Star-source Legend

Chapter 976: Zhang Fan is missing (middle)

"My God, it turns out to be so strong. In that case, it seems that the situation is not so bad. Maybe this is another opportunity for me to become a strong one."

Hearing what Xiaogu said, Zhang Fan didn't expect the controller to be so terrifying, and he understood that this might be a great opportunity for him.

Because, even Xing Lao did not mention some information about the controller with Zhang Fan. Obviously, some information about the controller was not recorded in the existing memory of Xing Lao.

However, since it can be regarded as a test and given three years to oneself, obviously, it is very difficult to learn these basic moves.

You know, a martial artist can become the absolute king among the spiritual masters-the master, and that talent is absolutely top in the universe.

Perhaps, three years is just the time this person is looking forward to. It can be said that if other people come here, they will basically fail the assessment in the end.

At this time, Zhang Fan also directly controlled the virtual screen in front of him and turned the page directly.

Suddenly, the introduction of a party also appeared directly in front of Zhang Fan.

"If you want to be a real master, then the basic 90 formulas must be mastered.

The first thirty forms are small achievements, the middle thirty forms are proficient, and the last thirty forms are learned to be great.

However, if you want to truly comprehend, at least you need your mental power to reach a specified level.

In the universe, the division of spiritual teachers is roughly divided into three levels.

Ordinary, elite, king.

And judging the level of a spiritual teacher depends on the color and total amount of his spiritual power in a realm.

Among them, the color of ordinary spiritual teachers is white, the color of the elite is blue, and the king is gold.

As for the controller, it is color.

Now that you can enter this secret room, it means that your own spiritual teacher level has reached the king level, and you are qualified to get what I left behind.

I, Naluo, although only a master of the early stage of the Star-Moon Realm, even if I encounter a strong person in the late stage of the Star-Moon Realm, I am completely fearless.

When I came to this planet, I, including some of my subordinates, did not expect that there were such powerful humans among the humans on this planet.

Even if I broke out with all my strength, it was not my opponent. In the end, all the searchers who came here died, and only I reluctantly took a breath.

I am not reconciled to the disappearance of my life's gains, so I left my inheritance in this base, even if you are a human being on this planet, I don't care.

I only hope that if you can really pass the assessment, you can carry forward what I have left. In this way, I will have no regrets.

Of course, if the assessment fails, the ending will still be death.

A master's basic moves is a waste that can't be learned, and he is not qualified to be recognized by my Nalo.

This secret room, I used energy crystallization, combined with a law that only the controller can master. It can be said that even if the pinnacle of the star-moon realm exists, it is impossible to get out without the controller. of.

So, latecomers, come on.

When you pass the assessment, the wealth I leave to you will be enough for you to gallop the entire galaxy. "

Seeing this, a wry smile appeared on Zhang Fan's face.

Even the existence of the pinnacle of Xingyue realm could not break the defense of this secret room. This controller named Naluo was really very powerful.

It seems that in Luangyu Star, this Naluo must be a big man.

After all, according to Zhang Fan's understanding, Luan Yuxing is not a strong person in the Xingyang realm.

Listening to Naluo's tone, it seemed that Naluo suffered irreparable injuries because of the original strong man on Earth, and eventually hid in this base.

However, his master Situ Zhong told himself that when he left the earth, his strength had just reached the star-moon realm.

Facing Nalo as the master, even if his master is strong, he is probably not an opponent.

Perhaps Nalo should have arrived on Earth a long time ago.

As for the people who brought Nalo, including him, were killed directly, obviously, it should be a very terrifying strong man on earth.

For this strong man, Zhang Fan is also very curious.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan immediately turned to the next page. Suddenly, a three-dimensional human meridian diagram appeared directly in front of Zhang Fan, with a large amount of text underneath.

Fortunately, Zhang Fan had mastered the lingua franca of the universe before, and had a small ancient existence, so naturally he could understand it.

It can be said that the first form alone makes Zhang Fan feel very difficult, not to mention that there are eighty-nine forms behind.

Zhang Fan himself didn't have much confidence in the complete cultivation of this ninety style.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan directly focused all his attention on the pattern in front of him, constantly learning and understanding.

Time flies and Zhang Fan's progress is amazing.

From the previous control of 36 flying knives to the maximum peak, it has only been a week before Zhang Fan was able to control forty-two flying knives. This speed made him feel very surprised.

Seeing this effect, Zhang Fan had already forgotten everything and devoted himself to comprehension and learning.


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