Star Wars: 30 Years Later The Real Story

Chapter 45 - A Secret Mission

Galactic Core - Coruscant - Present time.

Leia Organa had always been a fighter. Since she was young, she looked up to his father Bail Prestor Organa and seeing his ardent fervour for justice and fairness for everyone inspired her to make a difference and be of help to the galaxy as well. Knowing that Leia was not going to be a meek princess and being aware of her destiny for greatness, he decided to groom her to be the best politician and diplomat he could.

- "This is a very dangerous and merciless world you are going to ente, Leia"- had said his father with a serious expression, someone that she had only seen before a very important decision in the Senate- "so let me ask you again... are you completely certain of your decision?"

- "Yes, father"- had said Leia with a resolute voice- "I can't just sit down doing nothing when so many are suffering. I want to be of help"

Bail Organa looked at her daughter with great pride and a smile formed on his mouth before nodding with relief. He also looked at her mother Breha who had a radiant smile and

- "In that case we must make sure that you are prepared to survive"- said her father and used a small bell to call someone- "if you want to be the best prepared then you need the best tutors."

Many people enetered the room and their presence and gal had a certain majesty and refinement that left Leia wondering if she was watching a group of mortals or if she was looking at divine beings. However, hshe also detected a sharp and menacing glint in their eyes and Leia knew that these people were ones who she should never mess up with. Her father started to introduced all of them explaining the subjects they would teach her. Leia tried her best to courtsey too all of them.

- "This is Sabe Tsabin former Princess Amidala's handmaiden"- said her father and the lady who had all her face painted white except for two dots made an elegant bow- "she will be in charge of teaching you in matters of court etiquette and diplomacy"

Sabe looked at the young Leia with tender affection and for some reason Leia felt that her look showed sadness and melancholy. It was only later that she discovered that Padme Amidala had been her biological mother and Sabe had begger her father to tutor her as a way to thank and apologize to Princess Amidala since she felt she had failed to protect her.

- "This is the great scholar Arn Horada, who will instruct you in galactic politics and history"- continued her father with a smile showing a great deal of respect to each of the figures present in the salon- "former senator of the Thesme sector Silya Shessaun... and this here..."

The introduction lasted some minutes until Leia knew their tutors and subjects. Finally her mother Queen Breha and her aunts, the strict but kind Rouge Organa, the impatient and serious Celly and naughty and coquettish Tia Organa would also take part in her education.

- "Let me be blunt, Leia. I'll say this only once"- said her father looking at her with a stern expression- "if at any moment you stop taking your studies seriously or if any of your tutors complains about you... I'll make you stop and I will not help you again even if you beg on your knees. Am I clear?"

- "Yes, father!"- said Leia and years later Bail Organa said that he had seen a powerful flame in her eyes that had never been extinguished.

And so, she spent a lot of time of her childhood cultivating the skills needed to be someone who could survive in different political scenarios. Even though, her mother and aunts pampered her to certain degree in their spare time, they were absolutely merciless and inflexible once they started tutoring her since they knew that any mistake or any small unplanned expression or word could bring a catastrophe that could not be undone. Her main training had been in the diplomatic area, but she had also taken great care in her shooting and driving skills since according to her multiple tutors, not every situation would be peaceful and many attempts against her would be done and she had to be prepared for them. Once, she had done her best in a social gathering and even though she had done everyting perfectly, she did not receive any praise and just heard the words.

- "It was passable"- had said all of them including her mother and aunts. She had returned to her bedroom and had cried in outrage believing it was unfair. She had done her best but it was worthless for the rest. It was then that her father entered her bedroom and sat next to her. Leia had not spoken to him and he took his time choosing his words very well.

- "How was it?"- he finally asked to an angry Leia- "this is a painful but necessary lesson for you Leia so listen to me well."

Leia did not react since she knew that she would only shut and said things she would later regret. However, her furious thoughts stopped knowing his words would be important.

- "Do not expect to be applauded when you do the right thing, and do not expect to be forgiven when you err"- he said puttinga lot of emphasis in his words- "But even your enemies will respect commitment—and a conscience at peace is worth more than a thousand tainted victories."

Those words had accompanied her for decades and had shaped the way she behaved in the cold and bitter world of politics where someone could be planning your death while smiling and singing praises at you at dinner. She could work with his father and family for many years against the Empire until that day when everything was shattered in front of her eyes.

"Princess Leia, before your execution I would like you to be my guest in a ceremony that will make this battle station operational"- Leia still remembered the cold and detached voice of Wilhuff Tarkin moments before he ordered her beloved planet to be obliterated.

When Alderaan was destroyed in front of her eyes, she felt her own soul cry and wail in such pain that she thoght she could die from the suffering, but years of training allowed her to keep her face composture in front of Tarkin and Vader who obviously tried to use her loss and suffering to manipulate her and break her. She sealed her feelings and did not allow them to get anything from her. Since that moment she only lived for one reason only... the destruction of the Empire. Only that would bring solace to her heart knowing that she had completed the legacy of her father. Many times she even begged for physical torture since the most horrible moments were those when her mind was left alone and she had to deal with her tumultuous feelings. Also, she vowed to keep all the teachings all those people who dissapeared with her home planet until her death.

- "I'm Luke Skywalker"- had said the unimpressive young man who presented before her- "I'm here to rescue you."

- "Then maybe you-d like it back in your cell your Highness"- those were the first words he said to her after she complained about not having a escape route.

Many times she had wanted to punch his ċȯċky, stubborn, smushy face but deep inside she had to admit that for someone like her, accostumed to the hypocratical and backstabbing ways of the politicians, Han's ċȯċkiness and utter straight forwardness was like a glass of cold fresh water in the middle of the infernal desert planet. She did not have to pretend and preserve her face in front of him, since she knew that Han would accept her as she were. And although he could be very different from her father who she looked up to in many aspects, at the same time they both had the same passion and drive capable of destroy anything in their way to their objectives and the they shared the same fearlessness even in times when everything seemed lost. In those moments whne Death seemed to be smiling at them, they would smile back waiting for a chance to escape its grasp.

- "You were the greatest for me, Han"- she said looking at a picture she always had of herself, Han, Chewee, Luke and baby Ben that had been taken short after Ben had been born.

She fought to stop the tears forming in her eyes from shedding since she knew it was not the moment. She was sitting down and waiting for the news that she had received in advance and which would decide the direction she was going to go. Since she had time she kept meditating about her life while calming down. After the fall of the Empire, she had time to spend with Han and Luke and they both taught them many more things.

- "I must say"- had told her Han shortly after their wedding- "watching shoot down dozens of stormtroopers stole my heart."

Han polished her shooting skills and also piloting. She smiled remembering their honeymoon when they both spent time alone in the Millennium Falcon while Chewee returned to her home and family. She even received basic Jedi training with Luke who had told her that she had great potential, but she knew she was not the frontliner like Luke and her vocation was more of politics and government stuff. She still did basic training like meditation and she learned how to use the Force to anticipate events and how to read and even manipulate others which had given her the upper hand in many negotiations and political talks through the years. Of course, she would only do it in times of emergency and strictly in the limits of what was morally correct... well at least most of the time. She could not deny that she had been influenced by the rogue attitude of her husband who had told her many times that she should use it more. Of course, he regretted what he said when Leia told him that maybe she should use the Force more with him.

- "Great chancellor"- said a voice and Leia saw saw her ȧssistant entering the room- "Phindar has been attacked."

- "So the information was real..."- said Leia standing up- "have you confirmed the other information?"

- "The minister Mon Mothma has not been locaated"- replied the ȧssistant- "so we must ȧssume the worst."

- "I see"- said Leia being in silence for a moment- "in that case we must move as well... Prepare my ship and sent the confirmation to Captain Dameron."

- "Are you absolutely sure about this, chacellor?"- said the ȧssistant- "it's too risky. This may be a trap."

- "I know"- said Leia with a face that showed confidence- "but it's something that must be done... if it is indeed true... it may very well be worth of the risk. Don't worry, though, it's not my first dance with this kind of situations. Now go and prepare everything."

- "Yes, Chancellor"- said the asistant very mortified.

Once she went away, Leia activated a holoprojector with the highest level of security and almost immediately the figure of Luke Skywalker appeared.

- "It's been confirmed, Luke"- said Leia after greeting his brother.

- "Yeah, I had the hunch that it would be"- said Luke who did not seem suprprised at all- "are you sure you want to do this?"

- "I must"- said Leia- "if its true... I don't mind risking my life."

- "Leia..."- said Luke with a sad voice- "Don't go so dramatic on me. The martyr type doesn't go well with you"

- "Oh, I don't plan to die"- said Leia showing a smuggy grin- "I just meant that there's a good chance this changes everything."

- "You feel it, too?"- asked Luke.

- "Your training taught me to trust my feelings and now they are telling me that I must go persoanally"- replied Leia as her answer.

- "For some reason I also had the feeling this is important"- said Luke sighing- "If that's the will of the Force, then we must follow it. Your precognition abilities had always been superior to mine after all"

- "Well, you took all the the combat oriented skills with you"- said Leia pretending to be angry- "I had to get something."

- "You were only lazy in the combat aspect"- said Luke laughing- "who knows what level you could have reached otherwise."

- "We'll never know"- said Leia knowing he was trying to lighten up the mood- "Returning to the main point, are you sure you want to send Rey and Finn as escorts? This can be dangerous."

- "They need practical experience and I trust them to keep you safe"-said Luke and Leia smiled to see his kind brother ȧssume a stern attitude when teaching others- "they have great potential but they lack experience and this may be what they need. Especially Rey."

- "She still has problems with her meditation?"

- "I'm afraid so. There is a very strong darkness inside her"- said Luke grimacing at the idea- "and even I can't unveil it without risking affecting her mind, so it's something she must do for herself."

- "I hope she can do so safely."- said Leia tryng to cheer him up.

- "I know she will and when she does, her potential will sour the skies..."- said Luke smiling confidently "in a few years, she may very well surpass me."

- "I hope we are alive to see that happening."- said Leia smiling at the way those two had helped Luke recovering his positive attitude about teaching others.

- "We will , Sis"- said Luke grinning- "but for now I just want to make sure you return safely... I wish I could go."

- "The Republic needs you in Phindar"- said Leia with a resolute voice- "More so if Ben is there..."

She doubted about what to say next... She had wanted to tell Luke to spare his son but after he killed Han, Leia had been extremely conflicted. A part of her told her that Ben was gone and only Kylo Ren the ȧssassin of her beloved Han was there, but the other side begged her to save her son.

- "No need to tell me, Sis"- said Luke and Leia knew that he understood what she wanted to say- "I'll try to bring him home alive. "

- "Thank you..."- said Leia lowering her head realizing her own selfishness.

- "Also... if everything goes well in the end"- said Luke reassuring his sister- "it may be the key to bring him back."

- "May the Force be with you, Luke."- said Leiawith a grateful tone.

- "As well as you my dear Leia- said Luke."

- "The ship is ready, Chancellor"- said the ȧssistant

- "I'll be there in a moment"- said Leia changing her attitude to the one suited for a Supreme Chancellor and after a final look to the picture on her desk, she started to walk with resolution to her next battlefield.


Bes Ber Bikade sector - Kinyen planet - New Republic Defense Force headquarters

- "Phindar has been attacked"- repeated the voice through all intercom network- "all units go to their commander officers for more information"

Rey and Finn nodded to each other and immediately started to run in direction of their own stations while trying to contact their superiors but they only received an order.

- "Take the ship on Hangar 56 in the section 925"- was the message they both received and they were a little surprised when they knew they had received the same order. As soon as they boarded the ship, this one immediately departed and they were taken to a room with a holoprojector where they saw the image of Poe Dameron with his eternal companion BB8.

- "Hi, Rey and Finn"- he greeted smiling at them- "it's great to see you. I heard of your success in Dorvalla."

- "Hey, Poe"- they both greeted their friend who was now in his pilot suit and seemed to be prepared for combat- "are you already in Phindar?"

- "We are about to arrive"- said Poe with a glint of excitement in his eyes typical of him before going to battle- "the last preparation are being done."

The little dropid next to him started to beeping as if it had been offended to be ignored by the three people talking.

- "Hey, BB-8"- greeted Rey smiling radiantly at the little droid that had helped them so much these last years- "how are you?"

- "Piii puuu ´poo"- replied BB-8 with a happy tone.

- "Still taking care of Poe eh?"- asked Finn with a teasing tone- "if you get tired of him, you know me or Rey will always welcome you."

- "Prrp-paree-paree pairreeoop?"- replied BB-8 making the three humans laughed since they were proficient of Binary and could easily understand tyhe little droid.

- "Very funny, guys"- said Poe while adjusting something in his suit.

- "We'll recover Phindar once we arrive there, Captain"- said Finn smiling.

- "I'd love to have you here, guys"- said Poe but then he changed his atitude and he bacame serious- "however, you have been ȧssigned to another mission."

- "Is there any other attack?"- asked Rey and Finn became cautious.

- "No, this is a more secretive mission"- said Poe in a mysterious tone- "but equally important for the war against the First Order. However, I can't tell you the details yet for security reasons. You'll receive more information when you arrive at your destination."

- "Understood"- said both young people and then Poe smiled at them.

- "Good luck to you"- said Poe and the transmission ended.

They were taken to a room where they could rest and was full of refreshments. Finn and Rey sat down and tried to relax before a voice was heard in the intercom.

- "Welcome to the ship. I am your captain"- greeted the voice of a woman- "We'll reach our destination in aproximately 12 hours so please get comfortable and if you have any questions, our droids will make your travel as pleasant as possible."

- "What do you think it is this mission about?"- said Rey looking at Finn

- "I have no idea"- said Finn grimacing at the lack of information- "but if it's a special mission, I wish they told us the details soon. I hate going to a mission in the dark without proper preparations."

- "Well, I suppose we can only wait"- said Rey while polishing her baton to distract herself.

- "You still carry your baton"- commented Finn smiling while looking at the blue lightsaber she carried in her waist.

- "Yeah..."- said Rey with a timid voice- "for some reason I still find it more reliable than the lightsaber."

- "Well, you have used it for years so it's normal..."- said Finn reassuring her- "to be honest I still prefer my blaster, too. However, I know it won't be of much help if we find a knight of Ren."

- "Are you ready to make yours?"- asked Rey knowing that the lightsaber he had in the moment was given to him by Luke as a provisional one until he made his own weapon.

- "I've made the preparations, but I still feel there is something that is lacking"- said Finn sighing and shaking his head- "what about you?"

- "The same..."- said she and then she lowered her hea din shame- "and also I still have problems meditating."

- "You stil have those dark thoughts?"- asked Finn with a worried expression.

- "Yeah, I feel that the farther I go into the Force, the darker my emotions are..."- said Rey trembling a little.

- "I'm sure you'll overcome this?"- said Finn trying to reassure his friend.

- "I hope so... but to be honest..."- sad Rey sighing- "it feels as if there is something buried in that dark place that should not be touched."

- "Calm down... you are not alone Rey"- said Finn placing a hand on hers- "You're far stronger than me and your connection grows stronger by the day... Master Luke said it so too, just be patient."

Rey smiled to Finn sweetly and she nodded. They both sat down and started to meditate. Rey saw how Finn's face showed focus and started to meditate to control his emotions and deepen his connection to the Force.

- "Let's do this"- said Rey and closed her eyes while forgetting about anything unnecessary that could disturb her.

She started to control her breathing and very easily felt the Force around her. She had been told that everyone's experience with the Force was different and unique. In her case, it was similar to a beautiful sea full of life but also full of danger. As she focused more, she felt going deeper into the infinite ocean which invited her to become one with it. At the same time, though, she felt that the more she immersed in the Force, the darker it became.

- "COME..."- Rey had the feeling that the darkness in front of her was inviting her and she felt that if she went there, she would get a higher connection and she could get more power from the Force- "ENTER..."

Rey was doubtful since a part of her wanted to explore that darkness. For some reason, she had the feeling that many answers were there. At the same time, a deep dread filled her knowing that once she entered there, she could not return and she would be a totally different person. This sense of dread was what had stopped her from exploring that zone more deeply. Today, however, she decided to enter little by little.

- "Cold..."- she said when she got closer and tried to touch the darkness.

The freezing feeling only grew more intense as she got closer but she forced to touch the darkness with her hand and it only felt like smoke. Suddenly, the cold feeling passed from her hand to her head bringing a sharp pain with it, along with memories that she had forgotten which included a pair of voices that were extremely familiar and yet strange to her.

- "Is there no other way?" - asked a female voice in a begging tone.

- "None!"- said a male voice which sounded firm and almost ruthless- "we must leave without her."

- "But she's so small..."- cried the female voice- "she will not survive here!"

- "She won't survive with us, either"- said the male voice with a resolute tone.

- "Who will take care of her?"- asked the woman letting tears roll in her face.

- "Watto accepted to buy her"- said the man without showing any emotion.

- "Watto is a greedy monster!"- yelled the woman- "I don't want to imagine what he will do with her!"

- "She will protect her even if it's only to protect his interest"- said the man

- "But..."- said the woman trying to find any reason to oppose the man.

- "There is no time!"- shouted the man ending the discussion- "pack our things... the ship will go in the morning!"

Rey just realized she was crying and a sharp pain was consuming her soul. However, she felt something next to her. It was a hooded person who seemed to be the same height as her.

- "Who are you?"- asked Rey feeling a great sense of danger coming from that figure.

- "That's a good question..."- replied the figure who had a cold and menacing tone- "who am I? or better... who are you?"

The figure looked at Rey but she could not see the features of the face since it was shadowed by the hood but what she could see very clearly was a pair of deep yellow eyes with red borders which seemed to be shining in the darkness. The figure brought out a lightsaber which was ignited showing a red blade which was sent in the direction of Rey who did not have time to react and could only receive the blow. It was then that she could see the face of her attacker and she felt a deep sense of terror when she recognised her own face in the one of her attacker just before being dragged by the darkness once again.

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