Star-source Legend

Chapter 969: Collecting materials (part one)

After a while, under Zhang Fan's perception, several powerful sea monsters were also found rushing towards here.

The head is the three-headed spirit snake.

On the side of the three-headed spirit snake, there are two huge monsters with crocodile mouths, and there is also a relatively small octopus monster with nine tentacles hundreds of meters long.

Those two huge monsters with crocodile mouths are very similar to an ancient creature that Zhang Fan has seen before. That ancient creature belongs to the dinosaur family, called Neptune Dragon.

Neptune dragon was also the largest carnivorous predator in the dinosaur era. At the beginning, it was also at the top of the food chain.

"Boss, I called them all over."

At this time, the three-headed spirit snake also looked at the Niulongjiao and said directly.

"Very good, fourth, fifth, and sixth. I am calling you over this time because of the human being before me.

Regarding this human being, I think you should also learn something from the hands of Xiaoling, who is currently the strongest human being.

Although my strength was much lower than mine, I couldn't refuse the conditions he put forward, which was to help us transform, and even let us follow to the universe together.

Only by getting out of this planet can we become stronger.

From now on, I announce that in your respective areas of responsibility, your subordinates above the Imperial rank, including yourself, will no longer be able to attack land.

Otherwise, everything is normal.

Consuming excess power is our goal, and for a long time, it can also reduce the consumption of our sea resources to a certain extent.

On the human side, it is also possible to obtain supplements from various resources and materials, and has the best of both worlds.

Now, each of you has returned to your old nest, gathered all your harvests all the time, and brought them here.

From now on, we are all going to follow Afan. I believe that with Afan's help, our strength will become stronger and stronger in the future. I believe Xiaoling has already told you about this on the road.

Of course, if you are unwilling, and I will not force it, then it will be fine for you to stay on earth in the future. "

At this time, the Niulongjiao also looked at the three-headed spirit snake and they said.

As for Zhang Fan, he had already returned to the surface by this time.

He didn't have too much doubt about the result, as long as the three-headed spirit snakes were not fools, they would always make the most correct decision.

After half an hour, the figure of the Niulongjiao also emerged from the sea.

"Afan, they all agreed. However, will this cause too much pressure for you?

But I know that this kind of transformation pill is very precious. If you count the five of us, plus the Titan Great Ape and the Phoenix-tailed Condor, you need seven transformation pills. "

At this time, Niu Long Jiao also looked at Zhang Fan and asked with some worry.

"Hehe, senior, don't worry. I said that since I promised you, it will be done.

For the time being, you will stay in the sea first, if I have something, I will come to you.

After a while, I will first teach Xiaoling the skills of changing body size, so that it can also give them some confidence.

After that, I need to go back to the land to retreat for a while.

When I come to look for you next time, it will be the time when the transformation pill is successfully refined. "

Hearing what Niu Long Jiao said, Zhang Fan also promised with a smile.

"Uh, yes, you can do your own business first. I also directly conveyed the order to the sea.

All the king-level monsters have stopped attacking from now on, and at most only the king-level monsters are dispatched.

I believe that a short period of time is enough to maintain a balance. "

The huge head nodded, and the Niulongjiao also said with a urn.

"Yeah, I'm going to find and teach the skills to Xiaoling."

Nodded, Zhang Fan directly dived into the depths of the sea again.

An hour later, Zhang Fan also left the position where the Niulongjiao was. After that, Zhang Fan directly released his mental power and probed around.

After all, according to the information he had obtained, the base left by the warriors of Luan Yuxing was in the center of the Dead Sea.

However, after more than ten hours of investigation, even Xing Lao used his own power directly, and finally he did not find the location of the base left by Luang Yu, which made Zhang Fan feel very confused.

Could it be that there is no Luangyu Star Base at all? Or is your own method wrong?

It can be said that Zhang Fan himself was puzzled.

In the end, Zhang Fan also decided to wait for him to fuse the third piece of star source fragments, and then come to Death Sea again. Perhaps he was not strong enough now, or his method was incorrect.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan went to the direction of the landing site.

Before leaving, Zhang Fan also let the Niulongjiao activate the power of the sea monsters to help find the location of the Luangyu Star base.


"Afan, did you deal with it so soon?"

Half an hour later, Zhang Fan also appeared at the headquarters of the 11th Military Region.

At this time, Hu Zhi also looked at Zhang Fan with a puzzled look and asked.

"Haha, it has basically been completely resolved. From now on, sea monsters above the Emperor level will not launch attacks. Of course, the monsters of the king level will still attack various military districts from time to time.

This is also an agreement reached between me and the powerful presence of the sea.

The reason why the sea is attacking the landing site is also because there are too many monsters in the sea. The consumption of resources makes the sea unbearable. Naturally, humans are needed to achieve the purpose of consumption.

It's just that the powerful existence in the sea did not expect that the strength of our human warriors is much weaker than it imagined, and that's why it created such a situation.

Fortunately, all the problems have been solved now. "

Smiling, Zhang Fan also looked at Hu Zhi and said.

"Haha, that's great, I know Afan, you can do it. In this case, the pressure on the various military districts along the coast is reduced too much.

Those land monsters can also return to their own positions.

During this period of time, it can be said that it is not our humans who lost the most, but the land monsters.

Of course, it was also because it had swallowed a lot of sea monsters, and many king-level and even imperial-level powerful existences appeared once again among land monsters. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Hu Zhi also patted his thigh suddenly and said with excitement.

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