Star-source Legend

Chapter 973: Discovery of Luangyu Star Base (middle)

"This is very strange. According to the information obtained, Luangyu Star Base is indeed in the Dead Sea.

Even this information is now not only clear to our Martial Artists Guild, but also to other holy places, including the Hades.

You didn't find it, it's probably because the location of Luangyu Star Base is too hidden, or there may be an isolated formation.

After all, Luangyu Star, as the dominant planet of the Milky Way galaxy, originally came to the strong on our planet, and many of its strengths reached the six-star noble realm.

Perhaps, there is a powerful method that we don't know about, directly hiding the base. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Nalandi frowned, and then guessed.

"Well, it's possible. Just like myself, relying on field methods, I can arrange a powerful field where you can't even notice Afan.

If you have time, you can go back and look for it carefully. Maybe there will be a good harvest. "

Xu Yuan also nodded, looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"Well, I see, I will take time to look for it again later.

If it doesn't work, I will expand the search scope. Perhaps the scope of the Dead Sea more than a thousand years ago is much wider than it is now. "

Zhang Fan also nodded and said directly.

This is currently the only possibility. Otherwise, it would be impossible for even the stars to be unaware.

"Chairman, Grandpa Xu, these are some genius treasures I got from Niulongjiao. Now, these things don't have much effect for myself.

And if you want to travel to the universe, your strength must reach the Star Jubilee realm. This is what the intelligent program told me.

Only by reaching the realm of Xingjue can he adapt to the turbulence of the void to a certain extent.

Otherwise, it is impossible to travel to the universe.

If you can find Luangyuxing's spacecraft after waiting, you need to start leaving the earth.

According to my estimation, this time, at most four or five people besides me can leave the earth.

You two, plus Yan Ping, and Hong Lie.

Although Hong Lie's strength may not meet the requirements, he is pregnant with the blood of a Titan, and when he enters the universe, as long as he has the opportunity to obtain certain treasures, it is very helpful for Hong Lie's promotion.

I also firmly believe that the improvement of his strength will definitely exceed all of us imagined.

As for the rest, Xiaojin and Xiaohuo definitely need to leave together, including other supreme-level monsters in the sea, also leaving together.

When the time comes, just let them stay in my pubic space temporarily.

Anyway, I have already taught them the skill of changing the size of the body, which can't take up much space. "

Zhang Fan also took out a big box at this time, which was full of precious genius treasures and some star stones.

With these, it can be said that if Nalandi and his grandfather Xu can use them all, their strength will definitely reach the realm of Star Lord.

Especially my grandfather Xu, I will pass on some experience and insights to him later, and with these, breakthroughs are a matter of course.

After all, after entering the universe, one needs to be accompanied by a few familiar people. Otherwise, if you don't return to the earth for a long time, one person will appear very boring.

"Well, yes, since you said that, we are not welcome. These things can really help us both."

Nalandi was not polite this time either.

With their current relationship, in fact, they are no different from their relatives. Coupled with their understanding of Zhang Fan.

These things may be precious to others, but for Zhang Fan, something has gone on.

"Yeah, the president, Grandpa Xu, please help me personally collect the materials of various ancient civilization relics, and it is best to put them together directly.

I am now planning to go to the sea again, hoping to find the location of Luangyu Star Base, otherwise, we want to leave the earth and we don't know when it will take. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also stood up while looking at Nalandi and Xu Yuan and said.

"Yeah, you have to be careful yourself. After all, no one knows whether Luan Yuxing's warrior who came to the earth in the first place left behind some other means.

Although your strength is good, it is not absolutely safe. "

Nodding, Nalandi also looked at Zhang Fan and reminded directly.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan walked out of the double-layer alloy building where Nalandi was located, and after talking to his parents, he went to the sea again.

As for Nalandi and Xu Yuan, they also decided to help Zhang Fan find the materials excavated from various ancient civilization sites.

Before coming to Gulan Academy, Zhang Fan had already passed the news to Qin Lao and Yuan He.

As for the underworld, Zhang Fan also plans to wait for the prize to find the Luangyu Star Base before going there in person.


An hour later, Zhang Fan appeared in the Dead Sea again.

"Senior, how is it, did you find a place?"

At this moment, Zhang Fan also hovered directly in front of the Niulongjiao and asked.

"No, I can say that I have searched the surrounding seas carefully, but I haven't found anything suspicious.

I think the Luangyu Star base you mentioned may not be nearby. "

Niu Long Jiao also replied.

"Yeah, it seems that it is really not here. However, for more than a thousand years, perhaps the range of the Dead Sea before is much larger than what is indicated now.

I started from the edge of the current search range, and once again explored the surrounding area a little bit, hoping to gain something.

By the way, senior, how are you mastering that skill? Is there anything you don’t understand? "

Nodding his head, Zhang Fan also decided to search for a larger area and a little bit. Before leaving, Zhang Fan also looked at the Niulongjiao and asked.

"Fortunately. The skill you taught me to change the size of the body, I can understand, but it takes a month or two for me to fully practice successfully, even with my strength.

Xiaoling, they need longer time.

After all, if we really talk about talent, our monster beasts are often not comparable to your humans, especially our blood is not that powerful. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's question, Niulongjiao also answered directly.

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