
Some of the Omnic Legion's spherical warships were torpedoed.

The huge torpedo has great power.

The violent explosion caused the shield of the Omnic Legion battleship to shine fiercely.

One torpedo can tear through the shield of the Omnic Legion battleship, and the second one can directly tear through the hull.

It only takes 3-4 torpedoes to completely destroy a thousand-meter class battleship of the Omnic Corps.

Wave after wave of torpedoes continued to attack.

This is how the Ork barbarian fleet attacks, destroying all enemies with an endless sea of ​​torpedoes.

But this isn't the only way the Orks attack.

From beginning to end, the Ork barbarians' fighting moon and broken spaceship were moving at high speed.

They were charging, closing the distance with the enemy like death squads.

After losing hundreds of warships, the Omnic Legion fleet finally closed the distance with the enemy fleet.

The main cannon began to fire, and the huge red laser swept across the starry sky, shining on the battle moon and the broken spacecraft.

Wherever the laser irradiated, a violent explosion immediately occurred.

The smaller dilapidated spaceship exploded directly and turned into a ball of fire.

A violent explosion occurred on the surface of the battle moon.

The smaller battle moon is even more penetrated by the continuous illumination.


Amidst the excited roars of the greenskins.

In the dark starry sky, the Ork barbarian fleet crashed into the Omnic Legion fleet.

The high-speed sailing battle moon and broken spaceship used themselves as weapons.

Wherever they go, they run rampant.

A large number of spherical battleships were unable to escape and were destroyed by the battle moon.

Under a super-massive impact, the shield cannot protect the safety of the battleship.

At the moment of impact, the shield was torn apart and the ship's hull was completely destroyed.

At close range, the thick and dense cannon barrels on the surface of the battle moon also began to fire.

The thick muzzle spurted out long tongues of flame, and kinetic energy shells shot out one after another.

Not only are there kinetic weapons, there are also red lasers.

Those were the ship-borne weapons that the Ork barbarians removed from the destroyed battleships of the Omnic Legion.

For a time, in the outer space of the star, the fleets of both sides were fighting together.

The red lasers intertwined, and the two sides continued to penetrate into each other's lines and expand the combat area.

At close range, the ship-borne weapons of both sides are extremely powerful.

This is a head-to-head war of attrition.

However, the purpose of the omnic army is not to fight a war of attrition with the Ork barbarians.

Just as the battle raged, the omnic fleet suddenly withdrew.

Fight while retreating, and evacuate to both sides in an orderly manner.

In the orbit of the star, the fireball inside the giant creation has expanded to the extreme.

It transformed into a miniature star, its colors even more dazzling.

At that moment, only the dazzling fire-colored light flashed.

The tiny star inside the giant creation suddenly collapsed.

The chaotic energy rushed forward.

One side of the cone became a muzzle.

A dazzling and huge pillar of fire shot out and rushed into the depths of the starry sky.

The moment it passed across the starry sky, the pillar of fire suddenly expanded again and turned into an even larger pillar of fire.

Its speed was so fast that it instantly penetrated the battlefield.

Wherever it passed, the battle moons and broken spaceships of the Ork barbarians were destroyed.

However, the target of the stellar cannon was not the Ork fleet.

It is a planet in the distant starry sky, a habitable planet.

Huge pillars of fire tore through the dark starry sky.

Looking skyward from the surface of the habitable planet, a trail of fire can be seen streaking across the sky.

It's getting bigger and closer.

After flying for several minutes, the huge pillar of fire swept across the starry sky and crashed into the planet.

The atmosphere is burning, and the planet is like a piece of tofu being torn apart layer by layer by a pillar of fire.


It only lasted a few seconds before the planet fell apart.

The entire planet exploded and turned into a huge shining fireball in the dark universe.

There was no rumbling explosion, just a dazzling fire.

While in stellar orbit, the giant stellar cannon no longer absorbs stellar energy.

The huge ring-shaped structure was flaming red and seemed ready to melt at any moment.


The home planet was destroyed, and the greenskins were angry.

The remaining battle moons and tattered spaceships pounced on the Omnic Legion's fleet like hungry tigers pounced on sheep.

The thousand-kilometer-level battle moon escaped the attack of the stellar cannon.

To be precise, it is not at the attack angle of the stellar cannon.

All engines were running at full power, spitting out dazzling fiery tail flames.

Under the huge thrust, the largest battle moon used itself as a weapon and crashed into the stellar cannon.

The combat objective has been achieved, and the omnic fleet will no longer retreat.

The scattered and evacuated fleet group once again rushed towards the remaining fleet of the Ork barbarians.

For a moment, the battle in the starry sky started again.

Although the attack of the stellar cannon caused a lot of losses to the Ork barbarian fleet.

But the remaining fleet still has a certain strength.

The biggest battle moon is charging all the way.

Although it has no shield, it is strong enough.

The laser cannon of the Omnic Legion battleship shone on the battle moon, only causing the surface buildings to explode.

Wherever it passed, the warships of the omnic army were crashed one after another.

The huge battle moon was like a meteorite about to fall into the star, and it hit the star cannon.

Before it cooled down, the flaming red star cannon was suddenly broken by the waist and fell into two pieces towards the surface of the star.

At this moment, deep in the distant starry sky, a sudden change occurred.

Flashes of light suddenly appeared, broken spaceships and battle moons jumped out of the jump space.

This is just a small fleet, consisting of three battle moons and dozens of broken spaceships.

This is not the end yet, the depths of the universe in other directions are shining with the light of transition.

A large number of Ork barbarian fleets rushed to the battlefield.

They appear one after another in Zhengluoyi and join the war.

"Is this an interstellar war?"

In the orbit of the star, Li Meng stood in the void, looking at the battlefield in the distant starry sky.

Only then did he realize how terrifying the omnic army and the Ork barbarians were in the dark realm.

They have existed in the Dark Realm for a long, long time.

It is not something that the newly arrived outsider, the Terra Empire, can compare with.

A huge battle moon, a warship that looks like a pile of garbage, and a spherical warship from the omnic army.

Tens of thousands of warships battled together, and the war scene was unparalleled and shocking.

He has been watching the game for a long time.

Ever since the Omnic Legion's stellar cannon was destroyed, the two sides have been fighting each other to the death.

At first, the omnic army had the advantage, because the single blow of the stellar cannon destroyed a large number of Ork battle moons and garbage dump warships.

But as more and more Ork barbarian fleets arrived on the battlefield, the Omnic Corps fleet gradually fell into a disadvantage.

It's been three days, the two sides have been fighting for three days.

Countless battleships and battle moons were destroyed.

The metal debris was captured by the star's gravity and quietly burned out all traces.

Looking at the battlefield in the distance, Li Meng couldn't help but think.

If the Empire of Terra joins this war.

Even if all the warships were assembled, it would probably be just a drop of water falling into the sea, without even a single wave being stirred up.

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