Star Wars: 30 Years Later The Real Story

Chapter 42 - Dirty bussiness

Dorvalla - Main Regal district

In the mining planet of Dorvalla, there was a Kajain'sa'Nikto Ni'sie who was drinking a cup of starshine surprise while waiting impatiently and almost trembling of excitement as his mouth drew a sinister and almost predatorious grin which was made even more terrifying due to the sharp fangs he possessed. Many would find his attitude exagerated but he was always like that when he had a very lucrative bussiness which could increase the millions of credits he had in his accounts. Today especifically, he had a big fat pig ready to be butchered coming directly to his door and he could not wait anymore.

- "I wish they had started this open war long time ago"- said the Nikto who as the ones of his species had a reptilian constitution of amber color with threatening horns which were proudly exposed- "I would have been able to play this game for a little longer."

To add to this already threatening visage, he also had piercings and and tatoos all over his body which made him extremely intimidating to see. In his bussiness intimidation was the key so the more dangerous he looked the better. He had started his life as a servant in the many planets under the control of the Huts, until one day he had just killed the idiotic family he was serving and started to work as a bodyguard in a trading ship escaping from the furious and relentless justice that the over sized worms presumed to administer. He was able to have a kind of decent life for a while until one day they were attacked by pirates who saw potential on him and offered him, as they out it, a new career option. He accepted immediately having to show his loyalty by killing his prior boss but he had no problem in doing so since he kind of hated the guy.

- "Wow! Such ruthlessness!"- had said the leader of the pirates impressed to see no hesitation in his actions- "most at least doubt a little before doing this..."

After that, it was the beginning of an exciting life of pillaging and doing whatever he wished as long as he was cunning and feared. The leader of the pirates had also been very surprised when years later Ni'sie had shown the same ruthlessness to execute him and take the mantle of leader. The reluctant expression of that idiot still bring a smile in his glomy days. One day, he and his crew arrived to Dorvalla and saw an opportunity when the two factions competing for the control of the planet sabotaged each other to near bankruptcy. He arrived and propose to help both of them to eliminate the other and in almost no time he had taken control of both companies after the higher ups had suffered cowardly ȧssassinations by the competition.

- "It was just too easy"- said Ni'sie remembering the moment he had gotten rid of both sides and fusing them into the new Ni'sie Corporation which managed the planet until now.

Few people lived on the planet, but those who did were almost always involved in the ore industry. This small planet was one of the main producers of lommite, which was a key mineral for the production of starfighters and other vehicles. The planet had given him abundant resources and was worth the bloody invest he had to do to get it from the previous masters who did not have his talents. However, he was grateful for that since that had allowed him to be rich.

In the last three years since the official beginning of the conflict between the First Order and the New Republic, things had gone extremely confusing and pyrrhic for both sides, who were taking and losing and then retaking many sectors and planets all over the galaxy. The First Order had taken control of the Outer Rim and they used hit and run tactics to destabilize the Inner rim and Core planets. While the New Republic had a tight control of the center of the galaxy, it could not expand its dominion and resources to the Outer Rim completely, least they would run thin and be countered.

- "I imagine the new Supreme Chancellor must havei tough, hehe"- said Ni'sie having a feeling of schadenfreude.

The new Supreme Chancillor Leia Organa had started a campaign based on diplomacy and integration all over the galaxy, which was a polar opposite of the First order's method of fear and intimidation which Ni'sie found more efficient having tried it himself. A person can promise many things in a table but it will be worth nothing in front of a blaster pointing at your head. The galaxy was in chaos but he could not care less since for him war meant riches and power. Since the vehicles for war were vital in the conflict, his mining planet had become extremely important for both sides from which he received orders which generated a vast income which he was sure would only increase as long as the war continued.

- "The representatives of the New Republic have arrived, boss"- said one of his subordinates using the intercom.

Until now, he had supplied both sides with lommite giving them as much as they wanted as long as they paid. However, lately both sides had tried to convince him to provide his precious metal exclusively to them while stopping the dealings with the other side. He sneered at these attempts knowing that he had the upper hand and there was nothing each side could do to him. His planet had a anti-air defense system capable of stop both sides in case of attack and he had a literal army stationed on the surface at all times which made extremely difficult to have a land invasion. He was the king and they would satisfy his demands or suffer the decrease in supply of his metal. He laughed in glee imagining the representatives of both sides kneeling in front of him.

- "Good, let them in"- he said as he passed his bifid tongue on the corners of his mouth savoring the moment and sat down in the throne he had in the elevated part of the room from where, like an emperor, gave him the higher position every time he received his guests who had to sit to a certain distance from him in a special table which was in an inferior position. He had four very well trained bodyguards who had all the corners of the room covered just in case someone had a stupid idea.

- "Security systems online"- he said out loud and the anti-personal gun defense system hidden all over the room activated giving the Nikto an even greater sense of confidence.

He could not wait to see what offer they had this time since toying with those who believed had more power than him was extremely pleasant. He had given this chance to them since the First Order had threatened him and he was very displeased with them. However, he had made it clear that if they wanted to have the monopoly of his production they would have to pay a hefty price. Of course, he would still trade with the First Order after punishing them a little using the connections he had after years of illegal traficking.

Two figures entered the room and Si'nie was surprised to see that this time they had sent two human females. Once they took off their hoods, he noticed that they were not bad in appearance. He had no problem "associating" with females of other species so he could appreciate the beauty of these humans which were different from each other. One transmitted a noble and calm, almost cold and mysterious aura, typical of those who study diplomacy, while the other sent a wild and dangerous vibe which was very typical of those who fight and have seen much conflict. He ȧssumed she was a bodyguard.

- "The new republic sends you it regards, Chief Si'nie"- greeted the diplomat with a gracious and elegant bow- "My name is Serine MunIite have come to negotiate the terms of the new trading agreeement which allows the New Republic to be the unique client of your company."

- "Welcome, Lady Serine"- said Si'nie enjoying the feeling of superiority he had at the moment- "I hope your trip was pleasant. Have a seat and enjoy the food and drinks."

- "Thank you, you are very kind"- said Serine and she sat with a practice movement.

The diplomat sat but the bodyguard kept standing next to her. Si'nie noticed she was uncomfortable since she did not know if sitting down or staying there. This was typical of the dumb brutes who only knew how to fight. He had been one of those of course, but he had grown past that stupid stage and he was now a very cunning trader.

- "So, I have been looking for this moment. As you can imagine, the loss for not selling my goods to such important client as the First Order will harm my bussiness and the salaries of the people I'm responsible for"- said Si'nie using his most worried voice as if he really cared for the slaves who he called workers- "I hope the New Republic take this in consideration in its offer."

- "Of course we understand and I'm sure this offer would definitely satisfy you"- said Serine with a confident yet respectful attitude.

She placed a tablet which contained detailed information of the proposal. A guard passed the item to Si'nie who checked the conditions and almost let a complacent sound out, but he hold himself and pretended he was not impressed. This reaction made Serine nervous which was exactly what the Nikto wanted.

- "Humph! It dissapoints me to see that the Republic does not take this transaction seriously..."- said Si'nie with an annoyed expression.

- "Is... is it is not of your satisfaction?"- asked the diplomat and Si'nie detected the nervousness she was trying to hide... she was an amateur.

- "I'll be honest, Serine... this is much less than what the First Order offered me for the same deal"- he stood up and started acting as if he had made a terrible mistake- "I gave preferance to the New Republic and rejected a much more superior offer from them... thinking that you had consideration and respect for me and my company... sigh* but it seems I was wrong... please see the guests out."

- "Please wait chief... we can negotiate..."- said Serine in panic since and Si'mie new this was a transaction she could not lose- "how much did the first order offer you?"

- "I normally don't reveal my bussiness with others, Serine"- said the Nikto with the professional attitude of a secret keeper- "but if you want to have an idea... the first order offered me at least three times what you presented here."

- "Three times?"- repeated Serine in shock and a clear tinge of doubt appear in her eyes- "How is that possible?"

- "Humph! So now you are calling me a liar?"

- "No... of course not!"- replied the diplomat immediately trying to salvage the moment- "it is just that I don't have the authority to increase the amount that much..."

- "Then go and tell your bosses that next time they should send someone who has the power to negotiate with me!"- said Si'nie and he just turned around while the guards started to aproach the two women.

- "Please, chief be reasonable..."- said Serine in panic which marked a great contrast to her previous attitude- "this is seriously the top we can offer!"

- "Reasonable?! Do you think im stupid or a novice in my trade?"- Si'nie shouted in anger- "I know the value of my product and I know what the Republic can offer so dont waste my time, child!"

Serine did not respond since she was now fuming in outrage for the words of the Nikto who internally was just laughing at her display. He seriously thought the Republic would send someone tougher than this. This was just too easy.

- "I'm normally very patient but you have managed to piss me off!"- said Si'nie using his momentum- "tell your higher ups that due to the insult I suffered, I will not hear any offer unless it's at least four times what you offered!"

- "But..."- Serine wanted to interrupt but was immediately silenced by Si'nie bark like voice.

- "If I don't hear from you in the next 24 hours..."- said the Nikto lowering his voice to a dangerous tone- "I'll accept the deal of the First Order including access to a base in the planet... go and tell them that!"

- "Humph! Now you want to attack me?"- said Si'nie with a mocking expression- "it seems the Republic is not different than the First Order... since you threatened me, now the minimum is five times... go now or I will send just one person to transmit the message."

- "Please chief... reconsider..."- said Serine who did not know how a simple transaction had turned down into something like this- "This will not benefit anyone except the First Order."

- "Do you think I fear the First Order... I fear none!"- he said very loudly as if he were an invincible being- "but since you have asked me... then let's make a deal. You leave that disrespectful mutt here with me so I can teach her manners and I will give you some time to talk to your higher ups. What say you? You can't say I'm not being nice to you, can you?"

- "You're going to far!"- shouted Serine and Si'nie sneered coldly.

- "I'll show you what is to go too far!"- he raised his arm and the bodyguards retired the secures to shoot

- "Stop!"- shouted the wild girl and she started to walk to him looking down.

The chief Si'nie grinned looking at this. Ni'sie loved to see the disgusted but defeated expression in her face. He loved to break this type of hard-to-get women and tame them to be as docile as kittens. He would take his time with this one. He could still see the flame in her eyes so he knew she could revolt so but this just made it more interesting and he was impatient to start.

He did not notice that the girl was touching a device under her cloak and calculating her next move.


The High borne district was the place where the ones who the chief favored the most lived. It was not that they were of royal or important linage but just who were the best bootlickers. It was also the district were most of the throat cutters and thugs hired by the chief to control the population lived so as soon as he gave the signal, this private army would act and do as commanded by its leader.

- "How you think the negotiations are going"- said one of the night guards while smoking a very stinky cigar.

- "Knowing the chief he must be unplucking them to the last feather"- said his companion and they both they laughed thinking in the pain the poor souls who were sent by the Republic must be experiencing in that moment.

- "But, don't you think he's testing the waters too much?"- asked the first guard- "Last time the First Order plainly threatened the Boss and now he's putting us on the bad side of the New Republic."

- "What is there to fear?"- sad the other guard playing tough- "they dont have the guts to do anything!"

In that moment they did not noticed they were surrounded and being watched from the shadows by soldiers wearing tactical dark suits.

- "Phoenix 1!"- one of them received a message for the intercom from his captain- "the signal has been sent. Initiate the operation!"

- "Here Phoenix 1. Received!"- He changed the frequency to his own platoon- "Phoenix Squadron... Initiate the operation!"

- "Roger!"- he received the confirmation from the sergeants under his command which were positioned in different points in the district.

- "Here Phoenix 11. Sector G infiltrated and secured!"- reported his subordinate by the intercom- "Advancing to Sector H."

- "Aknowledged"- reported Phoenix 1 while keeping with his advance. They found little resistance since most of the enemy combatants were around the sector F were the main building of the chief was.

- "Sector A secured"- reported Phoenix 21- "advancing to sector B... permission to use sleeping gases and stunned grenades due to the presence of unexpected enemy groups."

- "Allowed but keep it as silent as possible"- said Phoenix 1 at the time that sector D was secured by his own unit. He changed the frequency- "Send the collaborators to sector D, Phoenix 31"

- "Roger!"- replied the team leader in charge of coordinate the advance of the local rebel group which was working with them.

After a minute, a big group of mixed races appeared and started to take control of the sector the Phoenix squadron under his command had secured.

- "Tie things up here fast and be ready to advance to the next sector."- ordered Phoenix 1 and immediately started to advance again.

- "Leave it to us!"- replied to the leader of the local rebel group and almost immediately they started to tie up the thugs and they entered the many houses to secure the people inside.

Phoenix 1 thought they were being too rough with the families of their enemies but he knew there was nothing he could do, so as long as they did not murder anyone, he had no orders to stop them.

- "Let's advance to the sector E"- ordered Phoenix 1 and the teams took the district in a very efficient and quick way.

- "Sectors A, B, and C secured"- informed Phoenix 21- "electrical facilities under control."

- "Sectors G, H, and I secured"- informed Phoenix 11- "weapons depots under control."

- "Sectors D and E secured"- informed Phoenix 1- "Neutralize defense systems and lighting at my order."

- "Standing by"- said Phoenix 21.

- "All sectors secured and waiting for orders to initiate next part of operation, Sir!!- reported Phoenix 1 to his captain.

- "Received" -replied the captain who seemed to be coordinating with the rest of the teams all over the planet- "commence next part of operation and secure all escape routes" The invasion will start as soon as the anti-air guns are neutralized"

- "Roger"- said Phoenix 1 and changed the channel again- "all team leaders take your units to your corresponding areas once the light goes off... Phoenix 21, proceed with the next part of the plan!"

- "Roger, Phoenix 1!"

Almost immediately the light went off in all the district and all teams moved to their ȧssigned points to cut any possible escape route. As he ran to the next position, Phoenix 1 gave a look to the main building of the chief with worried eyes.


Two guards surrounded each woman and they were about to escort one to Si'nie and the other to the exit when suddenly the lights went off and surprise is painted on Si'nie's face. The systems just went off and he cannot even start to think about what was happening when the bodyguard girl reacted and somehow sent flying his two guards who flew violently to the walls and fal to the ground unconscious.

- "Eh?"- Si'nie cannot understand how such fragile woman could make two rough bodyguards fly to far.

One of his bodyguards immediately points his blasters and shot at her but then she grabbed a tube which produced a blinding blue light and emmited a buzzing sound. Almost immediately the girl somehow caught the blaster shots and deflected them away from her body in a way that was not humanely possible.

- "A jedi?"- Si'nie said in disbelief thinking in all the stories he had heard and which he had labelled as stupid bed stories.

Serine did not stayed quiet either and used a shock teaser she had hidden on her wrists and knocked down both guards. Once they went out, she immediately grabbed the blaster and started shooting with an incredible presicion. Both women secured the room just before the lights returned to the room. The next thing Si'nie saw was the bodyguard jedi approaching him while pointing the lightsaber in his direction.

- "Are you ok, Rey?"- asked Serine pointing the blaster at the Nikto.

- "Much better"- said Rey carefully walking to Si'nie- "you'd better not try anything, chief"

- "Huh! you think this will work?"- shouted Si'nie with rage while touching his wristband which sent the alert to his men- "In a moment my men will surround this building and you'll be dealt according to my will!"

However, he only panicked even more as he heard multiple explosions and saw many republic ships falling from sky surrounding the district.

- "Sorry..."- said Rey with a brilliant smile on her lips seeing the shocked expression of the previous ċȯċky Nikto- "were you saying? The sound of my forces did not let me hear you."

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