Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 37 - (Ch. 32) uncertainty...

Komire was currently pacing the room where the meeting was taking place, and an almost tangible silence reigned supreme. the man had been trying to contact Death through the Force... but was only met with more silence.

With a frown, Komire dons his helmet and turns to leave, Ahsoka quickly following behind. After she had told her Master what she had seen, a flash of recognition had sparked through his eyes that was visible to the young girl, and an even more intense pressure than before could be felt around the Je'daii as well.

The group watching this happen couldnt help but glance back and forth between themselves. the once stoic man now looked like the Galaxy was in a crisis.

which it was... in a way... but they didnt know that.

With everything that still needed to be done, the two Mandalorian sisters attempted to get the Vizla clan representatives to aid in the reconstruction of the standing Government, only to meet a roadblock in their attempt. The Vizlan duo of mother and daughter were adamant about uniting the Mandalorians under a single Banner, and re-establishing the 'old' system would hinder that... no, they wanted to go back to the True ways of the Mandalorians.

The way of the warriors, and where the honor of a persons 'Word' ment something. Not these false promises and lies that the more current government had been using to 'suppress' and 'advance' it's people.

The Mandalorians were feared for their prowess... they were feared for their strength... and through it all, they were Respected as a people that no one would cross lightly. The duo were adamant about their choice, and would see it through to the end... one way, or another.

There was one thing they took from this 'gathering' before they left though; A solemn respect for the man known as Komire. The two sisters gave each other a single glance as they watched as the Mother/daughter pair left, and that was all the Duchess, and the remaining attendees saw of them for that day.




Back with Komire as he walked through the makeshift Feild-hospital that the Republic had set up, he was still not getting any sort of reply from Death. No matter how many times he sent out a 'pulse' into the Force to get the womans attention, he got no reply.

"Master? Do you know what it was that I saw?" Ahsoka asked, as she ran up beside Komire, vaguely feeling the strange 'pulse' of Force energies with how close she was to her Master.

Komire glanced over at his apprentice, and signed though his nose. The possibilites that this event could be were few, and on an astronomical level of 'Fu$#ed up'. the thing is, Komire knew of only one ship in ANYTHING he had read, or seen in his past life to have such a shape, and that was from when he was heavily invested into Virtual Technology back on Earth... Starcraft 2, and Starcraft 3 VRMMORPG, and the iconic Terran Battle Cruisers...

Komire shook his head in frustration as he thought of what to say to his student, after a moment of silence, he spoke, "In this case, young Ahsoka, I cannot say; Although I do have an idea..." Turning to face his Apprentice, halting their walk in the middle of the pathway, "... but if it is what I am thinking, we have a Huge issue on our hands."


"We need a place to set up a temporary base of operations, are their any nearby systems with habitable worlds, with suitable resources to repair the sh.i.p.s?" the Captain asked, her long pony-tail swinging behind her as she walked the remains of the bridge to her ship.

Several of the available crew were attempting to compile as much information on their surroundings, and other nearby systems using probes launched from one of the available hangers that hadn't taken too much damage... but that was until a secondary proximity alarm sounded, then the Adjutant's synthetic voice came on over the system interface in the Captain's Chair armrest.

*Alert, Warp field energy signatures detected, recomend activating available defensive measures*

With the bridge in such bad shape after the disaster previously, the captain commanded her available crew as best she could, all while the available work drones which were attempting to get the systems, and terminals into better shape, were put on overdrive so that they can face against the new threat... even if the ship was damaged... it was still a Gorgon class Cruiser.

Looking outside the bubble of protective shielding, the Captain could clearly see several unknown spacecraft come out of cloak around her ship, and the nearby sh.i.p.s as well. Many of which were also scrambling to ready for an imminent assault at any moment, and those with working engines and tractor beams attempted to form a 'Wagon wheel' of sorts of all the available sh.i.p.s so the available weapons and firepower could help cover each other.

But what the Captain noticed right off the bat... was the lack thereof of any heavy cruisers or battle sh.i.p.s... the group surrounding them was what appeared to be a reconnaissance group. As the Captain thought this, there was a transmission being recieved from the surrounding sh.i.p.s.

The Captain told her officer to put the call through, and was shocked to see a blue skinned man with glowing scarlet eyes, the sight was... very peculiar, but so far the Captain couldnt see any Zerg infestation, and figured it might be some weird mutation from the planet the man inhabited.

Regardless, the captain signalled the gunners to be ready, as she heard the man speak... just in case.


Seeing a woman on the hollo-communicator, Thrawn began his first attempt at communication with the strange visitors. since there was no record of the ship designs, and the weird teck the woman seemed to be wearing, he figured they had just escaped a rough battle on the outer regions (edge of the uncharted space belonging to the Ssi-rou). And seeing how the sh.i.p.s were forming a rather 'airtight defence' before him through the bridge scanners, he figured that these were all military styled vessels, not something Thrawns small fleet of scout sh.i.p.s could take on... especially the three massive ones.

"This is Captain Thrawn of the Chiss Asendancy, you are trespassing in Chiss space, and are required to vacate immediately. " Thrawn said as his arms folded behind him.

Thawn was wearing the standard uniform of a Chiss Captain, which contrasted with his strict nature nicely, and gave the Captain on the other side of the communicator a 'domineering' impression of him... one she saw in Raynor when he grew serious...

While Thrawn waited for the womans response, he had glanced at her sh.i.p.s outside the trans-parasteal windows on his bridge, and it was at this moment the sh.i.p.s sensors rang in alarm.

"Captain, we are getting readings of high energy buildup on sections of the enemy crafts, permition to raise sheilds." an officer to Thrawns left announced.

Looking back towards the woman, he sees her in a perplexed state, and speaking with someone or something off screen from him. Curious, Thrawn gives the order to 'raise shields', and continues to watch this commander, and the tactical layout beside him. the sh.i.p.s were strange in design but looked capable, even if they were badly damaged. Thrawn was sure based on the readouts and the size of them, that it would be a very costly engagement if he provoked these strange people at this time... at least until the rest of the patrol Squadron arrived as backup. But Thrawn was more worried about the weaponry of the strange sh.i.p.s. the scans couldnt peirce the armored hulls to scan the inner workings of the weapons, so he was essentially in the dark on the 'enemies' capabilities... and that's not something he likes.

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