Star Wars: 30 Years Later The Real Story

Chapter 37 - Sky dancers and Flying Rancors

The image of Finn being slashed by Kylo Ren still was fresh and the intense anger she felt was still there. She wanted only to kill Kylo Ren but at the same time she wanted to help Finn. However, Rey felt she could not move at all and the reason was due to the two warriors who were at both sides from her. Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker were looking at each other from a long distance but the pressure they both caused had Rey paralized. She felt like a small rabbit in the middle of a fight between two very territorial bears. It was only natural from Kylo Ren but Rey could feel the terrible and threatening aura coming from Luke and she understood why the First Order feared him so much.

- "I don't deserve it?"- asked Kylo Ren after a while with his mechanical voice- "I deserve it more than anyone. Only me can finish the work Darth Vader started..."

Rey had heard about the ruthless Darth Vader who had helped the Emperor to conquer all the galaxy and maintain his rule. She had also heard about his redeem and how he had been the one slaying the Emperor to end the war but it seemed Kylo Ren wanted to follow a legacy of hate and destruction. However, among those words Rey could detect something else... Kylo Ren was not as imposing and confident as he had been before. Luke ignited his green lightsaber and started walking toward Kylo Ren and his anger could be felt all over his body.

- "Revenge is not the Jedi way..."- said Kylo trying to exploit the weakness in Luke- "you will fall again..."

- "I'm human apart from a Jedi..."- said Luke his voice seething- "Justified outrage is not blind anger... I didn't do what I must before and for that my friend... your father is dead. I won't commit the same mistake again."

Rey rememebred Han and how he had been killed by his own son. Rey felt boiling with anger even though she had met him only some days before. She could not imagine how angry was Luke who had known the general for so many years at the hands of his own disciple and nephew. The tumultous mix of emotions must have been enough to drive anyone crazy but Luke was still managing to put all those feelings in order and do what he must. Rey could only feel respect for the old Jedi Master.

- "Help Finn and hide..."- said Luke passing by her side and dropping the blue lightsaber he had denied Kylo Ren- "Artoo and Chewee will arrive soon."

- "What about you?"- asked Rey wanting to help- "I..."

- "You are not ready, Rey"- cut off Luke immediately and Rey felt hurt a little- "this is my battle and it will end before they arrive I ȧssure you."

He was not being pretentious but he was just stating a fact. Until now, he had not been fighting seriously against Kylo Ren since he wanted to bring him back to the light by talking to him, but now his behaviour and tone denoted that the time for talking was over. Luke kept walking steadily towards Kylo Ren who seemed to have noticed the change in his former master and immediately raised his hand to push him with the Force. He managed to stop him in his tracks.

- "Stronger?"- said Luke and put his foot in front of his body and advanced a step and then another and one more- "so you haven't realized it?"

Kylo Ren put all his might into the Force Push but by now Luke was walking as if he was not doing a thing. He directed all his anger and pain and unleashed a Force Lightning attack which aimed at Luke's heart but to his surprise, the attack surrounded him and was deflected to the ground and trees around the Jedi master.

- "This is not possible!"- yelled Kylo Ren confused- "I should be stronger!"

- "Fool!"- shouted Luke and he raised his hand in Kylo Ren direction.

The Force push was incredibly strong and Kylo Ren felt as if he had been hit by a mountain. He could not resist at all and only felt his body flying backwards. The momentum was so powerful that he knocked down some trees with his body. Each tme he hit a tree he felt hs bones about to break and his muscles about to be ripped apart but due to the enhance attribute he used in his body, he was able to resist and impacts and break the trees before his body did. Even so, the pain was still there and now he felt all his body about to break in any moment.

- "You're not stronger, but weaker..."- said Luke whose eyes only conveyed despise and dissapointment- "you believed that killing your father was so simple? You thought there wouldn't be consequences?"

- "It was necessary..."- said Kylo and he could feel the guilt and pain again by remembering his father- "I did what I must to get power!"

- "I don't care..."- said Luke with a frosty voice- "the reality is you are weaker than you were before and the reason is very simple... by murdering the one who gave you life, your spirit was broken and the one you once were has been shattered. You're unbalanced and about to collapse, like a crystal cup that is in cracked all over but has not broken apart yet."

Kylo Ren wanted to deny his words, but the truth was that he also could feel it. His mind was a mess and his emotions were too chaotic. He knew that he was in no conditions to fight andmaybe he would not be for a long period of time. If Luke Sywalker was out of his league before, now he was simply in another dimension and that meant that he would die and there was nothing he coud do.

Meanwhile, the battle in the skies was getting bloodier by the second. Both sides were taking lots of casualties but since the First Order had the advantage in numbers, they would prevail in the end if nothing changed.

- "Just too many of them!"- said a memeber of the Rogue Squadron who had been surrounded by three enemy fighters and was using his maximum skill to evade and try to get them off him.

- "We're overwhelmed, Poe!"- said Rogue 3 who was called Jess and who had struck down many TIE fghters by herself but who was already startung to feel the tiredness of the combat- "What do we do? It isn't working."

- "Resist..."- said Poe who was elimnating the infinite enemy fighters as he could but he also felt t was leading to nowhere- "we have to keep resisting for a little more!"

Poe had been in disadvantageous battles before but this one was an especially hard one and taking in consideration the stakes, it gave him a pressure he had never felt before. He knew perfectly that he could not show doubt or nervousness since the rest of the team would collapse after him in matter of seconds, so he just kept shooting down any enemy that appeared in his range while waiting.

- "Black leader"- a voice said in the intercom- "the infiltration has been succesful. Proceed with the next part of the plan."

- "Roger that"- said Poe with a grin in his mouth and a sense of relief filling his ċhėst- "the package is here, guys!"

- "Finally!"- said a member of the Rogue squadron with a tone of resentment in his voice.

- "They surely took their sweet time... the bastards!"

- "Ok stop"- said poe after letting his team vent over a little- "assume defensive formation and let them do their job!"

- "Roger!"- said all Rogue squadron at unison

They immediately changed formation and saw with glee how the yellow and white BTL Y-wing starfighters also affectionaly called "Wishbones" descended in great number as a locust and at the maximum speed they could.

- "Here IronBone Squadron! We are sorry for the delay..."- said a very rough voice through the intercom and Poe recognized the voice of the leader of the best bomber squadron in the Resistance, a Besalisk named Tarpax whose alias was simply the Boss- "good job covering our descend. Leave the rest to us, Lad!"

- "You made it no easy, Boss!"- replied Poe with certain amount of impatience in his voice- "I expect some compensation in the bar later for all of us."

- "Cheh! Ye think I'm paid millions of credits or so?!"- said the rough voice sarcastically- "you'll have to buy me some barrels if we all stay alive after this! Cover us well... I see some pests coming our way."

Their plan had been to use the Rogue squadron as bait making the enemy believe they would be the bombing squadron attracting all the enemies on them while the Wishbones jumped directly from hyperspace on the StarKiller base to give little time to react to the enemy.

- "Who would be stupid enough to send X-wing starfighters to a bomb mission"- said Poe glad to have fooled their enemies.

- "Well said, Lad!"- said the IronBone Leader with a proud voice- "ye rookies can't understand the the precision and sophistication of our art! Just give us space so I show you how beautiful a sea of fire can be!"

- "We'll have time for just a pass"- said the IronBone leader who knew very well the shotcomings of his beloved bomber- "The weapon will shoot in two minutes. After that, whatever happens will be on your team."

- Understood!"- said Poe who also knew what they could do in such a short time- "just open the eggshell as much as you can... I'll cook them afterwards!"

- "Hehehe I alwas liked you, Lad!"- said theironBone Leader and then changed channels to his own team- "Alright maggots! Time t'earn yer drinks! Let's show these fragile sky dancers how tough real warriors are!"

- "YEAH!"

The First Order's TIE fighters immediately changed targets and sent everything they had on the "Wishbones" direction. The bombers were slow by nature and extremely lacked maneuvering in comparison with the fast and dexterous TIE fighters who easily could surround and outmaneuver them in order to destroy them with their lasers.

- "Hahaha! These dancers think they are so good!"- said the IronBone leader in mockery- "show them your guts, fellas! Cross Bones Formation!"

- "Aye!"- all the squadron replied at unison and immediately descended in a very tight formation which gave them multiple layers of shield and hull.

Due to the danger of its cargo, their hull and shield systems had been reinforced and so they had sacrificed agility and speed for full defense. That was the reason behind the name of their squadron. Many times in the past, engineers had tried to give bombers more maneuvering and speed but the IronBone squadron engineers had gone their own way. They were not beautiful sky dancers like the X-wing or TIE fighters, but they were like flying Rancors which may be slow and clumsy but they were extremely sturdy and deadly.

- "Hahaha! How's the rain today, guys?"- asked the Leader to the IronBone members- "Someone wants to go home yet?"

- "Hahahahaha what a good sound!"- said one of the members with a maniatical voice- "but they lack power, dont you think fellas?"

- "Hahahahaha just a small drizzle!"- said another member following the flow.

- "Holy... since when do you know that word, Herdricks?"- said another onewith shock- "I thought you had only 200 words of vocabulary!"

- "Shut yer mouth, mongrel!"- replied Herdricks with an embarrased angry tone- "or I'll give ye 200 punches in you lower place!"

- "Hahahahahahaha!"

Other pilots would be terrified and absolutly nervous but these veterans could even joke while descending since they were accostumed to receive a literal rain of lasers and explosions on their hulls while keeping their concentration to hit the target. Since maneuvering was limited, they would just discard it and go for a direct approach. In other words, if you were a nervous dimwit who got scared for some hits on your ship, you were useless and the IronBone squadron was not for you. Poe knew very well that he was not like them as he was a Sky dancer as they call pilots like him. He still remember a conversation he had while drinking with the IronBone leader once.

- "Real warriors laugh and joke while receiving heavy fire and there is nothing that made you feel more alive that being in front of death every second and even more after you destroy you target when everything is against you"- said while gulping a drink that Poe knew was not possible to consume by humans and then he opened his mouth wide in a large smile- "It is like dancing with the death and then escape from its cold grasp while grinning all the way. I cheat death every operation... and that, my friend, is the best!"

The IronBone squadron was already in dropping distance and immediately changed formation by spreading as much as possible. This reduced their defense and let them open to the TIE fghters but even though some were shot down, the Rogue Squadron managed to defend most of them appropriately.

- "Deploying heavy proton torpedoes"- said the Boss with a wide grinning only possible for his species- "Receive the regards from the Hosnian System ye bastards! Let devastation consume the land!"

Each one of the bombers unleashed their 20 bombs to their targets like dozens of giant hail rocks in a massive ice storm. The explosions that followed were so devastating that it made the Starfighters and TIE fighters in the air shake and the pilots cold feel the intense heat even inside their ċȯċkpits. They had to use all their abilitiy to retake control of their fighters. Once they saw below they could see a literal sea of flames engulfing all the land while provoking everything in its way to be destroyed.

- "I can't accostume no matter how many times I experience it!"- said a member of the Rogue Squadron

- "Damage analysis!"- ordered Poe and the systems immediately made the scanning and calculations.

- "The oscillator's been greatly damaged..."- said Jess when she received the information- "but is still functional for one more shot."

- "How convenient!"- said Poe with a bitter tone- "Boss! That's all for you, get out of here!"

- "Good luck, lad"- said the Boss and he ordered his squadron to retreat since they would only be a big target practice now- "Also look in the sector Y-99."

- "What's there?

- "Black Leader, there's a brand new hole in that oscillator in that area."- said Rogue 5 with a excited voice- "The bombers opened a path and also reduced the enemy batteries in that zone."

- "Good job Boss"- said Poe and immediately changed course to the area mentioned- "Red Four, Red Six, cover us."

- "I'm on it."

- "Roger."

- "Everybody else, get some of the fire off from us. Give it everything you got."

- "I need some help here. I need some help!"

- "Coming in!"

- "Watch out!"

- "I'm hit!"

After some seconds he saw the hole in the oscillator and immediately veered and started to descend at maximum speed.

- "All teams, I'm going in"- said Poe while accelerating even more- "Pull up and cover me."

He entered through the hole and he found himself in a narrow tunnel and was immediately received by batteries of cannons.

- "Who places anti-air batteries inside a building?"- said Poe but immediately started to shoot everything he had to cause as much damage as possible.

He received some hits on his starfighter but his speed reduced the aim of his enemies enough to not take substantial damage. Even so, he could hear the laser and blasters hitting all over his hull and then he remembered Boss.

- "So this is what you meant, Boss!"- said Poe who never stopped shooting every piece of machinery that looked important making all go into fire and for some reason he started to laugh while doing so- "dancing with the death, huh? Well that's what I do as a Sky dancer! So dance with me!"

He unleashed all his proton torpedoes and laser cannons on his way and soon the area was burned ablaze.

- "Oscillator offline and rising in temperature"- informed Jess through the intercom- "get out of there, Poe!"

- "On it!"- said Poe and immediately looked for a way out- "BB8 find me an exit!"

- "Poeeo beep boop!"

- "Good job!"- said Poe and immediately used his last proton torpedoe in the place that BB8 had marked.

The building wall was blasted open and he used the hole to get out. A few seconds later the massive oscillator exploded like a volcano erupting with flames raising to the sky.

- "Oscillator destroyed!" informed Poe and he could hear the cheering from his team and also from Takodana- "mission accomplished!"

However it did not stop there and the land around the former oscillator building started to crack and one could see the internal explosions going all over the area deforming the ground of the planet.

- "All units retreat! I repeat, all unit retreat!"- said Poe sending the images to the headquarters- "the planet's collapsing has started!"


- "All personnel evacuate the base and follow instructions of plan 9800000-32"- said the voice all over the base while the sound of alarms went over again and again.

As soon as this message was receive, the officers and personnel of the base started to move in a drilled manner to the closest exit routes to the ships that would get them out of the StarKiller Base. Without the Oscillator to control and manage the power that the planet had gathered from the Sun that had now dissapeared, the fate of the planet was sealed and the only thing they could do was to get as far as possible from the planet before it exploded.

- "Evacuation message sent, General"- reported an officer looking at General Hux who cold only grit his teeth in anger and call the Supreme Leader. Almost immediately a holographic figure appeared.

- "Supreme leader, the base has fallen"- said Hux not daring to look at the Supreme Leader- "the collapse of the planet has began!"

- "Where is Kylo Ren?"- asked the Supreme Leader with that profound voice which made him sound like a superior being.

His tone surprised Hux since he did not seem angry by the loss of such important base. Instead of being livid and furious, Hux had the impression that the Supreme Leader was not disturbed and he spoke as if it was just a mere stumble in his bigger plan.

- "We lost contact with him some minutes ago..."- said Hux who did not want to test his leader's patience- "but we have been informed that he managed to kill Han Solo."

- "I see... it's time to complete his training then..."- said the Supreme Leader with a grin full of satisfaction- "Have all the forces retreat, General and regroup in the Hazmat Base."

- "As you order supreme leader..."- he nodded to one of his officer who immediately sent the orders to the fleet- "what about Kylo Ren, Sir?"

- "I will take care of that, General"- said the Supreme Leader and Hux just nodded to him- "just get out of there and minimize the casualties as you retreat."

- "It will be done, My Lord."


In the forest near the base a ferocious battle was taking place while the planet started to crack and get destroyed. More than a battle, it could be better described as a unilateral onslaught. Kylo Ren had become a punching bag and could only managed to defend against the precise and powerful blows of Luke who did not lower his heavy hand against his former apprentice. They both ignored the planet's collapse and kept fighting while jumping and changing directions as the ground opened abysses and magma started to appear in many places.

- "Master!"- Luke was having many memories of his former apprentice just like the last time, but now he chose to ignore them and kept bashing Kylo Ren.

Luke schooled Kylo Ren in every aspect of the Force. He could easily block and counter any Force ability he sent at him. He was just out of Luke's league at lightsaber combat since he seemed to predict and anticipate every move he wanted to do and even those blows he managed to pass Luke's defense did not land due to the almost impossible speed he managed to move at. is armor was in shatters and many cuts were found all over his body and the only reason he was not dead was because of his focus on defense avoiding mortal attacks.

- "What's with you, old man?!"- shouted Kylo in anger but in that moment Luke broke his defense and slashed his helmet which was broken immediately.

He felt the burning sensation passing through the metal so Kylo threw himself backwards. He fell to the floor in a very pathetic way but he managed to avoid the majority of the damage by Luke's lightsaber. Part of his face was now exposed and his voice converter had been destroyed. In that moment, surprisungly, Kylo Ren started to laugh. He laughed more intensely by the second until he blew a maniatical laugh while sitting on the floor. The action brought Luke to a halt in shock.

- "You are in conflict, old man!"- said Kylo feeling the mess in the emotions of Luke- "Even though you talk big and you had many chances to kill me you didn't... hahaha! And I know why... Because if you cut me down now it would be in anger and you would fall to the dark side!"

Luke let his anger take control and he bashed his former apprentice with all his strength. The attack was so heavy that he destroyed Kylo Ren's lightsaber. Instead of showing fear, Kylo Ren just laughed even more.

- "Come, old man!"- he taunted with a mad glee- "finish the job! Give it to your anger!"

- "Ahhhhhhhhh!!"- Luke roared in fury and swang down his lightsaber which impacted with such power that provoked a trembling impact that shook the trees around.

There was no more smile in Kylo Ren's face but a look of horror. He had felt the extreme heat of the lightsaber passing just milimiters from his face and he thought he could feel the incandescent pain on his nose. The aura Luke had emitted was that of absolute destruction and cold. For a second he thought he had seen his eyes changing of color of that of a yellow tone with red borders typical of a Sith but now he was just looking at him with those profound blue eyes which showed an unwavering determination which made him look like an undefeatable giant.

- "You are right, Ben..."- said Luke with a calm voice but Kylo Ren could feel the dėsɨrė to end him and also the battle inside his head.

Not only that, but his body was shining with a golden glow that Kylo Ren recognized as one of Luke's unique skills called "Force Light" which was a power that allowed him to increased his own powers while reducing the dark side skills of his foes and now Kylo Ren felt his connection with the Force had been cut and could not use any Force related ability.

- "It's true... I wont kill you"- said Luke and the determination in his eyes increased like a burning flame capable of destroy anything in front of it- "not because of weakness, but because you're my family and because I'm a jedi like my father before me."

Luke had a powerful dėsɨrė to kill the young man in front of him, but the scene of his kneeling in front of him, reminded him of the time when he had the same decision with his father. In that moment he decided to be a Jedi and this time he also kept control and decided to capture him. He would give Leia a chance to talk to him and at least he would have a trial under the New Republic's law. Also, he knew he would not be able to return if he took him down with anger.

- "The Republic will decide your fate, Ben"- said Luke and he extended his hand to take him but immediately he took some steps back by reflex and from nowhere a rift appeared next to Kylo Ren and a shadowy figure got out from it placing a hand in the head of his former apprentice.

- "Hahahahaha! Incredible you managed to resist"- said the hooded figure with a profound and ghostly voice- "As expected of the legendary Luke Skywalker."

The tall figure was surrounded with a dark aura and Luke felt a terrible power emanating from him.

- "The Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order, I presume"- said Luke and the hooded figure made a light bow.

Luke knew he was a Lord Sith of the highest level and that the battle with him would be more demanding that any other battle he ever had and so both figures looked at each other waiting for each other's response while the planet continued to collapse.

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