S-01888 star system.

Star S-01888-1.

In the dark universe, in the orbit of the planet, a huge spaceship floats quietly above the plane of the star ring.

It is huge, with a length of more than ten kilometers, a width of more than six kilometers, and a height of more than four kilometers.

From a distance, it looks like a huge shell.

Its upper deck is a glass cover, looking inside, you can see a metal city.

There are lakes in the city, green vegetation, and rail trains running across the city...

There are even maglev cars running on the streets.

Occasionally people can be seen walking on the street.

Outside, not far from the "Ark", a huge gate of time and space stands on the plane of the star ring.

One after another "Iron Slave" mining boats entered and exited the "Gate of Time and Space" in an endless stream.

Looking towards the star ring, there are countless "Iron Slave" mining boats everywhere in the mining operation.

A large number of mining machines are like ants traveling between the mining ship and the asteroid belt.

On both sides of the "Gate of Time and Space", thirteen huge warships were lined up in two rows, guarding the "Gate of Time and Space".

"It's been almost two years. Without the regent, we can't do anything. We can only hide in the S-01888 star system..."

On the bridge of the Voyage, Donald and Otis had a rare reunion today.

On weekdays, the two of them do their own thing and rarely see each other.

If anything happens, we will only contact you online.

Looking at the huge "Gate of Time and Space" in the distance in the starry sky outside the window, Otis felt a little emotional.

Time flies, and before you know it, it has been nearly two years since the "King" disappeared.

"Navigator, did the Astropath sense anything in the subspace?"

Otis shook his head and said: "No, as psykers, their sense of the subspace is still too weak."

As if thinking of something, Otis looked around and whispered: "Great Sage Donald, do you think the "king" will..."

In the hood, Donald's mechanical eye looked at the starry sky outside the window.

He saw the "Gate of Time and Space" and the "Temple" under construction.

"No, if the "King" has disappeared, the gate of time and space will not exist."

Hearing this, Otis felt relieved.

If the "King" is really gone, then they will be trapped in the S-01888 star system.

At this moment, the Astropath in the bridge suddenly paused and spoke shockingly.

"The regent is back..."

The regent is back?

The Astropath suddenly spoke, causing Donald and Otis to look over.

In the hood, Donald's electronic eyes were flashing red, while Otis had a look of surprise on his face.

At this time, in the upper area of ​​​​the Yuanyang's bridge.

In the hall outside the master bedroom, something strange happened.

The space above the pool suddenly became distorted, and a red vortex immediately emerged.

From the vortex, a golden light suddenly appeared, fell on the ground and transformed into a person.

It's Li Meng, Li Meng in golden armor.

The shining golden light wings gradually dissipated, and Li Meng looked around.


The familiar scene made Li Meng take a deep breath.

He is finally back...

The golden armor on his body gradually dissipated and turned into a silver nightgown.

Li Meng came to the glass wall and looked at the starry sky outside.

I don’t know how long it has been...

Time in the Warp is chaotic.

To pass the boring time, he spends most of his time sleeping.

It was only a short time ago that the power that bound him disappeared.

He knew it was time for him to leave...


A cry of surprise suddenly sounded.

From the bedroom, Erin and Ellie walked out.

When they saw the familiar figure in front of the glass wall, Irene, Ellie's expressions were startled, and then they looked surprised.

The two women trotted towards Li Meng.

Behind Li Meng, Irene and Ellie stopped panting.

At this time, they were filled with only excitement.

It’s been almost two years, and the “King” finally appeared.

Turning around, Li Meng looked at the two women behind him.

Looking at the two women, a trace of surprise flashed in Li Meng's eyes.

With a slight smile, Li Meng opened his hands and said: "Come, let "The King" hug you..."

Hearing this, Erin and Ellie blushed and looked at each other.

They took steps in unison and fell into the arms of the "King".

Holding the two women's waists and feeling the softness on their chests, Li Meng smiled and said: "It seems that I have been gone for a long time. They have grown taller and grown up a lot..."

High is indeed high, but big... is indeed too big...

With a red face, Ellie pursed her lips slightly and looked up at the familiar face of "King".

"That's right, Wang, you have disappeared for almost two years."

Two years?

Li Meng's face showed a look of understanding. No wonder Ellie and Irene have changed so much.

I have matured a lot, and the childishness I had two years ago is no longer visible.

He released the two women's waists and gently patted the two women's buttocks.


Amidst the soft calls of Irene and Ellie, Li Meng walked towards the recliner with a happy look on his face.

The colorful world outside is better...

Sitting on the lounge chair with a comfortable look on his face, Li Meng asked: "Why don't you see Mrs. Irina?"

On both sides of the lounge chair, Ellie and Irene were kneeling on the futon.

Eileen replied: "Since the "King" disappeared, my mother waited for half a year. When the King didn't come back, she went to help my father handle government affairs."

At this time, 001 appeared from the bedroom and floated over.

"King, welcome to your "return", there is a message from Donald the Great Sage of Science and Technology and Duke Otis."

Waving his hand slightly, Li Meng said: "Let them come, and Colonel Ralph, call them too!"

001: "Yes!"

It’s been two years…

Looking slightly sideways, Li Meng looked at the starry sky outside.

Time flies so fast, it seems like it happened yesterday until the day of sacrifice.

"001, let's talk about the development in the past two years..."

Blue light shot out from 001's electronic eyes, forming a holographic screen in front of Li Meng.

"The construction of the Ark has been completed and has been put into use. 80% of the 50,000 empire citizens on the Yuanyuan have been awakened."

"The construction of the fault space semi-automated factory has been completed. There are a total of twenty-four small shipyards, twelve medium-sized shipyards, six large shipyards, three giant shipyards, and two STC semi-automated giant factories. A total of five thousand slave workers are working in them. , due to lack of sufficient labor, the production efficiency is only 15%.”

"There are currently 13,271 mining machines, 6,781 engineering machines, 167 "Iron Slave" mining boats, and 84 "V3" transport boats."

"The Imperial Navy has 13 warships in service, including 8 "Cobra" destroyers and 5 "Firestorm-class" escorts, and 8 are under construction, including 6 "Cobra" destroyers and 2 "Firestorm-class" escorts. It is expected to be launched within half a year.”

"The construction of the 'Temple' is 47% complete and is expected to be completed within five years."

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