Star-source Legend

Chapter 905: Phoenix-Tailed Condor (Part 1)

Although, even if he obtains the Star Source Fragments, Zhang Fan currently does not have the ability to fuse, but after Zhang Fan's own strength reaches the six-star noble realm, he will be able to merge directly for the first time. When the time comes, directly It was enough for Zhang Fan to directly ascend to the realm of nine-star nobleness, and perhaps even have the opportunity to directly enter the realm of stars and moons.

At the Star-Moon Realm, even at Luangyu Star, he was considered a strong person.

Of course, it depends on the size of the star source fragments and the amount of origin contained in it to determine how far his own strength can be improved.

According to Old Xing, there are 999 pieces of star source fragments in the entire universe, and the entire universe can fuse star source fragments. At present, perhaps only Zhang Fan can do it.

Even though there are a lot of star source fragments obtained by some powerful forces in the universe, as long as Zhang Fan's strength is sufficient, there is still a chance to obtain them.

Compared with other people's use of star source fragments to perceive the power of the origin, Zhang Fan directly integrates the star source fragments. It can be said that in the entire universe, no one can surpass Zhang Fan in the perception of the power of origin.

Zhang Fan's future is very likely to achieve the position of Star Venerable and allow Star Source Continent to reappear.

It can be said that any piece of star source fragment is very great to Zhang Fan.

Especially in the early stage, the Star Source Fragment is the most powerful treasure that Zhang Fan's strength has rapidly improved, and nothing else can replace it.

No matter how difficult it is, as long as it encounters star source fragments, Zhang Fan will definitely find a way to obtain it as soon as possible.

"Senior Bill, how is the situation in Death Valley now?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan, while covering his mental power towards the Valley of the Dead, while looking at the Supreme Guardian Bill of the Guardian Alliance, asked directly.

"I've been in relatively cautiously before, but there are too many flying monsters and various other monsters inside. Even if you are careful, if you don't pay attention, you will still attract attention.]

But any monster, even the weakest monster, will directly send the message the first time it discovers something unusual.

According to my calculations, there are at least four or so imperial monsters. Especially a few days ago, a very loud scream came out of it, which made me feel the heartbeat. According to my calculations, at least, There is also a powerful flying monster whose strength, even if it does not reach the supreme realm, is not far away. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's question, Bill also said directly in a deep voice.

"Oh? Just with a tweet, Senior Bill, who has reached the middle stage of the journey of the earth, feels shocked. In my opinion, the strength of this monster has definitely reached the supreme realm. This makes me very Accident.

With my strength, although I have a certain degree of certainty against monsters in the Supreme Realm, if a large number of monsters are all around, once my consumption is too large, it will be a lot more dangerous, especially, flying monsters that reach the Supreme level. , There is no small advantage in speed.

Looking at it this way, it is really a bit troublesome. "

Hearing what Bill said, Zhang Fan also felt a lot of pressure at the moment.

Flying monsters, especially those reaching the supreme level, are definitely stronger than the Titan Giant Apes. With his strength, if it can’t be solved in a short time, it’s easy to be directly dragged by other powerful monsters. In the end, it will only lead to failure.

"In this way, I sneaked in secretly first. At this point, I can't take care of that much.

After entering, I will rely on mental power to find opportunities to directly subdue or obliterate those imperial monsters first.

When the time comes, you will follow Senior Bill directly in, relying on your own strength to drag the monsters below the Emperor level first.

After I solve the big guy, everything will become easier.

By the way, this is the protective charm given to me by my grandfather Xu. If it can't be supported, it can be activated and used directly, so that it will also have time to recover its strength.

By that time, I had almost resolved the threat.

I think this monster, even if it is powerful, is at best comparable to the strength of the Second Star Noble Realm.

With my full burst, I can still deal with it. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also looked at Bill and said directly.

"Okay, then do it according to your requirements, but after entering, you must be careful, if you find that the monster is too strong to deal with, come out as soon as possible."

Hearing what Zhang Qian said, Bill also nodded and said directly. At the same time, he also received several protective charms from Zhang Fan.

He is very aware of Xu Yuan's strength, it can be said that with these a few magical charms, his confidence is a little more sufficient.

"Well, then I will go in first. After everything is ready, I will notify you as soon as possible. At that time, you don't have to go too deep, just draw attention and take control of the edge of the valley of the dead."

Nodded, Zhang Fan's figure moved, and he disappeared in place, and in the next moment, he disappeared directly into Bill's vision.

With Zhang Fan's current strength, one second is enough to cross a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

"It's really hot."

As soon as he entered, Zhang Fan discovered that the interior of the Dead Man's Valley was very hot, and the ground was full of desert.

At the same time, Zhang Fan also saw monsters of different shapes.

Especially relying on spiritual thoughts, Zhang Fan also discovered that on the cliffs on both sides of the Valley of the Dead, there are also a large number of holes, from which flying monsters come and go, densely packed.

Of course, Zhang Fan, who has "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Jue" in his hand, once converges his breath, it can be said that as long as he is not exposed, basically, there will be no monsters that can find him.

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