Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 39 - (ch. 33) The Galaxy at large...

While the Chiss and the remaining sh.i.p.s of Raynors Raiders were making contact, the Sith apprentice, Count Tyrannus, was having a stressful time in a meeting of the heads of the Confederate Systems. several of their planets had reported a 'Mass Extinction' or 'Eradication' on several of their planets... one or two such cases involved a 'super advanced' species of aliens that had Burnt the planets surface to be virtually uninhabitable, and their factories in ruins.

Others involved some sort of 'Parasitic plague' that invaded the worlds, forcing the planet to go dark... any attempt to locate survivors, or even send rescue teams, met utter failure. Droids were useless, and were in fact a waste of resources in such cases, as they seemed ineffective against this Parasitic enemy.

The only silver lining Dooku could see was that the Conflict amongst the inner members of the Confederate Systems were nonexistent. The heads of all the unions, and clans were working overtime to fight this new threat together, and were finnaly forming United fronts against a common enemy... sadly, it wasnt the Republic that earned their ire... but these new aliens in Wild space of the outer-rim. not to mention there were reports of other strange sightings and such throughout the sectors the Confederate Leadership inhabited.

With the R&D department heavily involved with the tech scavenged from the ancient outpost, and its reconstruction; there weren't many 'Biological' scientists to send to some of these strange sightings... some were called 'Rifts', and the like... but one thing is for sure... there WAS a form of First contact that had happened in multiple places... and it all went Horribly wrong at every one.

There had been rather large wreckage of once proud Providence class cruisers over several planets and moons involving the worlds that had either been 'destroyed' , or 'Infested' by the parasite like entity, or entities. Even the probe sh.i.p.s sending back the recordings would soon be destroyed soon after sending back their data... almost like the signal was a giant 'Hey I'm here, Kill me' to whatever, or whomever the invaders were.

Breathing deeply, Dooku's deep voice resonated within the Council chamber housing the Confederate meeting.

"We are all in agreement on this matter then?"

Looking around at the members before him, Dooku wanted to cement the unity he so 'happily' found amongst the group, and what better then a truly unified front against the new threats... his master would be somewhat pleased at the development... but not so much their target.

"We have decided to send an "Olive branch" as you have suggested... BEEEE-WHIIIIRE.... to promote a temporary ceasefire with the Republic." Wot-Tombor said through his cybernetic neck peice, turning the nob on his right collarbone area to adjust the frequency when it malfunctioned mid scentence.

"Good," Dooku said in reply, "Now who should we send with this message to the Republic?"

Over the next hour or so, the leaders of the Confederate systems debated on their chosen messenger... until only one name was mentioned.


"You have to be faster Ahsoka, your footwork is off, and your swings are far to telegraphed for battle." spoke the stern yet authoritative voice of Komire," You have to be fluid, and quick, dont move in such 'Wide' forms... isnt that the principle of form three in the first place?"

Ahsoka was thoroughly exhausted laying on her back after an unarmed combat exercise with her master... the feel of his hands as they grappled her, still fresh on her skin while he berated her attempt to defeat him this time.

Several days have passed since the meeting with the current heads of the factions on Mandalor, and still tensions were high between them. Throughout the subsequent period of minor 'arguments', Komire found a small courtyard to continue Ahsoka's training... which also involved the use of blasters and other such weaponry.

Ahsoka found the use of blasters and grenades 'Brutish', much like Kenobi; She took part in it anyways regardless of those thoughts however. Some Clone ARC troopers even joined in on the sharpshooter training Komire was giving, and were adding their own thoughts on the weaponry, and techniques used.

Even then, the ARC troopers that attended were heavily enlightened to uses of the weaponry, and its applications throughout the last couple of days. Ricocheting shots, blaster 'bombs', rifle modifications for close quarters, pistol usage, and rather effective, if yet basicly generic, 'Breaching' practices using charges, and 'mini reactor bombs', and Detonators.

The troopers were amazed at the level of knowledge Komire displayed, and for every trooper that left in the evening, would come the next day with his squad of clones... to the point that Komire was teaching almost a platoon of Commando, and ARC clone troopers alongside Ahsoka.

And although Ahsoka was now being considered a 'Master at Arms' by the GAR, which she achieved through her connection with the Force and her Masters teachings however, she was severely inadequate in both her Masters eyes... and her own. She was determined to best Komire one day, and that determination landed her in her current predicament... sweaty, and beaten on the floor with her Master squatted beside her dusty and bruised body, both berating her and healing her.

Which is a situation she found herself in alot over the last couple days since her training 'officially' started... and oddly enough... she was enjoying it.

"Now then..."

Ahsoka's attention was immediately snatched from her thoughts on her masters words when she saw him stand up.

"... We had better get you cleaned up, and ready for your weaponry lesson, your 'classmates' dont seem to like tardiness."

Hearing the teasing tone in her Masters words, she couldnt help the groan escaping her lips, but she still rose to her feet and headed toward the wash racks near the Feild Hospital set up by the Mandalorians, and the Clones. A smile creeping on her lips when she thought back to their spar... her skin still tingling with her Masters touch.


Meanwhile, as Komire stepped up on the material used in his lessons, Kenobi watched on intrigued, and was taking some pointers on the lessons Komire taught and the methods used, plus how the troopers reacted to the Je'daii and his... erratic tendencies to throw the training into chaos...

Obi-wan was still lightly chuckling at the latest antic of the man. as the Clones were required to hold themselves in a 'Handstand', and had to support their gear, and remain balanced. As Komire threw stones, and other small debris at them. the exercise seemed interesting to the middle aged Jedi, and one Obi-wan was definitely gonna try to train his next padawan learner, because the lesson taught 'Finer Body Control', and something called 'Mind over Matter', according to the Je'daii.

As Obi-wan stood admiring the ingenuity, and strict training, he couldnt help but hear Komires' biting words from the meeting beforehand several days prior, and the tone behind them...

...'Just grow up and get married already, ich meine komm schon!'...

Obi-wan may admit he held some feelings for the Duchess Satine when they were younger, but did that carry over to now? As the Jedi was pondering this point, he couldnt help but wonder what 'Ich meine Kim schon' ment?


With the involvement of Mandalor into the war, the other neutral systems had joined the Republic as well. seeing as the leader of their Neutrality was so brutally attacked by pirates, and the Separatists, as well as the quick response of the Grand army of the Republic, it gave the systems a clearer view of the conflict against the Separatists, and gave them a much better reason to support the Republics cause against the Unions of the Confederate Systems.

However, Palpatine was not so happy about the new development. the Mandalorian people were always a wild card that Palpy couldnt plan for.

With his last signal using the secret transmitter under his desk, he had called for the advancement of the 'Empirical Fleet' plan with the Kaminoins. The Cloners had been pumping out millions of Clone troopers in secret, besides the ones in use for the Republic currently. With the new army, Palpatine was going to try and advance his revenge against the Jedi, and the detestable Republic, and bring about the Grand Empire his Master and he had planned for so many decades.

What Palpatine didnt know, was that that transmitter had a secondary purpose... one that was hidden by his previous Master, Plaugus.

Off in the bowels of a desolate moon over an ancient battlefield of the Sith wars with debris scattered all around from the conflict, a monstrous machine of war began to stir. a factory so similar to a Starforge... but yet so... primitive compared to the masterpiece itself.

Within this floating Factory, several hundred stasis chambers 'hissed' open... to reveal the contents within...

With fog from the stasis chambers flooding the decks they rested on, the metallic beating of drums echoed from within the ancient construction. A single voice echoes from the dilapidated speakers...

"Signal 5, recieved, activate all units."

...was hundreds of HK assasin droids.

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