Star-source Legend

Chapter 911: Transplanting the Tree of Life (Part 1)

"My God has such a big origin. I am more and more curious about our earth now.

Here, not only three pieces of star source fragments were successively obtained, but even the branches of the tree of life existed. Perhaps, our earth was really very powerful before, and some unexpected things have happened. "

Hearing what Xing Lao said, Zhang Fan also seemed very surprised.

Especially after hearing Xing Lao talked about the effect of the fruit of life condensed by the tree of life, he was even more unwilling to spit.

"Little Huo, does this big tree exist long ago?"

At this time, Zhang Fan also directly asked the Phoenix-Tailed Condor.

"Yes, master, this big tree already existed when I was conscious. By staying next to this big tree, no matter how badly I was injured, I can recover immediately.

Therefore, when my strength reached a certain level, I directly regarded this place as my lair.

My lair is on the top of this big tree. Master, you come with me. "

After clicking on the huge head, Xiao Huo also directly replied. After that, the huge body's wings spread out and it directly rose into the sky.

Zhang Fan is also close behind.

Flying directly to the top of this big tree, Zhang Fan discovered that the tree of life, the more it goes up, the larger the area.

Even with the huge body of the Phoenix-tailed Condor, it does not appear crowded.

And Zhang Fan also found a circular nest. Inside, a large number of genius treasures were emitting colorful light at this moment, which made Zhang Fan also very excited.

Because, among the huge lair in front of him, Zhang Fan found at least fifteen genius treasures that were more than three thousand years old.

At the same time, there are also many rings of content, including a large number of spirit crystals.

It can be said that the wealth of the Titan Great Ape has more than doubled.

With these, Zhang Fan has increased a lot of confidence in his promotion to the Star Jubilee realm.

"Little Huo, you should step aside and wait for me. Since you are leaving here, this big tree, as your habitat, naturally has to be taken away, so that you can also have a place to rest. Put this big tree away and show you your new home when that time comes. I believe you will be very satisfied."

At this time, Zhang Fan also directly said to Phoenix-tailed Condor.

"Okay, Master."

Although he doesn't know what his master will do next, but for Zhang Fan's words, the Phoenix-Tailed Condor is absolutely unwilling to do what he wants to come, his master will do everything right.

For the first time, the Phoenix-Tailed Condor immediately hovered at a safe distance, watching the movement of Zhang Fan.

"Old Xing, I will trouble you next."

Zhang Fan also spoke directly to Old Xing at this time.

"Hehe, the current size of the Star Source Debris Space has increased by at least ten times compared to before. Put down this tree of life and rub it with you.

And, it will not consume much energy for me.

Moreover, as the tree of life, the life energy contained in it will also be helpful for my recovery.

After all, even if it is just a branch of the tree of life, it contains the aura of the origin of the universe. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Mr. Xing also said with a smile.


Immediately afterwards, a terrifying aura that made the Phoenix-Tailed Condor almost fall on the ground also burst out directly. At the same time, Zhang Fan's whole body also exudes a dazzling light.

At the same time, a powerful invisible force directly acted on the huge tree of life.


Suddenly, the surrounding ground was shaking violently at this moment, and then, in the horrified look of the Phoenix-Tailed Condor, I saw that the tree that I transplanted and inhabited was directly uprooted at this moment.

And above the big tree, there was also a circular black hole emitting dazzling light.


After that, a towering tree thousands of meters high just disappeared in front of the Phoenix-Tailed Condor.

It can be said that at this moment, the Phoenix-Tailed Condor couldn't understand how its owner had put such a huge tree away.

"Haha, let's go, there are still some of my partners outside. In order not to attract attention, I will not let you in for the time being. There will be time in the future.

You go to the front first, and let all the monsters besieging my partner stop! "

After taking the Tree of Life into the Star Source Fragment Space, Zhang Fan also looked directly at the Phoenix-tailed Condor and said.

As for how the Tree of Life was successfully planted in the Star Source Fragment Space, some stars are always there, Zhang Fan is not worried.

"Yes, master."

"Keng Keng!"

Hearing Zhang Fan's order, the Phoenix-tailed Condor also spoke directly, and at the same time, a special chirp sounded directly, as if giving an order.

Soon, under the observation of Zhang Fan’s mental thoughts, he also saw the monsters that had been outside and besieging Bill's four. After hearing the call of the Phoenix-tailed Condor, they also stopped one by one. The offense, returning to the distance, greatly reduced the pressure on Bill's four.

"It seems that Afan's side should be over, and it is likely that the Phoenix-Tailed Condor has already been subdued, otherwise, these monsters that besieged us will not stop attacking directly.

Counting it down, A Fan now has two powerful supreme-level subordinates, the Titan Great Ape and the Phoenix-Tailed Condor. It can be said that A Fan now has the courage to provoke him.

Perhaps the two big guys in the sea will soon be solved by Afan. "

At this moment, Thor also said with emotion on his face.

"Hehe, anyway, this is a good thing. At least, the threat of the Dead Man's Valley is completely resolved, and we can also deal with the monsters in the sea with all our heart."

Bill also said with a smile at this time.

"Fortunately, I did not humiliate my life and successfully subdued the Phoenix-tailed Condor."

At this time, Zhang Fan's figure also appeared directly in front of everyone.


At the same time, behind Zhang Fan, the Phoenix-Tailed Condor also slowly walked over, making all of Bill's mind startled.

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