A few days later, subspace.

In the red energy world, a huge fleet followed the surging subspace storm.

Flagship, on the bridge.

"King, this is Shatuo Planet. It is a desert planet. The surface of the planet is covered with oases of all sizes. According to analysis, although the surface water source of the planet is scarce, it should have rich underground rivers. The Ook barbarians on its planet It has entered the space era and has the ability to build a battle moon."

In the bridge, blue light flashed.

A holographic star system map was revealed in Li Meng's eyes.

A yellow planet quickly zoomed in and appeared in front of Li Meng's eyes.

Malen on the side is reporting information about "Shatuo Star" to Li Meng.

"According to the preliminary investigation results, there are many traces of Ork barbarian aircraft activities in the S-77821 star system. The strength of the fleet is unknown, and the strength of the planet's orbital defense is unknown. It is recommended to send a vanguard fleet to explore the reality and open the way for the main fleet!"

Looking at the star map in front of him, Li Meng looked thoughtful.

Shatuo Star is the first stop of the expedition fleet.

It is about more than a month away from New Terra.

Although habitable planets are not uncommon in the Milky Way.

But the Milky Way is too big, and even if you explore thousands of star systems, you may not be able to find a habitable planet.

The Dark Realm is the home base of the Ork barbarians, and the omnic army is the outsider.

With the character of the Ook barbarians, they have no concept of guarding their home.

The Ork barbarians invaded the universe where the omnic army was located.

It will definitely take away all the fleets that can be taken away.

The Ork barbarians left behind will develop again.

Without external enemies, they would fight among themselves.

The winner will become the new war boss.

Once a new war boss is born, they will launch another expedition following the footsteps of their ancestors.

At this moment, the Ork barbarians are at their weakest.

After thinking for a while, Li Meng said: "No, just let the transport fleet break away from the main fleet and follow up!"

Compared to battleships, transport ships are relatively fragile.

The shield is not strong enough, the armor is not thick enough, and the speed is not fast enough, so it is easily destroyed.

Lowering his head slightly, Malen said: "Yes!"

Half a month later.

S-77821 star system.

The starry sky is endless, dark, cold and dead.

In the dark universe, a purple-red halo suddenly flashed.

One after another, the dark giant ships jumped out of the subspace and entered the physical universe.

After a while, the dark starry sky was filled with ship shadows.

This is a fleet of more than a hundred warships.

As soon as the fleet jumped out of the subspace, the engines at the rear of each ship sprayed out dazzling white tail flames.

Under the powerful thrust, the fleet sailed into the depths of the starry sky in a dense formation.

And in the starry sky not far ahead, a topaz-like planet was floating in the cold universe.

"Several giant targets have been detected. The high-energy response is continuing to increase. The distance is 5.4 astronomical units. Warning, the signal has been lost."

Once out of the warp, the auspicious array detected active orbiters in the star system.

Fleet flagship, on the bridge.

Listening to the auspicious observer's report, the only expression on Li Meng's face was calm.

He knew it was an orc warship.

They detected the fleet's appearance and jumped into slipspace to attack the fleet.

With a wave of his hand, Li Meng said in a deep voice: "Notify the entire ship to prepare to meet the enemy!"

Following Li Meng's order, every ship in the fleet immediately responded.

Each ship slightly adjusted its position, and the main and secondary turrets also slightly rotated for pre-war debugging.

Soon, only a few minutes.

"Abnormal gravitational fluctuations were detected, bearing 07, distance 150 kilometers."

Outside, in the dark starry sky.

Flashes of light suddenly appeared, and huge battle moons jumped out of the jump space.

They are round, several kilometers in diameter, and covered with thick barrels.

The engine at its rear spurted out long orange flames.

There are a total of thirteen battleships transformed from asteroids.

It is also called the Battle Moon.

The last one was over ten kilometers in diameter.

In the universe, a distance of 150 kilometers is almost within reach.

As soon as the orc fleet appeared, both sides opened fire almost simultaneously.

The thick cannon barrels on the battle moon spit out long tongues of flame.

The physical projectiles were ejected at high speed and attacked the fleet.

Even denser torpedoes lifted off from the launch silo and flew into the starry sky.

It's said to be a torpedo, but it's actually a giant missile.

It’s just that compared to missiles, torpedoes are cheaper and do not have more precise guidance capabilities.

Once launched, it can only lock on targets within a certain angle.

Unlike missiles, it can be locked in all directions.

Because the orc fleet appeared in the starry sky on the side.

This gave the Imperial fleet the best angle to shoot from.

The macrogun arrays of the Moon-class cruiser and Mars-class battlecruiser opened fire immediately.

In the shining firelight, artillery shells with a caliber of several hundred meters flew out.

Accompanied by the white light beams of the Moon-class cruiser's light spear array.

The beam of light emitted by the light spear hit the target first.

The surface of the battle moon was immediately baptized.

Wherever the light beam hit, the ship's hull was torn apart layer by layer.

A large number of weapons and buildings were melted and destroyed.

Some even suffered explosions, and shining fires rose up in the battle moon.

Following closely were the shells fired by the macro cannon.


The power of artillery shells with a caliber of several hundred meters is astonishing.

Mushroom clouds of flames suddenly rose on the battle moon.

The shell penetrated directly through the hull and exploded inside.

After withstanding three cannonballs, a battle moon exploded and shattered into pieces.

After all, there were only thirteen ships, and the cannonballs and torpedoes fired by the Battle Moon rushed into the fleet without bringing any results.

Before it even got close to the torpedo, it was shot down by dense close-in defense artillery.

Cannonballs are also blocked by void shields.

Less than ten minutes later, the Ork fleet was wiped out as the last Battle Moon was destroyed.

The gap is so big that only thirteen battle moons dare to fight against the imperial fleet.

I'm afraid only the orcs have such courage.

Courage is commendable, but it is useless.


The battle is over, the Empire is victorious.

Although this result is expected, it is also puzzling.

Why didn't the Orc warships encountered by the Imperial fleet have shields to protect them?

When the Orcs fought against the Omnic Legion, the Orcs' battleships and the Battle Moon were protected by shields.

"Inform Major Holly and ask him to lead the squadron to the departure point of the Orc fleet!"

Following Li Meng's order, outside, in the dark universe, the fleet split into two.

The squadron consisting of thirteen battleships separated from the main fleet and sailed deep into the starry sky.

Soon, only a purple-red halo flickered in the dark starry sky, and the squadron jumped into the subspace.

The main fleet continued to move forward, approaching the yellow planet ahead.

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