Star-source Legend

Chapter 903: The third piece of star source fragment (middle)

"Afan, this is the room arranged for you. Everything in it is everything you need. This is the key card. It's not early. You can rest early."

At the same time, Saoya also took Zhang Fan to a very luxurious place like a hotel apartment, where many strong men of the alliance lived for a long time.

"Okay, thank you Sawyer for staying with me for so long today. You should go to rest soon."

Nodded and took the key card, Zhang Fan also looked at Saoya and said directly.

"Okay, then... good night."

After nodding, Sawyer hesitated and said directly, then turned and left.

"good night!"

And Zhang Fan also turned around, took the key card, and swiped directly at the door of the room.


Immediately afterwards, the door rang, and then it was directly opened.


At this moment, Zhang Fan was about to walk towards the room, and a figure came directly to Zhang Fan's front like lightning, and hugged Zhang Fan tightly.

"Afan, I like you. Whether you like me or not, I like you all. In my life, you don’t marry. If you like me, Liu Ruyan and Gu Qian are there, I will take the initiative to find they said.

If you don't like me, in my whole life, I will never find any other man to die alone. "

Soon afterwards, Sawyer's pleasant voice came out directly.

After that, Zhang Fan was immediately released, and the figure flashed before disappearing again.

Obviously, I was afraid that Zhang Fan would refuse.

The direct confession was also Suya's decision after considering it for a long time. This is her only chance. Otherwise, if Zhang Fan leaves in the future, it is estimated that the two will have no chance to meet.

Happiness needs to be controlled by yourself.

"Uh, it's really straightforward."

And Zhang Fan, who was originally a nervous body, relaxed after hearing that it was Soya, and said with a wry smile.

For Saoya, he actually likes it better. After all, Saoya is now the goddess in many people's minds, especially the talent of Saoya is also very powerful. Anyone will not face Saoya's confession. Refuse.

However, Zhang Fan is very distressed at the moment.

Let him directly reject Saoya's words. To be honest, he also likes Saoya a bit. Although he doesn't spend much time with him, Zhang Fan himself feels very comfortable with him.

However, if he accepts this directly, he doesn't know how to explain to Liu Ruyan and Gu Qian, especially after he and the two monsters' threats are resolved, they will get married.

"Forget it, just let it go."

Shaking his head, Zhang Fan stopped thinking about the distressing things anymore, he plunged his head on the soft big bed and fell asleep.

"I don't know if it will make Afan feel too sudden, but since Saoya decides, I will not give up."

At this moment, Saoya, who returned to his room, also breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was also extremely blushing at this moment, unable to fade away for a long time.

Just now, directly confessing to Zhang Fan, Soya also took a lot of courage.

However, he didn't want to hear Zhang Fan's refusal, so he ran away for the first time.

There was no sleep, all night, Soya was constantly thinking about things between Zhang Fan.

In the morning, Suya simply cleaned up and dressed up, and went straight to the restaurant, took the packaged food, and walked towards the room where Zhang Fan was.



After pressing the doorbell, Zhang Fan immediately opened the door.

"Here, this is the breakfast I brought you specifically."

Seeing Zhang Fan, Saoya also became a little blush, afraid to look directly into Zhang Fan's eyes, and directly passed the breakfast in his hand to Zhang Fan.

"Have you eaten it yourself?"

Looking at Saoya, Zhang Fan also felt a little funny and asked directly.

"Uh, not yet."

Saoya also said honestly.

"Come in, so much, I can't eat it alone."

Zhang Fan also said directly.

Then, he turned around and walked towards the room, and Saoya, after hesitating, walked into Zhang Fan's room with a blushing face.

"Saya, I know what you told me yesterday. I don't hide it from you. I also have a good impression of you.

However, you also know that I don't want to be sorry for Ruyan and Qianqian, so I cannot give you an answer for the time being.

I also decided before that after all the threats to the earth have been resolved, I will get married. During this time, you should also think about it. Perhaps, you only like me for a while.

This is a life-long event, don't make a decision so easily.

And, to be honest, we really add up to each other and spend no more than a day together. You just know what I have revealed, but you probably don't know my character and some of my other circumstances.

Similarly, in other words, I am the same, and I don’t understand some of your things.

We can get to know each other slowly first, maybe you will find that, in fact, I may not be right for you. "

Sitting down and opening breakfast, Zhang Fan also ate while looking at Saoya and said directly.

Even though he slept soundly one night, he was thinking about this problem when he got up early in the morning.

In fact, if you count it, apart from being active with Liu Ruyan, Gu Qian and him are also in a passive state.

However, no matter how much the two people like, it takes a long time to get along, so that only after they truly understand each other can they follow their own minds.

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