Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 42 - ( Ch. 35) Thoughts in Chaos...

Komire was both impressed by Dooku's temperament, and slightly confused as well. With everything happening in the Galaxy currently, it was not to far fetched to say it was a 'Cl.u.s.ter-Fu$&' at the moment. so it wasnt too hard to guess at the Siths presence with the current state of the Galaxy... even if he was cuffed, but that also spoke of the mans resolve, as he had stepped onto a planet ready to gut him at any moment, and at any time.

After a quick look around, Komire used the force to help alleviate some of Obi-wan's symptoms, which took effect almost immediately, and also thought about de-cuffing Dooku, who was recieving a death glare from all of the Mandalorians present.

Within the small meeting chamber Satine was wearing a gold trimmed, silver-plated staple Mandalorian armor, with her hand resting upon a pistol on her left hip. With all the grace of a ruler, Satine stood straight while behind her, several guards stood with Satine's sister. To her left was the Captain of the ship that had sent the signal to call all Mandalorians home, whom was later identified as the Matriarch of the Vizla clan. Next to the Matriarch stood Komire, while to Satin's right, was the enigmatic Jedi Skywalker, whom was looking worse for wear after arriving within the city, and Captain Rex beside him; while Obi-wan sat in a chair next to the table to Rex's left. leaving a rather large open space between Obi-wan and the Count on his left.

"No sense in holding you prisoner here when we are meeting on... moderately friendly terms wouldn't you say Dooku? Or should I call you Tyrannis?" Said Komire as the heavy energy Cuffs deactivated and clattered to the table before the Sith wannabe, when Komire swiped his hands at them; shutting down the mechanisms powering the Force suppressing cuffs.

Dooku was rather surprised with the actions of the new arrival, and was quickly trying to figure out the mans motive, but while he was attempting to do so, the aged Count merely nodded once towards Komire while rubbing his sore wrists. "Dooku, will be fine."

the actions of Komire also alarmed the other occupants of the room... two of which were very familiar with what could come from the Counts hands at a moments notice. Obi-wan merely sighed tiredly when he witnessed the cuffs disengage, but Anakin reached for his saber hilt... he wasnt about to be caught off guard and 'Zapped' while in the presence of the Force user.

Komires next words seemingly silenced any, and every argument that was about to spew forth from those present, which was the Captain of the Mandalorian sh.i.p.s from the previous meeting, Sabine, Anakin, Obi-wan, three holo-projected Mandalorian Clan heads, the Mandalorian Captain, Rex, and Dooku himself.

"I take it you wish for a alliance against the Protoss and the Zerg?"

"Absolutely Not, we will not form an alliance with sc.u.mbags who deal with Terrorists and Mass Murderers!" came an immediate response to Komires inquiries to the Count, from a rather agrivated Satine... only to be reconfirmed by the other Mandalorian representatives present.

Immediately the room goes somber, and the air turns heavy with seriousness.

"So, you heard." The Count comments into the silence room after a few seconds pass, still receiving a death glare from all Mandalorians present, as they were basically ignored, but in a show of great self restraint, they merely tightened their grip on their blasters.

Komire looks at all in attendance as he replies to the Counts statement, thankful that he was wearing his helmet to hide his face, "Not just heard, but I've fought them before..." thoughts of the VRMMORPG Komire had helped develop quickly passing through his thoughts.

The people present couldnt help but widen their eyes at that answer, many of the things they are hearing from the last couple days, is that the so called 'Protoss' have been going from planet to planet, and burning everything to ashes; And as several new questions began to form, Komire continued.

"... The Protoss, are an incredibly advanced alien race, and are actually not from our Galaxy, as well as the Zerg..."

Dooku abruptly straightened at those words, from his seat beside the conference table everyone was at, but still remained silent as Komire spoke on, everyone in their current seats were looking at the Je'daii in shock.

"... However, the Zerg are a parasitic type species that thrives in conflict... and is the ancient enemy of the Protoss."

"Would we be able to reason with the Protoss, or per chance the Zerg?" said an even more stressed Obi-wan Kenobi, whom took to rubbing the bridge of his nose with the heel of his right palm to stem what could only be an incoming headache, which was followed by several other such inquiries.

Questions were thrown around the chamber at the Je'daii, leaving Komire to explain the 'difficulties' of facing the Protoss, and to play off a little of what Komire knew about the Zerg. Komires favorite question so far came from Anakin, 'Why would they target the planets they did, if their enemy is the Zerg?'

Hearing the younger mans words, Komire couldnt help but think better of the Jedi, now that he was at least using his head and not just blindly charge into battle against a race that could destroy planets in a few hours, it wasnt much, but it was a start.

"The Protoss have a Caste type system as far as I remember, and yes we can be diplomatic towards the Protoss, they pride themselves as warriors... but the attacks on those planets is an unknown factor in this whole mess, like I mentioned previously, but the only thing I can think of is that they were provoked."

Those that were in the room deflated slightly, and in the silence, Satine was the first to speak.

"So, how are we to get in contact with these Protoss?"

"Well, that's the thing... I dont know where the are at the moment, and even back in the day, we couldnt break into their communication networks, they were the ones to initiate contact."

( This is gonna be a tough situation for the Galaxy, not to mention I dont even know what era of the Protoss I'm dealing with here...) Komire thought to himself as he glanced towards the others in the room, (...But I have no clue how to deal with the Zerg either, at least for right now.)

"Then we first must deal with the issue of a ceasefire until these... wildcards, are delt with, correct?" Dooku asks those assembled.

With a heavy sigh, and a quick glance towards Satine, Obi-wan voiced his agreement, even if he himself didnt believe what he was truly saying, since the man that had started the whole war in Obi-wan's eyes... was the one he was agreeing with, "I agree with Dooku on this, and I believe we should involve the Council, and the Chancellor in these discussions as well."

"Very well, we should get them before we begin discussions." Satine also agreed, casting a curious, yet slightly worried glance towards Obi-wan Kenobi. a glance that didnt escape Dooku's, or Komire's eyes, but Satine also sent a piercing gaze towards the Sith standing opposite her at the large table, her once calm pasifistic ideals gone, and replaced by her sisters, and people's hunger for vengeance, "But make no mistake, the Separatists will pay dearly for attacking Mandalor."


While the meeting continues, and the needed parties are made present, the negotiations for a ceasefire is hammered out, and is then to be put forth to the Senate by Chancellor Palpatine later on in the afternoon session of the Senate. All while Komire has minor panic attacks internally as he slowly saw several disastrous consequences of the choices the people around him may have just made, while thankfully he had his face covered.

while the madness the Galaxy was thrown into continued... a smaller war was being played out amongst an alien force, and a rag tag bunch of 'Assassins' over a decrepit moon.

Meanwhile, Ahsoka is off in the training field with the platoon she had been traveling with to put down the last remnants of the pirates and droids throughout the city.


Shouting... disbelief... chaos...

that was what could be said of the once stoic and peaceful atmosphere. the only one who wasnt partaking in the mayhem was a small green half sized Jedi master, and the taller dark skinned one beside him.

Seeing what the Galaxies peacekeepers had become, greatly saddened the aged alien. A once proud order, now on the precipice of divisions not seen since the time before the Sith wars.

The available members of the Council were in a very heated argument on what is to be done, now that two new hostile forces had emerged in the Galaxy. One wielding super advanced technology, while the other... was the one that had sparked such a heated argument before the green Master.

"We must answer the Senate on our stand against this threat!..." A Council member says, "... and we must assure the Senate that we will help fight against them as well!"

"We must first asses what this alien species is!" Another replied, "Not to mention we have never seen the level of technology these beings possess in the history of the Galaxy!"

"We dont know what they ARE, or what they have come here to do!" A third interjects, "What we do know, is that they are hostile to the planets of both the Republic, and the Separatists!"

"IT IS A THREAT TO THE GALAXY, AND MUST BE PURGED IF WE ARE TO SURVIVE!" said another of the alien Jedi Council members, speaking about the plague like events on several Mid-rim systems recently, its deep scratchy voice projected forcefully through its rebreather.

"Silence!" yelled the dark skinned Jedi beside the small green Master Yoda, "we have just finished discussing this with the... Je'daii, moments ago, we must first guarentee the defenses of all secured outposts, and planets still under our protection."

With the silence in the chambers, Mace Windu's words carried a ton of weight with them, as thoughts of the Thousands of Jedi dispersed throughout the Galaxy... and the most prevalent ones thought of were the ones that were cought in the areas the new aliens appeared in.

Before the conversation could delve back into chaos as it had not long ago, Master Yoda speaks, his ancient yet firm voice echoed within the Council chamber as the alien made its stance known to its peers.

"New, to the Jedi, this threat is, Gaurd the Republic, We Must."



Palpatine was extremely happy hearing about the chaos in the Galaxy, because it gave him a reason to impliment his hidden army sooner then he expected... the only downside being the fact they couldnt be made only loyal to him, and him alone.

With all the meetings planned and the senate hearing in a few minutes time, Palpatine was actually swamped at the moment. But that didn't deter the slippery Sith lord. The more work he got, means that they were 'relying more on his judgment then ever'.

Using what time Palpy had, there were dozens of coded messages sent, and several meetings postponed for the "Demanding" hearing about to take place... all but one.

Padme Amidala of Naboo was sitting in front of the man in question trying her damndest to secure a Jedi protection unit, and a moderately sized reserve force of clone troopers to accompany her to one of the worlds, 'currently under siege' to try and bring about a ceasefire with the aliens now known as the 'Protoss'.

Although the space battle is going poorly, it seemed that the brave 'Men' of the GAR were holding their own on the Ground, even if there were massive casualties, and more still being reported every time a signal is passed through.

Thinking heavily on this, Palpatine was about to decline, when the strange 'Je'daii' crossed his mind. Even without meeting the man from the past, Palpatine knew the man was dangerous to his plans, and that in and of itself, was all the Chancellor needed to try and remove him.

Looking to the pregnant senator, palpatine smiled warmly, and tried to 'turn her down' in a way, saying that 'the forces wouldn't be available unless we comission for more from the Kaminoins', and 'that the Jedi were spread thin enough as it is, and that he had no real way to order any of them to become an escort for her'.

Almost Instantly Padme suggests Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-wan Kenobi, whom were in the presence of the new 'Je'daii' on Mandalor currently. Since the planet was attacked almost a week or so ago, and it was stabilized currently, surely they could be spared.

Giving a small yet 'reassuring' smile Palpatine placated the Senator using his honeyed words, and had her gently escorted out, while he had to 'prepare for the coming hearing'. All while a cruel and wicked smile hid beneath his false appearance, and an evil laugh threatens to escape his lips. To Palpatine everything was going swimmingly... an enemy he can unite the people against has appeared, and he can finnaly push for more 'troops' in face of this new threat, maybe attempt to revise the 'Military Enforcement Clause' while hes at it.

Little did he know, it was about to get A Lot, harder then what he planned it to be, and not everything was dancing in the palms of his hands.

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