Star Wars: 30 Years Later The Real Story

Chapter 54 - Turning the tide

Phindar Planet- Lunex City.

The retaking of the main cities in the planet had been going very smoothly since they fall of the Capital city. Poe was extremely surprised for the speed of the invasion, but also for the weak response of the First Order to the advance of the New Republic. In the eyes of any general, the strategy had been solid and perfectly executed. However, Poe did not seem happy nor hopeful since something was bugging him and he could not put his finger on it.

- "Update on the orbital battle"- said Poe for the 30th time trying to detect any abnormality that could help him understand the great sense of uncertainty he was experiencing.

- " The First order has been cornered and is using a turtle startegy in what it seems to be an act of desperation"- informed one of his officers- "The enemy formation will collapse in no time."

- "Good... keep me informed of any change"- said Poe knowing very well that everything was going on their favor. After a while, he started to question his instincts- "Am I becoming paranoid?"

He kept reviewing all the facts mentally and could not find anything amiss. The Orbital battle seemed to be won and it was only the desperate defense by Hux that had avoided a total collapse until now. The different skirmishes in the cities of the planet had already tilted in favor of the New Republic and soon their forces would be defeated. There was no more aerial resistance and the Rogue squadron was now used as escorts for the IronBones which were having the time of their lives destroying any remaining enemy base. The lack of air combat had made General Skywalker stop using his Star Fighter and was now commanding the land forces to accelerate the retaking of the present city. Most enemies would just surrender at the visage of his green lightsaber and the few who were fool enough to fight him were dispatched almost instantly.

- "If everything is going so well..."- said Poe feeling like a fool- "then what is this that I feel?"

Suddenly the intercom beeping using a frequency used only for leaders and Poe noted it was General Skywalker calling.

- "Poe here, General..."

- "He's here..."- said the General and Poe did not need to ask about the identity of the person he was talking about- "He's moving to the West at full speed. I think he wants to reach Helanmip."

Poe used his instruments and located the city that Luke mentioned and noticed it was not very far from there.

- "He may want to take a ship from there to escape."- said Poe feeling relieved that his hunch had been correct- "There were also reports of a strong enemy presence in the city."

- "We must stop him"- said the general and Poe could not help sensing the strange tone of voice heused everytime he spoke of Kylo Ren- "Call in all Rogue Squadron to Helanmip."

- "Yes, Sir"- said Poe initiating his systems once more and sendng the signal to all fighters- "Artoo is already in the way to pick you up."

- "Send the 5th batallion to the area for land operations"- ordered Skywalker with a firm tone- "Have the rest of the batallions move to the objective once they wrap up the mission there and inform Rogue 1 for me. Over."

- "Understood, General"- said Poe and changed transmission to send the instructions- "Here Rogue 2..."

While he was giving instructions and informs, he felt his fighting spirit burn again and knew that they needed to take Kylo Ren out today if they wanted to consider this operation a success.

- "Let's get that punk!"


Phindar Orbit - Star Destroyer Finalizer

- "Have all the remaining Star destroyers keep their formation so their shields overlap and maximize their defense."- ordered Hux who seemed to maintain a calm attitude even though anyone could see his side was on the losing side.

- "Sir, enemy fighters have started to harrass the TIE fighters"- informed an officer- "they request permission to engage the enemy beyong the established range."

- "It's a bait"- said Hux with an unimpressed atitude- "Have all TIE fighters stay on their designed areas giving priority to any bomber in the area. Maintain supressive fire and keep all the formation to the defensive."

The officer looked at Hux with confusion but he transmitted the orders anyway. Hux did not show any other expression except one of absolute serenity and concentration as he analyzed all the data shown in the numerous panels and holographic projections running in front of him.

- "General, enemy bomber squadron tagged as "Wild bombers" have returned and are trying to get into our formation"- informed an officer and Hux located the the squadron who had destroyed quite a number of Star Destroyers."

- "I suppose they believe they can attack us directly and force our forces to surrender"- said Hux with a cold and despective snort- "it seems they have let some successful runs get into their heads."

He immediately analyzed the data and prepared a counter action to their attack.

- "Groups C and D on sector 78, 554, chase the bombers"- ordered Hux almost immediately and his officers transmitted the instructions with a disciplined speed- "Let them get close and then have groups F and G focus on the protectors. They will try to maneuver to the quadrant XS-344 for a perfect pincer attack. Tell our Star destroyers not to engage with them and keep shooting on the battleships."

- "We lost Uniman and Portoban"- informed the officer- "they have gone silent and others informed they are floating around with no control"

Hux did not seem to be fazed by this and he just took a mental note on the new numbers he had to keep fighting. For Hux they were just pieces he had to move to win, even a Star Destroyer with hundreds of people was just a big piece he needed to obtain victory.

- "That will do for now- said Hux but he immediately looked at a specific point on the map- "pay attention to these sectors..."

He marked the points since he knew the Republic would try something else. He knew the initial attack was just a feint which was the reason he sent just two Star Destroyers to stall the forces there. His predictions proved correct when he heard the report that a small fleet had appeared on the opposite side of the battle.

- "New Republic reinforcements have appeared"- informed the officer while sending the data to Hux- "The fleet belongs to the Centrist Faction"

- "The Rogue quadron has appeared in our area, general!"- said another officer- "the Starfighter leading the attack seems to be the one of Wedge Antilles."

- So the old relic had gone there...- said Hux with a glint in his eyes- "Block the Centrist Forces with Uniman and Portoban. Have all their energy reroute to their shields and order them to resist all the time they can.

Any other general in his position would have long surrendered since not only were they cornered and outnumbered, it was a fact that it was only a matter of time for the rest of the reinforcements of the New Republic to arrive so it was a decided lost battle. He only had 7 star destroyers and 4 of them were already out of combat. The remaining were separated in two grous in a circular formation defneding each other. Other general would be pancking and swearing at Snoke for sending them to their deaths. However, Hux did not do any of those things and calmly asked the same question he had done many times before.

- "Any news of Kylo Ren?"

- "Not yet, general... wait..."- said the officer when a new transmission arrived to his panel.

Hux turned to see the officer receiving a transmission and looking at Hux with a hopeful look which gave Hux all the information he needed.

- "General Kylo Ren has sent the signal."

- "It was about damn time"- said Hux with a ferocious grin in his face- "send the signal to Big Dread"

- "Yes, Sir!"

- "Inform the rest of the fleet the start of Burning Bridges operation"- said Hux widening his grin even more as he observe the battelfield outside the ship- "Start the coutdown..."

- "Yes Sir."

- "So... I hope you enjoyed your moment New Republic- thought hux with a glint in his eyes- You can't say I did not give you a chance but since you did not take advantage of it, I think it's time for you to pay with lots of interests."


Vergesso Asteroid Field - Unknown Asteroid - Bohiak City

Finn was still in shock for what he had done and he was not the only one. Rey had been so impressed that she had forgotten her previous depressive state and was smiling widely. Celine looked at Finn with a profound curiosity that could not be hidden. Mara nodded in satisfaction with a wide grin which would anyone think she wasthe oe that had taught him all he knew. However, Leia seemed very worried and got close to the place where the duel had ocurred and she stopped between the two of them as if worried that they would want to continue with the fight.

- "I think this should be enough"- said Leia with a tone that clearly showed thatshe would not accept any discussion.

- "Yes, yes"- said Phasma laughing and she stood up while taking out her helmet which revealed a beautiful but strong built face with golden short hair and shiny and piercing blue eyes. Her nose had signs of having been broken many times but this did not affected the general beauty of this strong warrior- "I must admit it, FN 2186... I underestimated you. You have grown stronger."

- "My name is Finn"- said Finn who reacted and everyone could see he still had much resentment against her- "and this is just the beginning..."

Phasma just looked at him with a proud smile which seemed to be challenging the young padawan. He wanted to continue arguing but he decided to put that aside since he needed to remember and analyze what he had learned when he was able to see the shatterpoints just moments ago.

- "I finally did it..."- he thought while a smile formed in his lips- "I finally did it, master..."

Finn had tried to unveil the secrets of the shatterpoints many times since the moment Master Windu had mentioned them in one of the lessons. The results had been a total failure, and he had started to believe that he simply did not have the talent, however, now he had not only sense but he had been able to clearly "see" the shatterpoints. Of course, he always had let the Force guide him in combat, but he had never been able to see this guidance so clearly as when he saw the shatterpoints.

- "This was my favorite helmet..."- said Phasma picking the item and analyzing the damage.

Seeing the broken helmet on Phasma's hands, he started to think about all the possibilities of this new breakthrough. Shatterpoint was extremely powerful, but that would only be of use to him if he remembered how to replicate the feeling he had had in that moment which made him extremely anxious to practice immediately before the memory vanished. A hand on his shuoulder took him out of this line of thought.

- "You'll have time to practice later, for now meditate on your battle during the flight"- said Mara making Finn feel less anxiouns- "Haste will only make you have a superficial understanding. Take your time to research your skill as deeply as you can."

Finn just nodded and Mara patted him on the back before advancing to where Leia and Phasma were.

- "I suppose this was enough to satisfy you?"- said Mara to Phasma who just nodded smiling- "In that case we should move... I'm sure people are starting to wonder where the Supreme Chancillor during a moment of chaos like this."

- "I'm sure they bȧrėly noticed my absence, Phoenix"- said Leia smiling but starting to walk to the transport shuttle that would take them to the Falcon.

Everyone started to move and even though it had been a fact that hasma had switched sides, Mara and the rest still had their guards up in case of any last minute regret the captain could have. Once sat and ready to go the intercom of Leia started to blink and sound. Leia saw that it was a message from C3PO and she wonder what had make the droid anxious again.

- "Here, Leia"- said the Supreme Chancillor wondering what his beloved droid ȧssitant would tell her now.

- "My apologies, Master"- said C3PO and Leia noticed the different tone he was using and she knew something was not right- "You told me to inform you of any change in Phindar..."

- "Yes, 3PO, Any news about the battle?"- asked Leia hoping everything went well.

- "That is the problem, Master"- said 3PO who seemed to be panicking- "there is nothing to report... at exactly 5 minutes ago, all transmissions and communications in the area have ceased and there is no way to get any news being an official or unofficial means."

- "How is that even possible?"- said Mara who had never heard of the blockade of communications in such scale- "The quantity of resources necessary to block even the underworld is just unthinkable... "

- "It would be extremely difficult"- said Phasma who shared the surprise of such maneuver- "However, the First Order had been collecting favors for many years and it seems they are collecting them now."

- "Are you sure you dont know more?"- said Finn who knew that Phasma was hiding things from them.

- "Only suppositions..."- said Phasma with a tone that expressed absolute honesty- "since I'm in this ship now, it would be unwise to hide things, wouldn't it?"

- "Please share what you suppose with us"- said Leia who was also trying to connect with Admiral Ackbar using a super secret line of commucation, but she had been unable to connect with the Mon Calamari veteran.

- "Since the beginning it was very suspicious for everyone that the First Order would attack a planet with no importance like Phindar which was also so deep into the New Republic territory"- said Phasma sharing the knowledge she had- "It was even more strange when we were told that Kylo Ren himself was going to lead the attack.

- "We also did not understand such move"- said Leia who had been extremely confused by the attack on a planet that had no strategic importance- "Many made the conclusion that the objective was to send a message to all planets allied with us that the Republic was a unable to defend them."

- "It would still be too much a waste of resources"- said Phasma who started to contemplate deeply into the reasons for such attack and the reason of why she, being a high rank officer, was left in the dark about it- "It would only make sense if there were something powerful enough to tilt the battle and make sufficient damage to the republic.

- "Like another Death Star?"- said Mara even though her face showed lots of doubt.

- "Theres no way the First Order has the resources to do that"- said Phasma dismissing the possibility- "Only the Empire had such capacity since it has absolute control of all the galaxy."

- "It seems you don't know a lot although you were a captain"- said Celina looking at Phasma with suspicion.

- "Does a captain of the land forces in the New Reoublic know everything about the secrets of the Air Force?"- asked Phasma as if she were speaking to an ignorant child- "If so, I think I made a huge mistake switching sides..."

- "Maybe they planned a big scale ambush"- said Finn who started to analyze the situation from a strategic position- "gather all possible Republic forces to try to destry as much as possible..."

- "The First Order would still suffer massive loses. Not worth it"- said Phasma and then one idea crossed her mind and looked at Leia- "unless... the big fleet were not from the First Order..."

Leia looked at Phasma in horror and she immediately thought of a terrible possibility which had been taken in consideration until then and which sent horrible tremors to her spine.

- "3PO establish communications with the Centrist and Populist governments immediately!"- said Leia with distress-

- "Centrist government is ready to receive your transmission"- said 3PO with his typical calm voice- "Populist government seemed to be not ready yet... what is more, it seems they have cut off all communications since the beginning of the operation."

- "We have to return immediately!"- shouted Leia making the pilot of the transporter increase the speed- "Start the transmission with the Centrist representative."

- "At once, Master"- said 3PO.

- "I hope you weren't fool enough to do this, Amilyn..."- thought Leia already preparing for the worst.


Phindar Orbit - New republic Flag ship Galactic Voyager

- "Admiral, the enemy seems to be doing some maneuvers"- informed an officer.

- "Any news of the Populist reinforcements?"- asked Ackbar who had not heard of the original faction of Supreme Chancellor Leia since the beginning of the operations.

- "No sir"- said the officer and he sent the transmission to contact them once again to be met with silence- "the Centrist forces have presented formal complaints against them."

Ackbar started to have a very nasty gut feeling and decided to investigate a little more about this.

- "Contact our agents in the Populist side and get information about their movements"- ordered Ackbar.

- "Admiral, the enemy is starting to move against our ship"- informed another officer- "All remaining Death Stars have started to separate and are moving to different ships in our forces"

- "What?"- Ackbar could not understand what Hux was planning since this move could only be called suicide- "Surround the enemy ships and make them fall!"

Ackbar's years of experience were shouting danger and so he decisevely gave the orders to destroy the enemy before they could do whatever thing they were planning.

- "Sir, emergency transmission from one of our agents"

- "Transmit it"- said Ackbar hoping they dismissed any potential danger.

- "Populist fleets left their hangars since yesterday"- said the person in the transmission- However, the route they took was not Phindar but the capitals of different Centrist planets... I repeat..."

He started to see what the enemy had been planning all his time, but before he had time to ȧssimilate what was happening an alarm sounded and he received another bad piece of information.

- "Massive sigal coming from hyperspace, Admiral"- informed the officer closest to him.

- "A fleet?"- asked Ackbar wondering if the Populists had decided to come and support them even though he knew by now that if they had come it would not be to support them.

- "By the size it seemed to be a small one but this makes no sense"- said the officer still trying to understand what he was seeing.

- "No time. Have all fleets be ready"- ordered Ackbar not even doubting to put those traitors in their place if they dared to backstab them- "no matter what arrives, have all the ships ready to fire at my order."

Even though he expected to see an enemy fleet, Ackbar simply could not have predicted the thing that had appeared from Hyperspace and that was now covering a good part of the battlefield.

- "What is that?"- said his second in command looking at the massive thing in front of them with horror- "what the hell is that?"

It was not a fleet, but one single ship. However, calling it a ship may not be correct since its massive size could only be described as monstrous. Ackbar calculated that it was at least seven or eight Star Destroyers long.

- "Make a scan and send the data to the New Reopublic!"- said Ackbar knowing that the central government must be informed.

- "We can't do any transmissions, Admiral"- said the officer with a confused expression- "All communications in the area have been blocked"

- "How is that even possible?"- said Ackbar not understanding how the communications even among his forces could be ceased- "Change the communicaiton line..."

- "We still can't send or receive any communications"- said the officer with an expression of absolute shock.

Ackbar was trying to think in any kind of weapon that could cut off all communications in such a vast area and he could not think on anything which made the new battleship in front of them even more dangerous.

- "Have our forces divide and keep in check the other Star Destroyers"- ordered Ackbar recovering from his shock- the rest of the forces will attack the new enemy ship. Have all bomber teams focu on it and make it fall!"

The massive ship started to shine all over its surfaced with electricity which seemed to run all over it and then it exploded in a humongous explosion.

- "EMP attack detected!"- informed the officer

- "What are they thinking?"

EMPs were certainly powerful but modern technology had made engineers create safeguards against these kind of attacks to save the main parts of the ships. Such attack would definitely not make any...

- "Damage done to the instruments!"- said the officer as Ackbar saw how many of the instruments in front of him shut down in seconds.

- "What?"- Admiral Ackbar saw in disbelief as his ship, which was considered the top of the Mon Calamari engineering and technology stopped working and all was covered in darkness- "Activate secondary systems, give priority to life support!"

- "Impossible to activate remotely!"- informed the officer shouting- "Personnel has been sent to the main system but they will arrive there in 3 minutes"

- "Everybody use emergency equipment H-98!"- shouted Ackbar taking a box under his own chair which contained some pills and oxygen tanks

However, before he cou ld use them, he saw how the massive ship and the Star Destroyers which had been on the defensive a minute ago started to shoot at the Republic ships mercilessly. Even though their battleships were sturdy, the damage was very heavy. At the same time, the enemy TIE fighters were also eliminating every Starfighter and bomber in their range without wasting any second. They all seemed unaffected by the EMP attack and were not going to waste this chance.

- "Can we last 3 minutes?"- thought Ackbar watching the effectiveness of the enemy attacks.

In that moment, the First Order flagship turned on his direction and Ackbar could imagine the nasty grin in Hux's face as he ordered to open fire on them.

- "They got us good..."- said Ackbar feeling like a practice target without any possibility of escape.

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