Star-source Legend

Chapter 965: Shenlong (Part 1)

At the same time, the entire channel became extremely bright in an instant.

"Let's go, go in. Go in from here, and you will directly be the control center of the entire spacecraft."

Xiao Gu also spoke at this time, and then flew in immediately.

Zhang Fan also nodded and followed behind.

After the two entered, the door of the spacecraft was also closed automatically.

The entire passage is about thirty meters long, and after entering, an automatic sensor door appeared in front of Zhang Fan.

There is also a row of buttons in the switch position of this automatic sensor door.

Enter according to the number in the memory, the automatic sensor door is also directly opened, and immediately, the control center of the spacecraft directly appeared in front of Zhang Fan.

At the forefront, there is a huge-looking screen, and underneath it is a huge console, which looks much more beautiful than the console of the spacecraft he saw in some science fiction movies.

In other places, there are entrances, all marked with lounges, storage rooms, training rooms, etc.

It can be said that there is everything.

"This is a three-level spacecraft built by the old master at a huge price.

In the entire universe, spacecraft levels are divided into nine levels, with the lowest level of nine and the highest level.

The third-level spacecraft can be said to be the top-level spacecraft that humans can build.

As for the second-level spacecraft, and even the first-level spacecraft, most of them are in the hands of a very small number of powerful people, and none of them are extremely precious.

As for the third-level spacecraft, it can be said that many powerful people in the ethereal realm may not be able to build it.

This spacecraft, in terms of value, can be said that a thousand earths combined may not be comparable to it. Basically, there is no market.

With this spacecraft, it can be said that as long as there are enough star stones, you can travel everywhere in the universe.

Moreover, you look like this spaceship is very ordinary, but its precious point lies in its production materials, as well as its own weapons.

It can be said that the most powerful weapon of this spacecraft is enough to destroy the entire earth in one blow.

Because that is equivalent to the power of the Star Sun Realm. Not the earth can bear. "

Specifically, after you have read the information for a while, you will understand. The control of the spacecraft will be handed over to me to make a basic intelligent robot.

So you don't need to get started by yourself. "

At this time, Xiao Gu also explained to Zhang Fan.

"Yeah, I know. And I discovered that this spaceship is much bigger than I thought.

Just now, just a channel is thirty meters long.

And when I released my mental power just now, I also discovered that the entire spacecraft is at least about 100 meters long, and its height is close to 30 meters.

It can be said that this spacecraft is enough to hold hundreds of people. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also said.

"This is also because the master has no relatives or friends. At most, there are some servants. I have seen some spacecrafts that are at least more than 10,000 meters in length and several kilometers in width.

It is even said that the base camp of the mechanical clan is a huge spaceship, which is a planet that is many times larger than the earth.

Of course, these are not what you can imagine for the time being.

The original name of this spacecraft was Yaoguang.

However, it is unrealistic to continue to call him by this name now, so you should give him a new name. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Xiao Gu also explained something, and then looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"Well, let's call it the Shenlong. We have always claimed to be descendants of the dragon, and the Shenlong is not suitable."

Zhang Fan also nodded and said directly.

"This is up to you. From then on, this spaceship will be called the Shenlong. However, for the time being, it is impossible for you to leave the earth on the Shenlong.

The main reason is that when Shenlong passed through the chaotic black hole, some parts were damaged.

Unless you can find the right material to replace it, even if it can be started, it will not last long.

I know that your earth has a lot of civilization relics. Although those civilizations are of relatively low level, among the wrecks of the spacecraft left by them, there may be some that can be used by the Shenlong.

After that, I will leave with you and stay in your star source debris space.

You find a way to collect a lot of the remains of other civilizations, and when you encounter suitable materials, I will tell you to put them away.

As for the Star Source Fragments, they have been kept in the storage room, where there are still a lot of cosmic coins, including many star-reducing stones, as well as other resources used in cultivation, which should be able to play a good role for you . "

Upon hearing Zhang Fan's naming, Xiao Gu also directly uttered a piece of news that disappointed Zhang Fan.

I thought I had the spacecraft left by my master, and I was soon able to leave the earth.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be broken, and it will take some time to find a way to repair it.

"Well, then go to the storage room and put away the important things first."

Although I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart, the Star Source Fragments were very important to Zhang Fan, and naturally he couldn't stay on the spacecraft if he knew it.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan and Xiaogu entered the storage room.

"This, these are actually ten thousand years panacea? And these, should they be star stones? What a strong starry sky. Xiaogu, don't people in the universe also eat rice?"

Entering the storage room, opening the boxes one by one, looking at the piles of elixir and treasures, Zhang Fan finally got some comfort in his heart.

However, what makes Zhang Fan a little strange is that many boxes contain a kind of rice that looks relatively large.

"This is indeed the rice that you call on the earth, but in the universe, it is called ling rice.

Don't underestimate these spiritual rice, their effect is definitely not inferior to the treasure of heaven and earth.

Ordinary people can prolong their life and strengthen their bodies if they eat it.

But if the warrior eats it, he can continuously enhance his own strength.

If it is really about wealth, the value of this box of spiritual rice is definitely no less than an elixir of more than 100,000 years.

In the future, your staple food will be edible rice directly. The effect is absolutely beyond your imagination.

This kind of spiritual rice, in the universe, generally only some large-scale forces have the opportunity to eat.

In the beginning, the old master spent at least tens of thousands of years before and after planting these spiritual rice, and did not know how many spiritual things were used to ripen them finally.

Xiao Gu also pointed to the rice at this time and explained to Zhang Fan.

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