Star Wars: 30 Years Later The Real Story

Chapter 31 - Attack and Infiltration

Takodana Planet - Maz Kanata's Castle

The night passed extremely fast and for the engineers and technicians the morning was not welcomed at all and they wished that they could have at least one week more. They had no time for these useless thoughts, though and they kept working using every remaining minute they still had until the time of he attack started.

- "One hour and thirteen minutes for the attack!"- said a voice all over the installations and many of the workers could only swear and insult the voice who was now the target of their hate and frustration.

In one of the chambers of the Takodana Castle, Leia had been awake for a long time and was watching the still asleep face of his husband who just as usual looked extremely innocent and in her opinion cute. It was just a very contrasting figure of the one that he normally had which was full of cunningness and bravado and she had always loved to stay there every morning and watch this face of the valiant Han Solo that only she knew.

- "If only you could show this cuteness when you were awake"- she thought pinching his nose which made Han's face contort in dispeasure.

Leia had returned to her chambers very late and even though she was tired, she was still ready to work but she knew that it was better to rest and be at full capacity for the next day. The door had opened and Han had entered and just as her, he looked ready for fighting at any moment but she supposed that he also had the same idea as her.

- "Everything ready?"- had asked Leia

- "As ready as it can be"- had replied Han taking off his jacket- "what about your side?"

- "People are skeptic... I can see it in their eyes"- had said Leia changing her clothes for more comfortable ones- "but since there's no other alternative they are just rolling with it with all they have."

- "All will go fine"- said Han smiling with a tone that showed he had no doubts at all.

- "I wish I could share your optimism"- had said Leia- many things can go wrong... the first time I heard about your plan I really wanted to strangle you..."

- "Haha, yeah. I could see your eyes burning"- Han had laughed at her comment- "You should have seen your face."

- "It's not funny, Han"- said Leia with a angry and worried face- "do you really thing it would work?"

Han advanced to his wife and put his hands on her shoulders to calm her down. He saw Leia pouting and he felt she hasn't changed at all. In his eyes, she was still as cute and pretty as she was the first time they have met.

- "I never remember you having such faith in the 'mumbo jumbo' before"- said Leia smiling after hearing what he had said.

- "In moments like this, I'll believe anything"- had said Han using his most shameless expression- "but after seen all the things I've seen, it would be foolish to just deny the existence of that power, don't you think?"

- "I'm sure Luke will be happy to hear."- had said Leia with shining eyes and teasing voice.

- "You don't tell him!"- had said Han panicking. Even though he already knew the Force was real, accepting it in front of Luke would make him lose face after years of mocking it.

Both of them laughed and they finished changing and entered the bed holding hands. Leia's smile turned into a sad one.

- "Still... I'm worried"- said she avoiding Han's eyes.

- "You know how difficult is to kill me"- said Han with confidence grabbing Leia's chin and making her looked directly at his eyes.

- "Just like an Mixentorn Rat roach"- said Leia remembering a joke that Lando made once when Han survived an impossible situation in his words

-"It's just another mission"- said Han whose positivism was contagious- "I'll go and return as usual so you can scold me for being imprudent as you love to do."

- "What are you talking about?"- said Han with a hurt expression- "every time I go on a mission what I really look forward is to your scolding. Haven't I told you how cute you look when you are angry?"

- "Ha!"- said Leia punching Han's ċhėst playfully- "Now I understand why you make me mad all the time."

- "Of course it is to see you cute angry face"- said Han laughing- "also, didn't you tell me many times to just go away and never return after we fight?"

- "You know that no matter how much we fought..."- said Leia with a red face- "I've always hated watching you leave."

- "That's why I did it"- said Han with a ċȯċky expression- "So you'd miss me."

Leia punch Han in the ċhėst again to make it change that face but it only made Han to smile wider and then she just put her face on his ċhėst so he could not see her face

- "I did miss you..."- said Leia and Han changed his ċȯċky grin for a tender smile and hugged her.

- "You know..."- said Han soflty- "for someone who complains a lot about me, I wasn't that bad, was I? Huh? Some of it was... good."

- "Pretty good."- said Leia smiling- "but I'll still scold you when necessary."

- "True. You still drive me crazy...."- after a moment of doubt she looked at his eyes - "If you see him..."

- "I know..."- said Han and he shared the same sad expression of his wife- "I'll bring him back..."

They kissed tenderly and they went to sleep knowing that the next day they would have a very long day and they slept in each other arms. And now Leia was looking at him waking up slowly knowing that the battle would be extremely hard. Knowing this she hugged Han one more time and prayed remember him, Luke and all the people who were going to fight that day.

- "Please... let them all be safe..."- she said even though she knew she was asking too much- "protect all of them and... protect that person too"


Even though the night had not stopped the activity in the Takodana headquarters, the dawn brought even more stir as if someone had hit a beehive and all the insects were now going out in a furious buzz. The technicians and engineers were giving the last touches to the star fighters being in the circuits or in the systems. The pilots went running to the barracks to get their equipment and others who had gone earlier were already going to the hangars to prepare to fly. Many of them said good bye to their loved ones and many others left messages behind just in case but now everyone seemed focused and ready for the battle that was about to ocurr.

- "Good luck out there"- said Poe who was working in his X-wing when he saw Finn who was looking for Han and Chewee.

- "You too"- said Finn and they shook hands with a smile- "How you feeling, BB8?"

- "Ready for another battle with me?"- shouted Poe looking at his partner with affection

- "I'll be in your care once again"- said Poe smiling.

The little droid was already in Poe's modified X-wing doing some adjustments to make the machine ready for battle. Finn slapped Poe's back and continued his way and arrived to the Millennium Falcon that was being repaired by Chewee and Han.

- "Hey, Big Deal"- greeted Han while configurating the systems- "put those boxes in the ship's storage"

- "Yes, Sir"- said Finn grabvbing the heavy boxes and wondering what were in them.

- "Chewee!"- called Han and the wookie appeared with some tools- "check the thermal Capacitator... it's very unstable."

- "Greeeeargggorrr"- said Chewee in an annoyed tone.

- "They did their best!"- replied Han shaking his head- "they don't know the Falcon as well as we do. Just do what you can we have no time!"

Finn returned for the second round of boxes and he left a circular black sphere fall into the ground. He simply picked it up and placed it where it was before.

- "Be careful with those, Kid"- said Han looking at Finn with impatience- "They're explosives."

- "Stop teasing him so much, Han"- said Luke who had arrived along with Leia and R2D2- "they are not activated yet, Finn. Don't worry."

- "If you tell him that, he will only do it more"- said Leia looking at Han with a hardened expression.

- "Tsk... you never let me have fun"- said Han looking at the two siblings with a naughty grin- "keep working , Kid. I'll be right back."

- "R2... help them with the configuration of the systems"- asked Luke.

Chewee came back and saw the arrivals and immediately went to them for a hug. They all walked away some meters and started to talk.

- "Take care there all of you"- said Leia whose voice trembled a little- "I'll be with Maz in the attack."

- "With Luke and Chewee by my side, Snoke himself would have to fight us if they want to have a chance"- said Han with confidence- "it's you who should be careful."

- "In this attack nobody will be safe so let's all fight in our way"- said Leia

and then she looked at Chewee- "I'll leave him in your hands. Don't let him do anything too stupid"

- "We'll be fine, Sis"- said Luke placing a hand on her shoulder- "let's go for a drink after this like in the old times"

- "Haha! It will be an amazing sight to see a Jedi Master drunk again"- said Han laughing at the memory of a tipsy Luke.

The three laughed together and then Leia grabbed them all in a hug that she wanted to last for an eternity.

- "May the Force be with you!"- she said with a voice that seemed to be used for a prayer- "I love you all!"

The three stayed like that for some minutes and then Leia kissed all of them and saw them got into the Millennium Falcon while having a huge pressure in her ċhėst. Hwever, she just controled her emotions and hardened herself and went to meet Maz who was surely finishing her preparations.


Star Killer Base

Kylo Ren was putting his armor on and preparing to depart. He clenched his gloves to test the movement restriction and then he put on the metal bracer on his arm to finish with most of his armor doned. He felt the soft sound behind him and he took a glance of the figure that was also dressing up and placing the armor all around her body on the other side of the room. If any Stormtrooper were to see the figure he would immediately recognize the cold and threatening person of Captain Phasma.

- "How are the preparations?"- asked Kylo Ren using a cold and detached tone.

- "They are ready since yesterday"- said Captain Phasma using the same tone as his. Even though she had spent the night in Kylo Ren's chambers, her voice did not contain any shred of warm or sweetness like any other person in the same situation. The truth was that she had visited Kylo Ren many times before and this was their typical behaviour- "today we'll have another victory."

- "Don't understimate the enemy."- scolded Kylo Ren while putting on his cloak knowing that this battle would be different.

- "I won't..."- said Phasma accomodating her beautiful silver short hair which shone with an hypnotic glint- "but I don't fear them either."

She put on her helmet and passed Kylo his. She was a fearless woman who waas ready to kill every second and even now that she was handing the helmet to Kylo Ren, he noticed the calculations she was doing with her posture and distance. If he were to try something, she would be ready to act. Kylo Ren received the helmet with a natural move and made no further action knowing her behaviour very well. If she were a weak woman, she would have never tried to have this kind of relationship with him and even though he would never admit it, Kylo Ren respected that in her.

- "Don't die"- said she simply while walking to the door- "but if you do, do it in a glorious way."

Kylo did not answer and just saw her figure dissapear without giving him a second glance. There were no hopeful nor romantic phrases between them since they did not need them. Their relationship was one of convenience and usefulness. Neither he nor she showed any kind of attachments or feelings since they knew that would only hold them back. They both had their own agendas and goals and they would use each other to get them. No more and no less. Kylo Ren knew that she would sacrifice him with no doubt whatsoever if one day he were to be an obstacle for her and he would do the same with no regrets also.

- "Three hours for next attack"- said a voice by the intercom- "all units go to your stations and prepare for battle."

After placing the helmet and his weapons on his person, Kylo Ren also got out of his chambers and walked in direction to the main quarters to finish the last details with the Knights of Ren. Today may very well be the end of the Resistance and another step for him to get necessary power and escape his fate.

- "Lord Ren"- saluted an officer when he entered the meeting place. The Four Knights of Ren and the squads under his orders present also saluted and waited for his orders.

- "Today we destroy the Resistance"- said Kylo Ren with his cold and robotic voice- "Our mission is different from that from the rest, though. We only have two targets... Luke Skywalker and Han Solo."

He activated a holgraphic displayer and the people around them could see their profiles clearly. Kylo Ren pointed at them with a decisive expression.

- "You must leave those two to me"- said Kylo Ren talking very clearly and slowly- "engage them and slow them down but do not try to kill them without me, is that clear?"

- "Yes, Sir!"

- "We expect these two other infiltrators"- said Kylo Ren and the holograms of Chewbacca and Finn appeared in front of everybody- "they are meaningless and can be killed at sight."

The people around looked at these holograms with great attention and kept them at memory while establishing their priorities of what to do with them.

- "They believe that we will be taken by surprise but the Supreme Leader has already anticipated their infiltration to our base"- explained Kylo Ren to the soldiers present- "they will fall in our trap and will be dealt accordingly. Go to your stations and wait for further instructions."

They all saluted one more time and each one ran to their designated posts knowing that they had the advantage in every sense. Kylo Ren went to the Communication chamber to talk to his master who expected his visit.

- "The time has come, my young apprentice"- said the Supreme Leader- "today you will face your biggest challenge so far. I hope you are ready."

- "I am"- said Kylo Ren with decisiveness- "I've been waiting for this day a long time."

- "And yet... I perceive some conflicts within you"- said the Supreme Leader, making Kylo Ren to clenched his fists- "what are your doubts, Lord Ren?"

- "I have no conflicts, Master"- said Kylo Ren using a firm tone- "I'm just impatient and cannot wait."

- "We'll see about that"- said the Supreme Leader laughing at the show of bravado his apprentice was displaying- "just remember the reason you are doing all of this, my young friend... remember that I only offered you a chance... it was you who decided to go on this path, were you not?"

- "It was I indeed, my master"- said Kylo Ren and he could not stop the shiver that ran down his spine at the memory of his visions- "I will not fail... I must not fail!"

- "I wonder..."- said the Supreme Leader with a wide grin as if all of this was only and entertaining show for his pŀėȧsurė- "for now, forget about anything else and focus in the moment Lord Ren... Vanish everything else from your mind and focus on your task at hand."

- "Yes, Master"- said Kylo Ren and he sat down crossing his legs and started to meditate to clear his mind from unnecesary thoughts and be at his best for the battle.

The Supreme Leader Snoke watched the young man in front of him and could not help remembering the day when he had come to himsearching for the strenght to change his Fate.

- "We'll see if you are worthy of my help"- he said to himself with an smile so sinister that would provoke nightmares to anyone- "we'll see if you have what it takes..."


Takodana Planet - Maz Kanata Castle

- "All preparations ready, captain"- said an officer to Maz- "The Star Cruisers are fully equipped and ready for battle."

- "Excellent!"- said Maz just as Leia entered the headquarters. They hugged each other and showed a sincere smile at each other's presence- "I never imagined we would fight side by side again, Leia."

- "I wish the circumstances of our meeting would be happier but it's an honor to be here, Maz"- said Leia smiling- "are you ready to remind the galaxy the might of the Queen of Pirates?"

- "Humph... it seems I need them to remind certain people the pain that means to cross me or they will get ċȯċky..."- said Maz grabbing an intercom and giving it to Leia- "the communication system is directly linked with the Admiral Ackbar... test it, please"

- "This is General Leia Organa"- said Leia using the intercom- "Testing the communication systems..."

- "This is Admiral Ackbar"- replied the voice of the egendary Mon Calamari Hero- "We hear you loud and clear, General. It will be an honor to serve under you again."

- "The honor is mine, Admiral"- said Leia smiling- "are your forces ready?"

- "Ready and waiting for your orders, General"- replied Ackbar after making a last check up.

Leia looked at Maz and nodded in affirmation. Maz smiled back with a wild expression and Leia knew that her friend was eager to have a good fight. Maz took her own communication device and contacted his own fleet.

- "Hey, FlameBeard!"- she called using her most agressive tone- "are you and your useless bunch ready?"

- "Always ready, cap'n!"- said the male weequay with an intense red beard and proud tusks proper of his race- "just give us the order and will unleash hell in your name!"

- "Good! Just don't make lose face in front of the Resistance..."- said Maz using a tone that could mean a joke or a threat- "or I'll have your beard and tusks in my collection, am I clear?"

- "As clear as my pure heart, Cap'n"- said FlameBeard who despite the joke swore to give his best in the mission.

- "Cheh! Just go wild as usual!"- Maz said and she also nodded back to Leia who was shaking her head not having accostumed to the pirate ways.

- "All fleets enter coordinates and enter hyperspace..."- said Leia using the global chat- "Today we fight for freedom and liberty but also for all those who were silenced in the Hosnian system. It's time for vindication! May the force be with you!"

The captains and admirals from the Resistance and the Takodana Forces gave the order and entered hyperspace at the same time in direction of the StarKiller Base.


Orbit of the StarKiller Base - Star Destroyer Finalizer

General Hux was already prepared to receive the atack of the Resistance at any moment and he had placed his forces the best he had been able to. He stood in the bridge of his Star Destroyer waiting knowing that the enemy had to attack soon unless they wanted to be annihilated by the super weapon that was already pointing at the system where Takodana was.

- "General! Multiple forces approaching from hyperspace!"- informed an officer.

- "Good!"- said Hux with an impatient grin- "I was starting to think they would just accept their fate in a boring way"

After some minutes, a massive number of Mon Clamari Cruisers along with Space ARC Battle Cruisers appeared in front of his forces. Hux smiled in excitement knowing that the Resistance had gone all out with this attack. This was the perfect opportunity to smash them and obtain the glory as the executioner of the Resistance.

- "General, the enemies are transmitting a message"- informed an officer.

- "Allow it"- ordered Hux.

- "This Gial Ackbar!"- said the rough voice of the hero of the Rebel Alliance- "Admiral of the Resistance and New Republic forces!"

- "This is FlameBeard!"- said the Weequay with a deep and powerful voice- "Captain of the United Forces of Kanata under the Greatest Captain of the known universe, The Queen of Pirates!"

- "This is Armitage Hux!"- replied Hux with a voice that transmitted absolute confidence- "General of the Invincible First Order under the command of the Supreme Leader Snoke!"

- "Ready for another kick in the ȧss, boy?"- taunted FlameBeard with a vicious tone- "you can still run with your tail between your legs like the last time!"

- "Humph! Your arrogance will be your doom, Cinder Hair"- said Hux no being affected in absolute by the words of his enemy- "A mere sniffing dog like you will never be in my eyes... so keep barking while I talk to the one who can at least stir my interest..."

- "I am arrogant 'cause I have enough skills to be one"- said FlameBeard whose tone now showed a hint of fury- "and I may be a dog but you're a b***h who not only barks but licks your master's a**!"

- "Humph!"- Hux ignored the insults of the Kanata's Forces and talked to Ackbar- "I was about to ask you to surrender but it seems it will not be necessary."

- "You still have a bright future if you take the correct decision, Hux!"- said Ackbar trying to reason with the young General- "Surrender and put yourself under the Republic's Justice!"

- "The Republic is no more!"- replied Hux with a mocking tone- "didn't you hear? We vanished it from the galaxy!"

- "The Hosnian System was just a part of republic..."- said Ackbar with a firm tone- "as long as people believe in freedom and liberty... the Republic will rise from the ashes once more!"

- "Poetic words, Admiral"- said Hux with a condescending tone as if he pitied the person in front of him- "but they are just empty and meaningless... only absolute power will bring order and peace to the galaxy!"

- "The negotiations are over then!"- said Ackbar- "We'll see each other in the battlefield!"

- "Just as I want!"- shouted FlameBeard in fury- "all this chit-chat just was a waste of time!"

- "Prepare yourselves for this battle!"- said Hux with a grin- "it will be your last!"

He cut off the communications and gave commands to all the people around him who could clearly see the eagerness in his eyes.

- "All Star Destroyers enter to battle mode!"- he ordered with a glint of madness in his voice- "star the attack and destroy the enemy... today we will extinguish the last hope of the agonizing Republic!"

Almost immediately both sides started their attacks and opened fire at each other. The Battle for StarKiller had begun and it would decide the fate of all the Galaxy.


Meanwhile the Millennium Falcon advanced slowly for another sector far from the battle but they still could see the incredible vision of the StarKiller base greedily consuming a massive sun that was getting smaller by the minute.

- "At this rate we have only an hour or so before they are ready to shoot again!"- said Finn watching the scene in horror- "Repeat me again how we are getting in the planet?"

- "Their shields have a fractional refresh rate"- said Han making some final adjustments- "Keeps anything traveling slower than lightspeed from getting through so we are doing that"

- "I cant believe we're making our landing approach at lightspeed"- said Finn sweating

- "That's why we brought him"- said Han who had everything ready and he looked at his brother-in-law- "are you ready, Luke?"

- "As ready as I can"- said Luke who was still doubtful but he immediately focused- "we'll leave it to the will of the Force"

- "Come on! This the perfect opportunity of using your mambo jumbo magic..."- said Han half teasing and half praying for it to work- "just predict the moment we need to enter like what you do with the blasters."

- "If only it were so easy..."- said Luke approaching the panel fo control and he calmed down his breathing.

- "Well no other choice so everyone prepare..."- said Han and he gave his seat to Luke so he could use the Hyperdrive puller.

- "The battle started here"- said the voice of Leia for the intercom- "are you ready on your side?"

- "Yep... we're about to enter"- said Han grinning with confidence- "just wait for the good news... We'll be in radio silence until we blow up the shields."

- "Han!"- said Leia- "be careful..."

- "Heh... just be ready with another medal when we return"- said Han and he looked at Chewee- "Chewie, get ready. And... Now! I am pulling up! We're entering light speed now!"

They entered the Hyperspace and the Millennium Falcon started to fly surrounded by the typical starlight tunnel which could amazed any veteran pilot with its beauty no matter how many times they see it, but now it only brought the possibility of death and Finn could only prepare for the worst so he steeled himself.

- "Coordinates ready and in progress..."- said Han taking off his hand from the Hyper Drive puller- "All is up to you Luke!"

Luke didn't replied and just put his hand on the switch that would make them get out of hyperspace. Finn could feel the tension in the ċȯċkpit... just one milisecond of error and it would be over for them, being that they crashed directly to the shields of the planet or that they would crash on the planet's surface... Finn could feel the sweat running like water all over his face. However, he also felt other type of pressure as if Luke's presence were creating a suffocating and heavy aura that surrounded him... he wondered what it was but he could feel this pressure increasing by the second.

Han, Chewee and Finn held their breath in order not to distract Luke who was absolutely concentrated.

- "Now!"- said Luke and pulled the switch with no hesitation.

Immediately the Hyperspace tunnel dissapeared and revealed a snowy and frigid surface that approached to them at incredible speed.

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