Star-source Legend

Chapter 891: Blood Sacrifice to the Dragon King of the Deep Sea (middle)

"Since I plan to sacrifice to you in blood, Deep Sea Demon Dragon King, do you think I only have this means? Today, the new hatred and the old hatred, let us come to an end."

Seeing that the nine five-clawed golden dragons were all directly destroyed by the Deep Sea Devil Dragon King’s attack methods, Xu Yuan was not surprised.

After all, this five-clawed golden dragon, each one only had the strength of the early imperial stage.

Being able to completely kill those subordinates and descendants of the Demon Dragon King of the Deep Sea had already completed their mission.

"Nine Dragons are back together, get together!"

At this moment, as soon as the voice fell, Xu Yuan's whole body also burst into a powerful breath.

At the same time, the surrounding sea water, at this moment, seems to be boiling directly. In just a short while, a huge vortex is directly generated. At the same time, the Deep Sea Demon Dragon King relies on his own ability to condense The huge continuously rotating water column collapsed directly at this moment.

Between the heaven and the earth, a large amount of spiritual power is constantly converging in this area crazily, and its thickness is already about to condense into drops of spiritual liquid.

However, Zhang Fan, who has been observing Xu Yuan's state, now sees his grandfather Xu's face very pale.

Needless to think, he also knew that his grandfather Xu's consumption was obviously very large, and he hadn't fully recovered before, and he rashly used more power than his own. If he was not careful, he might cause backlash.

"Grandpa Xu, just continue with peace of mind, don't be distracted."

Seeing that Xu Yuan couldn't hold on at this moment, Zhang Fan's figure immediately moved behind Xu Yuan, and immediately afterwards, his right hand was directly pressed on Xu Yuan's back.

At the same time, the majestic spiritual power was directly used in Zhang Fan's body, and passed directly into Xu Yuan's body through his right hand.

Soon, Xu Yuan's complexion was directly restored to normal, and most of the strength he had consumed before in his body was also supplemented nine out of ten.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan's figure moved and he left this area.

And Xu Yuan did not reject Zhang Fan's support. After all, the power of the Nine Dragons that I set up this time is much greater than that of the Nine Dragons that I set up in the Temple of Light before, whether it is power or scale.

Even with the surging spiritual support here, its own abilities are also very worth testing.

Just now, the energy in his own body was no longer enough to completely bring Jiulong back to the most powerful means of the field, and Zhang Fan's immediate support also relieved Xu Yuan's urgent need.

They nodded at Zhang Fan, Xu Yuan's hands were also constantly forming seals at this moment, and the magic charms were shot directly towards each position.

And the Demon Dragon King of the Deep Sea, who was in the center, seemed to be directly trapped at this moment.

From below, the Devil Dragon King of the Deep Sea also felt a force that made him feel very terrified, and it was constantly being generated.

However, once the Jiulong Guiyi Domain is formed, unless Xu Yuan allows it, or his own strength exceeds the power of the Jiulong Guiyi Domain, it is impossible to escape.

"Ang Roar!"

After a full minute, with the sound of a dragon's roar that made the whole world tremble, a huge golden figure measuring five or six hundred meters straight from below the Demon Dragon King of the Deep Sea, directly charged straight. Up here.

It was the nine-clawed golden dragon that Zhang Fan had seen from the video before.

And seeing the appearance of this huge nine-clawed golden dragon, and feeling the powerful pressure from its whole body, in the huge eyes of the Deep Sea Demon Dragon King, what really leaked out was the color of fear.

Suddenly, the whole body also burst out with an aura far beyond before, and immediately turned around, wanting to rush out of Kowloon and return to the field.

With his cleverness, he naturally knew that he was far from the opponent in front of him, and he blindly resisted. In the end, it is estimated that he would even want to get in.

However, it was too late for the Deep Sea Dragon King to escape now.

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