Star-source Legend

Chapter 936: Without reservation (on)

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

At this time, the twenty-four old men saw Zhang Fan retract the spear, and took advantage of this gap to seal their hands for the first time. Suddenly, the runes were flashing toward the huge cross at the center. Gathered away.


It took a few seconds before and after Zhang Fan’s expression was a little surprised to see that the huge guardian angel was enveloped in a thick white light, and immediately after the huge shield in his hand, it was directly Become a huge angel sword.


Immediately afterwards, this angel, with a big sword in his hand, immediately slammed towards the position where Zhang Fan was. The powerful force made the distant mountains tremble uncontrollably at this moment.

However, Zhang Fan had already had a way to crack this. When the shield in the angel's hand turned into a long sword, a powerful aura from Zhang Fan's body appeared again.

At the same time, behind Zhang Fan, an enlarged version of Zhang Fan's phantom was also directly generated, as if a **** descended from the world.

In his hand, he also held a huge blue long sword. Although it was illusory, no one would dare to look down upon it.

"Come and not be indecent!"

Suddenly, under Zhang Fan's control, this huge illusory law body, directly under Zhang Fan's urging, directly turned into a condensed existence entirely composed of spiritual power.


At the same time, he stepped out and slammed the angel's sword that was swung by the four-winged angel.


In an instant, the attacks from both sides collided together.

A powerful force burst out, and the dazzling light made everyone's sight blurred for an instant, and the huge force Yu Bo also spread directly to the surroundings.

Jean Nalandi and Xu Yuan couldn't stop backing.

But the high mountains in the distance, in an instant, as if being broken by the waist, collapsed directly, triggering a huge avalanche.

As if it was the end of the day, the Temple of Light was to be submerged directly.

Conversely, it was equivalent to this big mountain helping Zhang Fan to attack the Temple of Light.

This can be seen from the light shield of the Holy Light Cross Array surrounding the Temple of Light, which has become a little dim at this moment.

And the twenty-four elders, at the same time, suddenly burst out a mouthful of blood. Obviously, the strength just now is so powerful that even if they can share with each other, there are some that they cannot bear.

At this time, the huge spiritual power body that Zhang Fan condensed was directly recovered by Zhang Fan, turned into pure spiritual power, and Zhang Fan was denied, so that his complexion was restored.

At the same time, for the first time, a handful of spiritual power flying swords were also directly generated under Zhang Fan's control.

At this time, Zhang Fan didn't plan to keep too much, he just used Ten Thousand Swords to return to the sect.

"Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!"


Under Zhang Fan's control, a flying sword that had already been arranged in accordance with a specific law, at this moment, was directly and swiftly shooting towards the huge guardian angel that had not completely dissipated in the distance.

At this moment, everyone in the Temple of Light did not react at all.




In an instant, the entire guardian angel was directly penetrated by Zhang Fan's countless flying swords into a huge sieve, and then immediately disappeared in front of Zhang Fan.

And as the angel disappeared, the huge cross in the middle seemed to be broken at this moment.

The complexion of everyone in the Temple of Light changed.

"Unexpectedly, Zhang Fan is so powerful. The power of the angels produced by the Holy Light's Cross Array is at least comparable to the three-star noble realm, or even higher, but it is so easily resolved by it.

Kassadin, please ask the Bible, otherwise, we have no chance at the Temple of Light. "

At the same time, at this moment, Gu Ding's complexion was extremely shocked when he saw this situation. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said to Kassadin.

"Okay, great protector."

Nodded, and then, with light all over, in Kassadin's hand, a page of talisman paper appeared.

And everyone in the Temple of Light, when they saw this page of talisman paper, they all seemed very excited, because this is the most inherited treasure of their Temple of Light, the Angel Bible.

Although there is only one page, it is enough for them to make the temple of light, directly from the distant sky, summon a real angel's clone.

"My benevolent Lord, your people are now suffering disaster. Kassadin, your most loyal believer, has to disturb you today. Please come to the earth to eliminate all sins."

At this moment, Kassadin was also directly holding this rune paper, and directly came to the center of the Holy Light Cross.

At the same time, for the first time, Kassadin directly burst out a strong breath, and the spiritual power in his body also madly gathered towards the talisman in his hand.


Suddenly, among Zhang Fan and the others' expressions of surprise, they saw that this talisman paper, after being activated, was directly affixed to the huge cross in the middle.

At the same time, from the distant sky, a huge beam of light appeared directly in front of everyone.

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