Star Wars Civilization

Chapter 248: Lu Jin wakes up

Xuexu looked at Shen Zheng and said something after a long while. |March 8th Literature

"Master, maybe you were also created by someone."

Shen Zheng spoke for a long time.

"Look, you have a plant insect fitness value of 98. As you said, this is the only one in the history of White Wolf." Xue Su analyzed seriously, "How come you have such a high fitness value? And why does a peerless genius with such a high fitness value have a matching value of zero when he is actually a plant insect?"

"This...should be a coincidence, right?" Shen Zheng said. [

"Well, that can be explained by this." Xuexu nodded, "It may also be that your physique is very special, so the analyzer cannot make correct analysis when planting insects. If that is the case, you just Just a genius. But..."

She looked at Shen Zheng and said seriously: "A genius, even if he is a peerless super genius, cannot implant any worm that has already produced larvae into his body."

"Yeah." Shen Zheng nodded slowly. "That's true."

"You made many attempts at that time, but in the end, only the foundation-building insect matched with you with a non-zero matching value. This can be said to be a coincidence, or it can be said to be fate." Xuexu continued, "Now let's look at the situation at that time - You find that mysterious bug and it's going to get into your head."


"Of course it doesn't want to give you power in a kind way. I think it must take your body as the energy for its evolution. But the strange thing is that not only did you fail to make it do so, but you turned it into a larva. 'Swallowed'. As you said, what you felt at that time was that the power of the Foundation Establishment Insect suddenly exerted a hundred times its power, allowing your damaged body to recover instantly. This recovery power was so powerful that it directly took over your brain. The bug digests and absorbs it and turns it into part of your bug power."


"Then you see, this is interesting." Xuexu smiled, "What if you hadn't implanted the foundation-building insect before? You, the genius, would have directly become the 'nutrition' for the larvae during that mission. "

"That's true..." Shen Zheng nodded slowly.

"Then when you put all this together, don't you think it's too much of a coincidence?" Xuesu said, "It's such a coincidence that your plant insect adaptation value is as high as 98, it's such a coincidence that you can only match the foundation-building insect, and it's such a coincidence that this foundation-building insect The power actually has the miraculous power to directly digest and absorb the unknown larvae into your power | 38 Literature."

Xuexu looked at him and asked, "Is it really such a coincidence?"

"But you said I was created, how is that possible?" Shen Zheng shook his head. "My parents are ordinary people, extremely ordinary..."

"Manufacturing is not just done in machines or laboratories." Xuesu said, "Aren't the human species, as well as the Holy Spirit Zerg, all created by this universe? And this universe, it's possible It was created by a certain cosmic origin insect hundreds of millions of years ago. Master, maybe you are a genius or a monster created by the tide of time or the general trend of the universe. It must have a purpose in creating you, otherwise it would not be possible. It could be such a coincidence that you encounter the larvae of the cosmic origin insect."

Shen Zheng fell silent, unable to refute Xuexu's words.

"You must be different, otherwise the encounter with the cosmic origin insect larvae will not be your luck, but your misfortune." Xuesu said.

"I don't know." Shen Zheng smiled bitterly, shook his head, and looked up at the sky.

"I was a little confused by what you said." He said slowly, "So I decided not to think about these things anymore. I am Shen Zheng, the master in your mouth, the only brother my sister can rely on, and Fang He's best friend . I want to keep getting stronger, for myself and for my family and friends, that’s enough.”

"Isn't it?" He lowered his head and looked at Xuexu, smiling faintly.

At this moment, the sound of coughing came from the wooden room. Shen Zheng and Xuexu hurried into the room and saw Lu Jin struggling to sit up. [

"Deputy Commander Lu, are you awake?" Shen Zheng greeted him happily and supported Lu Jin.

"Shen Zheng? Xue Su?" Lu Jin looked at them in surprise, "I wasn't dreaming, was I? A moment ago I was trapped in a cell in the Fourth Military Region, and when I woke up, it turned out... is this true?"

"The whole thing is quite a coincidence." Shen Zheng smiled, "I was extremely angry because of Mr. Luther and you that day, so I chased all the way and finally killed all those insect-men..."

"You?" Lu Jin was surprised, "You killed them all? Including the leader?"

"Yes." Shen Zheng said slowly, "I think I have gotten some justice for you, Mr. Luther, and several ordinary people in the military region."

"You were gone for so long, and you just sent such an unclear text message to Xiaoying. We thought..." Lu Jin sighed, "I really didn't expect you to actually kill them all. But then you go Where?"

"I asked them from their mouths who the mastermind behind the scenes was." Shen Zheng continued, "When I knew that it was the good deeds of the Fourth Military Region, I immediately made up my mind to make the Fourth Military Region pay the price. ! But my ability is limited. If my actions are known to others, not only will I not be able to get revenge, but I will be plotted by the other party. So I cut off all contact, disguised myself as an ordinary person with Xuexu, and spent more than a month traveling slowly. When we arrived at the Fourth Military Region, we planned to lurk there and look for opportunities to kill their insect melters one by one. Then when we were about to take action, we discovered something unusual about the headquarters, and Xuexu even discovered that you were imprisoned there. "

"Then you rescued me?" Lu Jin said in surprise, "It's too chaotic, it's too chaotic! Do you know the strength of the Fourth Military Region? Except for Zuo Yiling who is still in the military region, Long Yan The alliance has also sent a special commissioner. His strength is not inferior to Zuo Yiling. Either one of these two people is enough to kill you! No, you shouldn't risk it for me!"

"It's not an adventure." Shen Zheng smiled, "Look, haven't we rescued you safely now?"

"Didn't Zuo Yiling and that person notice?" Lu Jin asked in surprise.

"Of course they found it, and they chased us a long way away." Xue Su said with a smile, "We fought with them. I killed Zuo Yiling, and the master cut off the other's right arm and burned it. Well, I’ve avenged you.”

"What?" Lu Jin's eyes widened and he stared blankly at Xue Su and Shen Zheng.

"This..." Shen Zheng felt a little embarrassed when he mentioned this. "To be honest, that officer was very strong. I tried my best, but I could only barely survive. In the end, Xuexu helped me. I took advantage of the other person's distraction to cut off his arm."

"But..." Lu Jin looked at Shen Zheng, "But with your strength, you shouldn't even be able to barely save your life when facing him... Wait! Shen Zheng, has your insect power increased again?"

"I have already generated the virtual shape of the central Holy Spirit." Shen Zheng said, "And just last night, it further materialized."

As he spoke, the central Holy Spirit appeared in a virtual form next to him.

Lu Jin stared blankly at the virtual form of the Holy Spirit in the center. He was speechless for a long time. After a while, he suddenly laughed again: "Okay, okay! Shen Zheng, you are worthy of being a genius and a monster! This time How long did it take to reach this point? You have completely surpassed me!"

Shen Zheng was a little embarrassed: "It was just a fluke."

"A fluke?" Lu Jin shook his head and smiled, "If you can be so lucky all your life, can it still be called a fluke? Then it's ability and talent."

As he said that, he couldn't help but look at Xuesu: "Miss Xuesu, you are indeed a powerful master, and you actually killed Zuo Yiling. Thank you! Huh, the Fourth Military Region is in trouble this time. Even the Commander-in-Chief It’s over, haha, haha! No, it’s not just them, the Dragon Flame Alliance has also lost its face this time!”

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Shen Zheng waved his hand, "Deputy Commander Lu, how did they catch you there? Did they attack our military region again afterwards?"

"No." Lu Jin sighed, sadness showing in his eyes. "I was too impulsive. I came here alone to seek revenge on the Commander-in-Chief, but ended up falling into their trap. I thought it would be worth it to risk my life to support me, but I didn't expect Zuo Yiling and the Alliance The officers took action together, and I... fell into their hands."[

"How do you know it was the Fourth Military Region that was behind this?" Shen Zheng asked puzzledly.

"Shen Zheng, your time to become a strong man is too short, and you still don't know many things." Lu Jin smiled, "Let me tell you about it. On the surface, there are one hundred and eighty-four people on the White Wolf Star. Each country has its own interests and is constantly fighting openly and secretly. But in fact, the country is under the jurisdiction of military regions. No matter how big the dispute between countries in the same military region is, they cannot use force casually; and military regions are governed by military alliances, and military regions in the same alliance "

"A bigger organization?" Shen Zheng asked curiously.

"Planet General Headquarters." Lu Jin said, "The highest organization controlled by the Star Master."

"Star Master?" Shen Zheng nodded slowly, with a look of yearning in his eyes.

"Therefore, the entire world of White Wolf Star can be said to be a unified whole, and any fight between humans is just internal fighting." Lu Jin said, "So no matter how much the Fourth Military Region hates us, it will not dare to do it openly. Instead, they hired the insect clan."

"The problem is back to its original place." Shen Zheng smiled.

"You ask me why I know it was the Fourth Military Region that did it, just because of what I said." Lu Jin said, "The entire White Wolf Star is a unified world. The military alliances are not enemies of life and death, but partners and comrades-in-arms." , Therefore, it is not difficult to send people to sneak into other alliances and other military regions. "

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded, "Spy."

"Yes." Lu Jin nodded, "There must be spies from other military regions in our military region, and there must be spies from our military region in other military regions. Not all of the major alliances are loyal to their alliance."

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