Star Wars: 30 Years Later The Real Story

Chapter 33 - Complete Circle

In another part of the complex, Luke advanced through the corridors along with Artoo masking his presence with the Force Immersion. Even though he could use this long lost technique which was created by the Fallanasi eons before, the truth was that he could only use it for short intervals so Luke still had to make use of his stealth abilities.

- "Do you really think that the base will be infiltrated?"- he heard a stormtrooper comment.

- "Follow the plan and be on alert"- said another

Luke knew that this was a trap. It was impossible that the enemy hadn't seen the infiltration in advance. They surely would not know the method but they really thought very highly of them trusting that they would infiltrate. He found an empty corner and unmasked himself. Immediately he perceived Kylo Ren and other Force sėnsɨtɨvė around him that surely would feel him also.

- "Show me the schematics"- said Luke and Artoo immediately connected to the main system and displayed the holographic image and Luke found his objective- "Good... stay here and wait for my signal."

- "Beep beep boop beep"- replied Artoo.

Luke dashed to the control room and entered. The room was full of stormtroopers and officer of the First Order. He immediately waved his hand and made three close stormtroopers hit heavely on the wall getting knocked down immediately.

- "The enemy is here!"- shouted an officer trying to push a buŧŧon on the panel near him- "sound the..."

Luke made him fly against other officer and immediately he ignited his lightsaber just on time when the stormtroopers opened fire. Luke deflected and returned the blaster fire against the enemies who could do nothing except fall to the floor in defeat.

- "Artoo"- said Luke turning off his lightsaber- "find Rey and deactivate all the security systems in the prison area and the generator room"

- "Boop boop beep beep broop"- said Artoo and immediately accessed the system- "Beep beep"

- "Good job"- said Luke and activated his intercom device calling for Han.

- "Hey Luke!"- said Han responding to the call- "what you've got?"

- "The safety locks of the prison area and the Shield Generator area are lifted"- said Luke- "I'll head to the shield generator area so hurry and free Rey. She is in the block 8232A, Cell number 413."

- "On our way"- said Han and he cut off the communication.

- "Let's go Artoo"- said Luke and immediately walked to the door but not before destroying the equipment of the room to stop anyone from reactivating the security systems.

- "Artoo..."-he said patting his blue droid friend- "use an alternative route and go to the shield room"

- "Beep boop bopp"- beeped Artoo in a complaining tone.

- "I must continue alone"- said Luke grabbing his lightsaber- "I'll catch up with you soon."

Artoo complained but finally decided that he would only put Luke in risk if he decided to go on so he reluctantly went away. Luke smiled at him and then he erased the smile and started to advance and around the corner he saw a familiar figure who had just passed a door which was closing behind him. Luke also noticed that another door was sealing his escape route behind him. They did not say a thing and they just stared at each other letting the memories wash them over. Luke knew the conflict was inevitable but he would lie if he said that he wanted it to happen.


Prison Area

- "It's very kind of you to give yourself to us, FN-2187"- said Phasma with a confident and mocking tone- "and you also brought us Han Solo as a gift. I will put that in your favor during the martial court."

- "So it was a trap"- said Finn not being particularly surprised since it was something they had considered during the strategy meeting.

- "Well it was a possibility"- said Han preparing his blaster.

- "She's a sweetheart"- said Han making a signal with his hands and Chewee and Finn got ready- "I like that... OK! I'll raise my hands so you can see them."

He showed raised his hands but along with his blaster and along with Chewee and Finn opened fire catching may stormtroopers by surprise.

- "Open fire!"- ordered Phasma and she also used her F-11D rifle and returned fire.

- "Get to Rey and free her"- said Han pointing at the door that would lead to the prison cells- "we'll clean this and give you a chance"

- "Ok"

- "Now!"- said Han and threw a thermal detonator at the platoon that was fighting them and Finn started running without any doubt evading some blaster shots that flew in his direction.

The stormtroopers scattered and the explosion caught many of them due to the limitation in space. Finn was also shaken but he somehow maintained his equilibrium and dashed throught the door which opened and closed in an automatic movement but due to the explosion it seemed to have been stuck. He shot at the control panel and it made the door close extremely slow. Finn decided to keep on but he saw a figure go through the space of the closing door with great agility.

- "No way!"- he said and immediately opened fire but the figure arrived in front of him almost instantly and pushed the blaster away while making a hold to secure Finn's arm. Finn let himself go along with the movement reflectively and managed to lessen the impact force also trying to get a hold of his enemy's arms using his legs.

His enemy was too proficient and immediately moved along Finn's flow and managed to use it against him while positioning herself in an advantageous position. Finn's mind shouted in alert since he knew that if he was a milisecond slower he would have his both arms broken so he forced his wrists to bend more than possible and shoot two blasters which went directly on his opponent's helmet. Surprisingly the blaster shots rebound on it making no damage but at least this made his opponent to release the hold but not before forcing Finn to throw away the blaster.

- "You misjudged many things about me"- said Finn taking the lightsaber on his waist and igniting it.

- "Interesting"- said Phasma taking a spear from her back which immediately opened a mechanism that enlarged it by three times- "lets see how proficient you are with that toy."

Finn started to breathe and tried to focus. Captain Phasma was one of the most powerful warriors in the First Order since she had come from a race which used a very cruel and merciless upbringing in which both men ans women were taught to be warriors from childhood and were sent into tests which were mortal and made them cold and effective ȧssassins with not a shred of mercy. For them, the weak were prey and the strong were king. Concepts like love, compassion, humility and similar were only weaknesses that they would exploit without any shame. The constant in-fighting among the different clans and families of the planet of Parnassos was the perfect environment for the creation of skilled and deadly ȧssassins. From all of them, Phasma was the best and she was feared even in the highest ranks of the most veteran and renowned first class ȧssassins.

- "Since you are being a gentleman"- said Phasma and Finn could imagine the grin behind her helmet- "I'll have the first move... please don't die so fast"

She moved just too fast and Finn had the impression that she had teleported to his position. He bȧrėly managed to block her spear but instead of being cut in half, it managed to push the lightsaber blade back. The surprise was so hard that his defense was broken and Finn received two consecutive hits that sent him to the floor.


Both force sėnsɨtɨvė stared at each other until finally Kylo Ren ignited his cross lightsaber. Luke immediately ignited his and waited for his opponent next move.

- "We finally meet, Skywalker"- said Kylo Ren advancing with a relaxed and confident gait- "I'm glad you finally stop hiding and decided to accept you fate."

- "It was inevitable, my young padawan- said Luke using an analytical gaze- "you seem even more powerful than the last time we saw each other."

- "Something is wrong with him, master"- had another padawan warned him- "he is restless and sometimes he loses his temper and he seemed to be frustrated."

- "Do you think the visions can be stopped?"- Kylo had asked when Luke had talked to him.

- "What visions do you have?"- had Luke asked with worry.

- "Visions of death and destruction"- Kylo had said- "everything that I love destroyed."

- "Be careful with those visions"- said Luke- "sometimes our actions to avoid those visions are the trigger for making them true... that's what happened with my father."

- "I know..."- said Kylo and Luke could see the frustration in his eyes- "in his dėsɨrė to avoid his visions, he was the one who made them true..."

- "That's why we must be careful with those visions"- had Luke affirmed.

- "Anakin Skywalker turned into Darth Vader"- said Kylo Ren who looked a little hesitant- "he sacrificed many things but he got a incredible power in return..."

- "Yes, but that ath only brought him pain and suffering"- had replied Luke noticing the change in the young man.

- "But only after countless years of domination and suffering"- said Luke.

- "But if they are made to create a better future..."- Kylo tried to argue- "isn't sacrifice a worthy price to pay."

- "Be careful, Ben..."- had said Luke seriously- "once that idea gets rooted in one's mind, one does not care how many are sacrificed and even holocausts are justified in one's eyes. Forced sacrifices are never a good foundation for the future."

- "Yes master"- said Kylo but Luke had already sensed the dark side in the young man.

Even though he saw the dark side in him, he did not chastise him and tried to bring him back to the light. If his father who had been the most terrible and merciless Sith Lord was able to return to the light, then why wouldn't this young man who had not yet fallen, do the same. He passed more time with him and he followed his training with more attention but due to the war against the renmants of the Empire his attention had to deviate there. Kylo Ren also joined him in the war and Luke saw in horror how his padawan got closer and closer to the dark side with every battle becoming more bloodthirsty and merciless after every battle. The bloodthirst and violence he showed, had made Luke tremble many times and he had to personally stop him countless times but he realized that it was becoming more difficult.

- "Why?"- had asked Kylo Ren in fury when Luke had forbidden him from going to battle.

- "You know the reason"- had said Luke with a hardened expression- "you're going into a path that is dangerous and if battle hastens it then you'd better stay and meditate in the academy."

- "You're just scared of my power!"- he had shouted before going in rage to his chambers.

It was a terrible and sad moment for Luke but he did not give up. He swore to rectify Kylo Ren. He redoubled his efforts and for a time it seemed to work. Kylo Ren apologized for his actions and he started to pass more time meditating in his chambers rather than training with his lightsaber. Luke was happy when he saw that Kylo Ren started to show more restrain and calm. After a time he had rejoined the battle along with Luke and now he did so in the Jedi way without commiting excesses. Luke was extremely satisfied and relieved and he even sent Kylo in missions alone and he always delivered perfect results. He made a name among his peers and the New Republic as a powerful warrior, an excellent pilot and an outstanding commander even though he had just entered his twenties.

It was all a farce. Luke did not know since when it had happened but Kylo Ren had been contacted by the Supreme Leader Snoke, a powerful user of the Dark side, who had been poisoning the young man's mind for years feeding him with dark secrets and ideas which twisted his former padawan making him go deeper and deeper into the dark path. His apparent calm and restraint had just been a ruse to deviate Luke's attention. He wanted Luke to lower his guard in order to give a decisive and merciless blow on the Jedi and the New Republic.

- "I wish I could go with you, master"- had said Kylo Ren the last time they talked as master and padawan- "you'll need me by your side"

- "I know"- had said Luke smiling- "I also wish you could be in this mission with me... but there are reports that an attack may be launched against this system while we are out. I can't trust any other than you to protect this sector in my absence."

- "I will do my best, Master"- had said Kylo.

- "I know you will not dissapoint me"- said Luke while patting his padawan's shoulder- "we'll have a talk after I return... there's something I must tell you."

- "Oh! what is it?"

- "Patience, my young padawan"- said Luke grinning in secrecy- "I can only tell you it is something you have been waiting for a long time..."

- "May the Force be with you, Master"

- "And to you as well, my young Padawan"

It was the last time he had seen not only him but all of his padawans. While the mission was taking place, Luke received an urgent message telling him that a massive attack had been launched in the academy. They realized it had been a ruse and returned. Luke only felt desperation when he saw the academy in flames and ruins and could only go on his knees. He cried and wept in sadness since he thought all his padawans including the younglins had died. The pain was even sharper when he discovered that the attack had been carried out by one of his own. Kylo Ren had commanded the attack and had mercillesly killed his former allies with the help of the knights of Ren and stormtroopers.

- "Yes, it was me!"- had said Kylo Ren the next time they had met. He had changed his robes for a black armor and a helmet which ressembled the one of Darth Vader- "how foolish of you, old man! You did not realize you were just dancing on my palm all the time!"

That time Kylo Ren had escaped since he knew that he was not yet ready to fight him directly but he had swore to return stronger to do so since as Luke knows, a Sith must kill his loved ones by his own hands if he wanted to get stronger and now they were in front of each other again after many years and Luke had to accept that the speed of growing of his former padawan was still extremely quick.

- "I'm not your padawan anymore but your executioner"- said Kylo Ren with confidence and an agressive tone- "you were right in fear me, old man. The Dark side has made me more powerful than you can possibly imagine"

- "You and me know that is only an illusion"- replied Luke ȧssuming a fighting stance- "unrestrained power will only destroy you in the long term."

- "Maybe so"- said Kylo Ren and quickening his steps- "but in the short term it will destroy you!"

Kylo Ren swang his lightsaber agressively against his former master and Luke parried it with great skill making appear blinding sparks of energy when both energy blades touched each other. Kylo turned around and countered immediately since he kew that the only way to match Luke was using his younger body and boundless rage. Luke blocked the powerful and fast hit and returned the hit in order to break the young man's momentum but Kylo evaded his counter and advance to slash Luke's leg. Luke used the momentum of his previous attack to reposition himself in an angle that let Kylo's attack passed at just a centimeter of its objective. However, Kylo immediately adjusted the angle and used a wide arc attack that forced Luke to duck. Luke responded with a vertical arc from down aiming for his helmet but Kylo stepped back with a perfect timing evanding the lightsaber by milimiters and moving his own weapon upside down. Luke evaded side stepping and countered immediately. Both warriors used their best techniques against each other leaving traces of melted metal in the floor and walls through incandescent lines made by their lightsaber. The destruction they were provoking was massive they were seemingly tied with each other, but if one would happen to see from the sides, one would notice that Kylo Ren's technique was improving as the fight went on. Even though his attack displayed fury and violence, they were blind nor careless but calculated and precise and they seemed to be evolving with every second that passed.

- "You have weakened, old man"- said Kylo Ren while attacking Luke mercilessly- "leave your head behind so I can ascend once more!"

- "You've gotten stronger..."- said Luke when they had taken distance from each other. His voice showed a tint of pride in his voice but it was also mixed with regret- "It's a shame you had to use the worst method."

- "Your method was slow and innefective"- replied Kylo Ren looking for chances to continue his attack- "The dark side is the best method to get unlimited power and change my fate."

- "The dark side is just one side of the coin"- said Luke ȧssessing how much had his former apprentice fallen- "There are things in the light that you would never experience if you just stayed in the dark side."

- "Wouldnt the opposite be the same by that logic?"- sneered Kylo Ren thinking Luke's logic was hypocritical.

- "Indeed"- said Luke and immediately Kylo Ren's countenance changed.

- "You talk big, old man"- said Kylo Ren recovering from the idea he had just had- "you make it sound as if you had studied the Dark side."

- "I did thanks to you"- said Luke and advanced again with his lightsaber but this time he was going on the offensive instead of the defense.

Kylo Ren tried to parry and block but to his surprise he noticed that Luke's strength, speed and reflexes had somehow increase and continued doing so by the second. He did not understand how this was possible. He wondered if he had been pretending to be weaker than he really was before but the sudden change of momentum sent Kylo out of rythmn and soon Luke easily took control of the fight while Kylo could only defend with great difficulty. It was just a matter of time before Luke managed to break Kylo's defenses so he had no choice than retreating using different corridors to try to recover the control but Luke was just too experienced to let him do as he wished. He cornered Kylo and pressed him down with his lightsaber.

- "This is the power I offer to you, Ben"- said Luke using Kylo's original name after so much time- "Theres still chance for you... return with me."

- "That name means nothing to me"- said Kylo but his voice seemed to have been affected by Luke's words- "I need the power now..."

- "Why are you so obsessed with power?!"- asked Luke- "if you had told me... we would have found a solution together!"

- "It would be meaningless..."- said Kylo and for an instant Luke could detect a tint of sadness and nostalgia in the young man- "and it's too late now!"

Suddenly, two knights of Ren appeared from both sides of Luke in a pincer attack. Luke had been too focused on Kylo Ren to notice but he still managed to deflect one of the attacks while evading the other one. He then blocked the blow of Kylo Ren who tried to pin him in place so the other two attackers could finish him off. Luke, however, pushed back Kylo Ren and jumped backwards acrobaticaly using the force managing to put distance between them but immediately one of the knights of Ren used a Force push which desestabilize Luke on the air. He somehow landed but he saw a lightsaber spinning in the air in his direction. Luke rolled to the side evading the attack but immediately was attacked by Kylo Ren and the other kinght of Ren. They simply did not give him any space for a breather.

- "Surround him"- ordered Kylo closing the distance with Luke and the two knights of Ren followed each at his side- "today is the end of Luke Skywalker!"

The synergy among the three Sith Lords were perfect which showed him the long preparations they had done to face him and Luke noticed how they were always moving around looking for blind spots and openings which they exploited immediately. They also were using mental attacks which aimed to make him lose his focus and he had to divide his attention in three mentally while also fending his physical attacks. Their strategy was extremely effective and if other person were instead of Luke, they would have died many times already. It was only due to Luke's extremely high proficiency that he was able to last so much against their combined attacks, However, if he did not change the flow soon, Luke knew he would be overwhelmed.


Phasma did not hurry and let Finn stand up with all the patience in the world. By her actions it was very obvious that she did not put Finn on her eyes and she consider him no threat at all. She was only playing with him just as a cat would play with a weak mouse.

- "How?"- he said not believing the lightsaber had not been capable of cutting trough the spear.

- "My armor and spear are made of a material resistant to blasters and energy blades"- explained Phasma which made Finn understand why the blasters to the helmet had had no effect at all- "its not completely immune but you will need a very good hit to penetrate... I wont give you that chance"

Finn stood up and attack in fury but Phasma easily parried and evaded each and every attack he managed to muster. The level of easiness that Phasma was using made Finn doubt everything he had trained for. The stormtrooper armor was already cracked and dented in many places and Finn had to accept that he was considerably below of Phasma's level.

- "Your technique is swallow and deficient..."- said Phasma with a dissapointed tone and some sliver of anger- "I've killed better warriors than you when I was a child and now I practice with Lord Ren himself... do you think you have a chance?"

Finn started to have doubts and his moves turned even clumsier. It that moment he remembered the words of Luke and realized that Phasma was toying with him so he lost his mental fortitude. He decided to focus and started to control his breathing.

- "Why are you here?"- he asked himself and the image of Rey appeared clearly in his mind- "what is your mission, soldier?"

He was here for Rey. She was waiting for him and she needed him. He would not abandon her this time and because of that he had to fight even if the opponent in front of him was vastly superior.

- "Focus on the moment..."- repeated Finn and he placed the lightsaber in front of his face with the eyes closed- "let the Force guide your instincts..."

- "Commendable"- said Phasma feeling the change in Finn's attitude and in his eyes- "but meaningless."

She advanced again with her amazing footwork and Finn knew he would not be able to cope with her but in that moment, as if something had switched on in Finn's mind, he entered in a kind of trance.

- "What exactly was the Force?"- he wondered thinking of what General Luke, Kylo Ren and the other knights of Ren had done- "How did it affect our bodies and reflexes? Why did it make me feel as if I am a different person? How can I know where the hits are going to land?"

Finn did not understand any of that and probably would not understand for a long time but in that moment he stopped thinking and just let himself be filled by the strange energy surrounding him and he felt it running through his body in every cell, tissue, muscle, bone and fiber of his body. It was as if his body knew how to move and as if his mind knew exactly what was going to happen. Phasma in front of him became extremely slow and obvious in her movements and Finn knew what to do in less than a second. Furthermore, he also could detect some strange points made of light that were present all around him and also in Phasma's armor. He did not know what they were but he instinctively knew that he had to hit them if he wanted to achieve victory.

- "Return to the floor, FN-2187!"- shouted Phasma using a combo that had always brought her victory in countless occasions but to her surprise, Finn's footwork changed and moved so fast that she could not follow his move and before she had noticed, the young man had blocked all her hits breaking her combo. Phasma could not help to feel confused, and more so when FN-2187 used her last swing to destibilize her and she found herself losing her equilibrium in a way that had not happened since many years ago.

- "What?"- Phasma could not believe what was happening but her body would not be able to recover on time and she knew very well that in this moment she was full of openings that her opponent would use so she could only trust her armor while recovering her footing.

Finn immediately advanced and swang the lightsaber against the defenseless Phasma who received three powerful blows guided by the Force and the supposedly highly resistant armor of Phasma was cut open very easily like a can of fruits. Phasma did not understand what was happening until the moment she was sent to the floor by the powerful blows of the former stormtrooper.

- "This is not possible..."- said Phasma looking in shock at Finn who in that moment looked more menacing and dangerous than any wild animal she had faced in her life- "just who are you...?"

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