Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 35 - (ch. 31) ripples....

Ahsoka was trapped within the dark hallway with her red eyed host... and she wasnt having a very good time of it. The shadowy mass shrank down to a form reminiscent to Ahsoka herself, and soundlessly walked forward. Ahsoka turned to fully face the 'creature' and attempted to draw her lightsabers... only to find empty air. Glancing down she noticed something startling... she was able to see through her arm!

Ahsoka, quick as a blaster shot, glanced back up to the being approaching her, and what she saw astounded her. She was on a well furnished bridge, with a quite a few terminals and control stations, many of which were flashing with numerous lines of code, and data.

The ship didnt look like any she had seen before, and it was in such good condition that it could have been a recently commissioned vessel... only... there was no crew anywhere in sight.

Ahsoka had been glancing around the spacious, and silent room, when bright flashes drew her attention to the exterior of the ship. Glancing through the large windows, in the shape of connected isosceles triangles, spanning the forward section of the bridge... Ahsoka was captivated at the terrible, and yet beautiful sight.

A gruesome battle was raging outside around the ship she stood on... and off in the distance to the port-bow of the cruiser, somewhat visable through the blinding flashes of light from sh.i.p.s exploding, as far off in the distance she could see... till the sh.i.p.s were no bigger than Ahsoka's pinky finger nail... so small the laser fire bouncing against resplendent blue sheilds almost completely obscured the rest of the massive space battle... and the sh.i.p.s... looked like strange inverse " T's "

When Ahsoka snapped back into focusing on her surroundings, she was utterly flabbergasted at the primitive qualities, and yet advanced tech she could see In the surrounding area. the monitors for the computers seemed to be made of a floating thin crystal like material, and the panels had dozens of ineligible symbols written upon it. Ahsoka didnt know what to make of the strange sights and machines around her... but one thing was for sure, she wasnt on a Republic ship, and she wasnt in that ghastly hallway with those eyes...

The ship was unlike any she had seen before, and was vastly different from what Ahsoka remembered of any cruisers bridge that was ever shown in the training halls in the temple...

"Where am I?" Ahsoka asked aloud... only to feel a large cold metal hand clamp down on her shoulder from behind... followed by a rough, yet m.a.t.u.r.e male voice.

"that's what I'd like to know darlin' ?"

Ahsoka madly spun to face her new 'visitor', but almost as if it was a dream... she spun herself back into the command bunker; Right in the middle of the discussions between her new Master and the representatives of Mandalor...


meanwhile... Komire was busy berating the stuck up Jedi known as Skywalker, and proceeding to give an in-depth lecture on Mandalorian customs when the air beside him seemed to 'explode'.

looking towards his apprentice, Komire noticed that Ahsoka seemed lost and really confused... not to mention the fact that she was looking all over the room as if she was shocked to be there. the buzzing sound of her lightsabers was also another tell tale sign that something happened.

With all that Death had taught him, Komire guessed it was a type of force vision. but seeing the state of the Force surrounding Ahsoka, he immediately threw that thought away. The Force would be stable if it was a natural force vision, but the way the ambient Force energies seemed violent. Whatever she saw, it was Big news... whether good or bad... it was definitely not something small.

Everyone noticed the troubled look on Komire's uncovered face, and looked over to where he glanced, and almost at the same instant the crowds eyes were drawn towards the sound of lightsabers thrumming to life.

The Mandalorian representatives tensed up at the sound, with their hands on their blasters. While the Jedi grabbed their hilts hanging on their belts, ready to draw at a moments notice. The only one not effected, was Komire. with unhurried words, and a calming hand, Komire grabbed Ahsoka's forearm, turning the shaken apprentice towards him, and asked...

..."What did you see?"...


While the world around Komire was about to enter a chaotic time, Mother Nature and Death were hard at work to attempt to correct the madness that had become the Universe their Champion resided. several random rifts in space-time had fractured the divide between the Uncharted region, and the explored Galaxy... something they had set up to limit the destruction of a few troublesome creations of theirs a long time ago in their origional Universe. Things that they deemed far to dangerous to the existing Galaxy at large.

"This is not working! It's almost like the fabric of our Universe, and this alternate one are converging with a completely different Universe from somewhere else!" Death complained to her sister, who stood beside her helping as much as she could... after all, they knew exactly what was on the other side, and the galaxy would only burn with their release into an unprepared Galaxy.


"What was that Commander?"

"Not sure Matt, but whatever it was, I have a feeling it ain't good."

"You and me both Commander, I didnt even recognize what species she was... you think she was some sort of Zerg hybrid?"

"Not sure Matt, but one things for sure, this war against Mengsk is takin a weird turn." Said the Commander, as he looked to his armourd suits hand in confusion.

"Speaking of Mengsk..." Matt said, "... we have out numbered this corner fleet, and are currently doing cleanup, but there is one thing bothering me."

"Go ahead Matt, what's got your britches a twistin' ?"

"We have lost contact with several Battle cruisers, and even Gorgon class cruisers like the 'Aeronaught', and the 'Cavalier' when that girl appeared; And there are traces of Warp distortions in the areas of their last known coordinates." Matt said, the military suit he wore ruffling as he moved towards a relay station nearby from the command module.

"Hmm... you think we came across a spacial anomaly? Like the Protoss did a few months ago?" Asked the Commander, as he turned and faced the viewports, gazing at the battle raging outside in the vast expanse of space over Mar Sara.

"It could be sir, but the Protoss didnt mention anything about a Girl appearing on their sh.i.p.s at the time of the event... " said Matt Horner, the second in command... of Raynor's Raiders...

Over behind him, the Commander, Jim Raynor, had walked up and placed his armourd suits hand on his seconds shoulder, " She's gonna be fine Matt, after everything she went through with us, she hasn't 'Bitten the Bullet' yet..." looking back towards the battle outside, Jim continued, "... and besides that, we still have a 'Rebellion' on our hands, we'll have Stetman study the anomaly after this is over, he may have something afterwards that can help find her."

Breathing in deep, Matt stood straight and faced his Commander, and friend, "Your right sir... I'm just gonna have to postpone our drink for now."


" Brace the decking on floors Eight and Twelve! Get that blast door sealed on Seventeen, And will Someone, tell me what the Fu#$ just hit us!!!" Shouted an annoyed and yet beautiful woman, dressed in a skintight bodysuit with pulsing powerlines, and loose armor plating. Long brown hair flowed behind her as she swung her head side to side giving orders, a small gash above her left eye blinding her vision somewhat, and a broken set of advanced thermo-oculous scanners lay crooked on her head. The ship she was in command of was just shaken rather violently by something, and many of the systems, and relays in the bridge had exploded, causing untold amounts of damage. The truly startling part was, that she was abourd a Gorgan class Battle cruiser, and it still shook the ship, the amount of force needed to do such a thing was astronomical.

Surrounding this woman was many 'Command stations' that have definitely seen better days. while some seemed operational, those that weren't were surrounded by a rather sickening amount of blood, debris, and body parts of some of the previously active crew. a loosely made Defense Matrix had coated the bridge and other exposed parts of the vessel after the 'impact', its hexagonal energy bubble giving some light to the darkened bridge, who's only source of light at the moment was flashing red from the emergency system lights, and the glow of the operational terminals. The damage that could be seen however, was still extensive.

Some of the previous crew was alive, and soon reported to their captain after dragging themselves or hobbling over to their respective posts...

"Hull integrity at 60 percent, and we have breaches on multiple decks besides decks 8 and 12..." one officer, a young girl of no more than twenty-fiveish and also suffering from a minor head wound and what looked like a broken arm.

"Weapon systems... are at 20 percent... and the main cannon... is offline as well Captain..." weakly spoke the officer next to the young woman who spoke first; Alarge gash lay open on one of the mans legs, and one of his arms was twisted in a weird way, obviously broken in a few places.

Soon many other officers reported back as some medical personnel arrived a moment later through the blast doors behind them... but many as well, did not. Taking stock of her crew before her, she counted seventeen... that's less then half of the crew she had just a short while ago on the bridge. Many lay crushed under debris, or were probably lost to the of space. one such individual she could vaguely see in the corner of the bridge... with a couple peices of the railings stabbed into the him... seeing such a sight, she hoped the man didnt suffer before he died... she hoped all of them didnt.

"What about the Fleet? Can we raise Admiral Horner, or Commander Raynor?" said the Captain, as she pulled off her broken oculus piece and tossed it aside while a medic came up and started using their 'Energy scalpel' to work on the wound above her eye.

As a medic was patching the previous man's leg from the large gash in it, the man used his good arm to type commands into his station, since the medic was using Bio-enhancing stimulants to help heal his leg, he had more strength to do the task at hand and not keep over from blood loss. When he opened the frequency though, he only received static on the communicator.

"No response at all from the system Captain, but we are picking up the 'Aeronaught', 'Cavalier', and several other Cruisers in the area; they all have sustained some heavy damage as well according to the readouts."

"Get some Repair Drone out if we still have some online, and have them fix the hull breaches..." said the Captain, as she started typing commands into her Command chairs panel on the right armrest, only to frown at the results, " ... and can someone tell where we are?"


While the 'Gorgon' battle cruiser's captain was busy trying to salvage the most of her situation and the crew, off in the distance, there sat several smaller crafts.

they had seen the group of seven massive Battlecruisers seemingly appear out of nowhere, but stayed away because the sh.i.p.s were foreign, and looked like they were heavily damaged. with their cloaking fields active, the small patrol of sh.i.p.s relayed the information to their commanders. As the sh.i.p.s got closer... the symbol of the Chiss Asendancy stood proudly facing the damaged sh.i.p.s.

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