Star-source Legend

Chapter 971: Collect materials (below)

After all, I said a long time ago that when everything is stable, the wedding will be held directly.

Now that the threats of humans on earth are all resolved, and my own strength is currently the strongest among humans on earth, it is time for myself to give my parents an explanation.

"Hehe, okay, since Afan you agree, then the two of us will discuss with Dean Gu and the others and choose a good day."

When Zhang Fan agreed, both Zhang Shun and Shen Qiong seemed very happy.

It can be said that the two of them don't have any big wishes now, and their only wish is to see their only son marrying a wife and having children.

Now, this wish is about to be realized, and naturally, they are also very happy.

"Then Mom and Dad, you can rest early, tomorrow I have something to call President Nalandi."

At this time, Zhang Fan also looked at his parents and said.

"Um, yes, then we will go to rest first."

Nodding their heads, Zhang Shun and Shen Qiong went back to their room to rest. As for Zhang Fan, they also returned to their room.

As soon as his mind moved, Zhang Fan directly entered the space of Star Source Debris.

"Xiao Gu, how about it, is it difficult to repair?"

Zhang Fan also came directly to the front of the Shenlong at this time.

At this time, Xiaogu's figure appeared from time to time.

"The difficulty is not small, although I am very clear about the structure of the Shenlong, but if there is no corresponding or replaceable material, it is very difficult to repair it.

Moreover, the hope of finding materials that can be replaced is not great, at best, it can only be a period of time.

After you enter the universe in the future, you still have to constantly find ways to obtain the corresponding materials. Otherwise, many powerful methods of the Shenlong will be unusable. "

Xiao Gu's immature voice was also heard, causing Zhang Fan to frown.

"Well, I will try my best to collect them. There are a lot of civilization relics discovered before on the earth, and maybe they can be found.

How is it, are you still used to it in the Star Source Debris Space? "

Nodded, Zhang Fan asked immediately.

"Very good. The environment here is much more comfortable than before. Although I am an intelligent life, I cannot practice cultivation like yours for the time being, but my feelings are no different from yours in all aspects.

In a way, it is equivalent to a real holy place for cultivation. After all, the surroundings here are filled with the aura of the origin of the universe, which is the most rare.

If you can finally continue to fuse star source fragments, then this space will truly evolve into a new universe in the future.

And you are the creator of this universe. "

When Zhang Fan asked, Xiao Gu also spoke.

"For that day, I dare not make extravagant demands. Now I just hope that I can become stronger as soon as possible, without being too restrained, and being able to protect the people I care about."

Zhang Fan also said.

"Don't worry, this day, I believe it will be realized soon."

Xiao Gu also said.

It can be said that if even Zhang Fan, who can fuse star source fragments, cannot protect a small life planet, then no one in the entire universe can do it.

It can be said that Zhang Fan is the person who is most likely to become the Venerable in this universe.

"Then Xiaogu, you continue to be busy. If you have anything, just send me a voice transmission. After that, I will start collecting all kinds of materials. When the time comes, you will have to select it yourself."

Zhang Fan also said to Xiaogu at this time.

"it is good!"

Xiao Gu also responded, turning his attention to the Shenlong once again.

No way, the Shenlong has been silent for too long, and many places including the control system need to be rearranged. The amount of engineering is not small.

After leaving the Star Source Debris Space, Zhang Fan stopped thinking about it, and fell asleep directly.

It can be said that he has not had a good sleep for many years.

And Zhang Fan slept for three whole days.

During the period, Zhang Fan's parents even thought Zhang Fan was ill, and they called Nalandi to come and help see what was going on.

After Nalandi arrived, after seeing Zhang Fan who was obviously in deep sleep, he also knew that Zhang Fan hadn't really rested for too long. After he had recovered his energy, Zhang Fan could wake up.

Hearing what Nalandi said, Zhang Fan's parents also relaxed a lot. Of course, more distressed.

They usually only know that their son is great, but when they think that their son could not rest for so long because of the various pressures faced by humans on earth, they also feel very distressed in their hearts.

And Nalandi and the others, who are strong among human beings, actually admire Zhang Fan very much, of course, there is also a color of shame.

After all, if you really count them, these so-called powerhouses didn't play a big role from the beginning.

This is also due to the appearance of Zhang Fan, otherwise, the earth still doesn't know what is going on.

And Zhang Fan, after waking up, the first time he went to find Nalandi and the others, at this time, Zhang Fan was in the place where Nalandi lived.

"President, Grandpa Xu, I am looking for you this time, and there is one thing that needs your help, that is, I need a lot of wrecks excavated from the remains of ancient civilizations, the more the better.

Except for the Martial Arts Guild, I will ask them to collect these materials on the Underground Alliance and the Jiange side.

On the side of the Hades, I personally went to talk to Yan Ping. As for the Sun Palace and the station gate, you need to visit the chairman and Grandpa Xu yourself. After all, I am not so familiar with them. "

Zhang Fan also stepped directly into the topic at this time, looking at Nalandi and his own Grandpa Xu, and said.

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