Star-source Legend

Chapter 982: Intact Luangyu Star Spaceship (Part 2)


At this time, Zhang Fan also slammed his fist on the notebook-like device in front of him.

Suddenly, the entire device was torn apart by Zhang Fan's fist.

Immediately afterwards, a golden ring with two small letters written on Nalo appeared on the table.

"My God, I didn't expect this Nalo to be so rich?"

And when Zhang Fan's mind moved, he also probed his mind towards the inside of the ring for the first time. He immediately discovered that Nalo's spatial ring had a large range, at least the size of a football field.

Inside, many treasures are stacked.

Especially the Star Stones, they are like a mine, are piles and piles piled together? Needless to say, those precious elixir.

Even Zhang Fan found several very rare elixir that are necessary for refining the transformation pill.

Inside, there are many coins made of special metal.

There are Luangyu Coins that are common to Luangyu Stars, and there are also a large number of Galaxy Coins that are common throughout the galaxy, and even Qianlong Coins have a lot.

However, Zhang Fan, the universe coin through which the entire universe passed, didn't find it.

However, even so, for Zhang Fan, it is a good harvest.

"Hehe, I just counted. If all these coins are converted into Galaxy Coins, there will be about 60 million Galaxy Coins, which is equivalent to 60 billion Luangyu Coins.

It can be said that Afan, if you go to Luangyu Star now, you are definitely a rich man.

If this is to add to the spaceship he left for you, as well as other treasures, it will also have a wealth of hundreds of billions of coins.

According to the exchange ratio in the universe, one universe coin is equivalent to ten million Luangyu coins. In other words, Afan, you now have a wealth of tens of thousands of universe coins.

It can be said that at least in the galaxy, you are truly rich. "

Xiao Gu also looked at Zhang Fan and said at this time.

Regarding the currency information in the universe, when Zhang Fan passed the Jiange Trial Tower in Jiange before, his master Situ Zhong also told him the previous ratio of various currencies.

The lowest level is Luangyu Coin, above is Galaxy Coin, and above is Qianlong Coin, or other unique coins used by galaxies the same size as Qianlong Galaxy.

The universal currency is the universal currency.

One Qianlong Coin = One Hundred Galaxy Coins = One Hundred Thousand Luangyu Coins.

And one universe coin = one hundred Qianlong coins.

He himself didn't expect Nalo to be so rich.

You know, listening to the tone of your master Situ Zhong, giving yourself one million Galaxy Coins at the beginning is a very huge wealth.

"Let's go, let's take a look at Luangyuxing's spacecraft first. This is related to whether we can get out of the earth in the future.

At least, in a short period of time, I think the Shenlong could not be repaired, and the spaceship Naalo left me is very important. "

Zhang Fan also said to Xiaogu at this time.

As for Xing Lao, he is still sleeping. However, as long as Zhang Fan succeeded in fusing the third piece of Star Source Fragment, the old star could wake up from his deep sleep once again.


Xiao Gu nodded, and then directly followed Zhang Fan to the depths of this space.

The size of the entire space is actually about the same size as the space ring that Zhang Fan just got.

Not long after he left, Zhang Fan saw a huge spaceship like a submarine staying quietly in place.

The size of the entire spacecraft seems to be about 20 meters in length and close to eight meters in height.

The surface of the real spaceship looked dark, with no gorgeous signs or anything, which saved a certain amount of trouble.

After all, if you enter Luangyu Star afterwards, this spacecraft will probably be recognized by some people because of signs that you don't know. That is definitely bad news for yourself.

Under Xiaogu's prompt, Zhang Fan also came to the entrance of the spacecraft.

The process is the same as before on the Shenlong.

After several certifications, the entire spacecraft belongs to Zhang Fan from now on.

Originally, there was an intelligent program in this spacecraft, but Xiao Gu disliked that the opponent's level was too low, so he copied a program himself, which seemed to be more advanced.

"Afan, after understanding, I also have a complete grasp of the information about this spacecraft. The entire spacecraft should be of level five, and it should be placed in the galaxy. This level of spacecraft is estimated to be only capable of those powerful family forces. grasp.

As for other weapons and equipment, although they have been idle for a long time, they are all very well preserved. Except for a few minor problems, relying on this spacecraft, it is basically completely capable of Traveling in the universe.

What surprised me was that the weapons of this spacecraft were much stronger than I thought.

If it explodes with full force, even the strong at the peak of the Star-Moon realm would not dare to resist, and the material used by the entire spacecraft itself turned out to be very precious ink gold, which is a kind of hardness, defense, and ductility. , A very powerful and very precious metal.

If this spacecraft were to be dismantled, the Shenlong could also repair many places.

And this spacecraft not only has a three-layer protective mask, but it can also travel through the dark universe. This will greatly save you the time to enter Luangyu Star.

On the whole, it is very good, and then a little modification will be enough for you to use it for a long time.

As for the Shenlong, for the time being, even if you enter the universe and have a chance to repair it, it will not be too late to use it when you go to Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor MSI. "

Through his own copy of the intelligent program, Xiaogu can also fully grasp the entire spacecraft's information in the shortest time.

It can be said that even with Xiao Gu's knowledge and knowledge, he thinks this spacecraft is very good.

And Zhang Fan, hearing Xiaogu's words, also seemed very happy.

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