ape is naturally clear about Zhang Fan's future plans. It can be said that when that time comes, he will need to take action to command the monsters on the land and fight the attacks of the monsters in the sea.

After nodding their heads, Zhang Fan and Xu Yuan left the central area of ​​the beast demon realm where the Titan Great Ape was located, and rushed towards the direction of Gulan Academy.


At the same time, on the side of the First Military Region, Zhang Fan fought against the Titan Great Ape, and the news that the Titan Great Ape was finally successfully conquered was also spread directly from the First Military Region to the entire world step by step, making everyone happy. The world is shocked.

Everyone is very clear about the power of the Titan Great Ape. It can be said that no one can cope with the strong human beings on Earth.

However, Zhang Fan, who hadn't appeared for a long time, gave everyone such shocking news as soon as he appeared. It has to be said that Zhang Fan has also directly become the hope of all mankind at present.

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